
目录3-4摘要4-6Abstract6-8引言8-101.研究方法10-16 1.1 研究对象10 1.2 车间空气甲醛浓度的?定10-11 1.3 研究对象自觉症状调?11 1.4 研究生化指标检?11 1.5 血清甲醛-白蛋白加合物的?定11-13 1.6 外周血淋巴细胞胞质分裂阻滞微核实?13-162、结果16-21 2.1 研究对象作业环境空气中的甲醛浓度测定16 2.2 自觉症状方面调查16-17 2.3 外周血生化报标17-18 2.4 甲醛接触组与对照组微核率比较18 2.5 工龄对淋巴细胞微核影响18-19 2.6 性别对淋巴细胞微核影响19 2.7 血清FA-HSA水平的比较19 2.8 甲醛接触与微核形成的剂量效应关系19-213、讨论21-24参考文献24-27综述27-48 参考文献45-48致谢48-49
记者  芦燕娟;[N];济南日报;2006年
地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 大众知识服务
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, December 2014, Pages 383-390
Bile salts and the single-shot lethal injection method for killing crown-of-thorns sea stars (Acanthaster planci), , , , , , , , a ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australiab Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB No. 3, Townsville, Queensland 4810, Australiac James Cook University & School of Marine and Tropical Biology, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia&We report studies conducted prior operationalizing bile salts for widespread use in Australia.&Injecting Acanthaster planci with bile salts is the most rapid and effective way to kill A.&planci.&No flow-on effects on reef fish, corals, and other benthic invertebrates were observed.Given the threat posed by population outbreaks of Acanthaster planci to coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific, significant investment is being made to reduce the number of sea stars and their effects on coral assemblages, both through ongoing direct control programs and indirectly, through targeted improvements in water quality and fisheries management. In Australia, bile salts have recently replaced sodium bisulfate as the chemical used to inject, and thereby quickly and efficiently kill, individual sea stars. This study reports on results of experimental studies conducted prior operationalizing bile salts for widespread use on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, both to optimize doses of bile salts and further examine potential side-effects of administering low doses of bile salts into individual sea stars when found at high concentrations. This study showed that injecting A.&planci with 10&mL of 8&g&l&1 Bile Salts No. 3 or 12&g&l&1 of Oxgall solution into the base of the arm with a new gun adapted with a 16 Gauge x1/2& needle is the most rapid and effective way to kill individual A.&planci, which were up to 42&cm in diameter. No immediate flow-on effects on reef fish, corals, and other benthic invertebrates were observed in laboratory experiments and field surveys. Efficient control measures using bile derivatives can offer immediate relief from ongoing COTS predation, and when done in conjunction with improved land use practices that reduce nutrient input and establishment of protected areas to protect predator species, can offer benefits for the resilience of reef ecosystems.1. IntroductionPopulation outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns sea star (COTS), Acanthaster planci, remain one of the major causes of coral loss and habitat degradation on coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific ( ). On Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR), for example, outbreaks of A.&planci are reported to be one of the major contributors to sustained and ongoing declines in live coral cover ( ). There are also renewed and ongoing outbreaks of COTS on many other reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific (), which are causing widespread and often very significant levels of coral loss. Despite significant investment in addressing both declining water quality and over-fishing, effective management of COTS outbreaks is limited by equivocal understanding of the proximal causes of outbreaks in different times and places (); given uncertainty about the proximal causes of outbreaks, the most immediate solution (if only a stop gap measure) is to directly control outbreak populations, through hand collections of individual sea stars or in situ injections of toxic substances. The feasibility and effectiveness of large-scale (e.g., reef-wide) control programs has been continually questioned (e.g.,
) because it not clear that measures required to effectively protect small patches of reefs can be achieved simply by scaling up effort (e.g., number of diver hours) in proportion to reef area. T concerted efforts to kill and/or collect COTS in many locations throughout the Indo-Pacific (). Logically, the quicker and the more COTS are killed in a given reef with an outbreak population, the fewer corals will be damaged () and there will be reduced likelihood of successful fertilization once aggregations are broken up (  and ). As a&consequence of interrupting persistent COTS predation on corals, remnant patches can contribute to recovery via growth and sexual reproduction (). Thus, even minor improvements in efficiency and effectiveness of these programs could yield significant ecological and economic benefits.The most widely used chemical for injecting in to COTS is sodium bisulfate (). However, when using sodium bisulfate, each sea star has to be extracted from the reef matrix and then injected multiple times. Significant increases in efficiency could therefore, be achieved simply by using a chemical that could be administered with a single dose and anywhere on the sea star.
demonstrated that single injections of low concentrations of bile derivatives, particularly Oxgall and Bile Salts No. 3 induced rapid mortality in A.&planci (mostly within 24&h) in the Philippines and Guam. Bile is a digestive mixture produced by all vertebrates that aids in the digestion of lipids and it is composed of fatty acids, bile acids, inorganic salts, sulfates, bile pigments, cholesterol, mucin, lecithin, glycuronicacids, porphyrins, and urea ( ). Oxgall and Bile Salts No. 3 are derivatives of bile collected from bovines or ovines after they have been slaughtered. Oxgall (Difco&) is bile in its simplest form, comprising natural dehydrated fresh bile directly extracted from the bovine gall bladder. On the other hand Bile Salts No. 3 (Oxoid&) is a more refined mixture of sodium cholate and sodium deoxycholate that is prepared especially for use in MacConkey Agar and Violet Red Bile Agar. Bile Salts No. 3 is reported to be effective at less than one-third of the concentration of Oxgall. The main difference between these two products is that Oxbile N3 undergo a refining process that remove lipids and reduce the pigments in the bile, thus making it a useful component of selective broths (). Successful trials with the aforementioned products were conducted in the Philippines (), and have shown to have little negative effect on coral reef organisms. Being a novel substance to control A.&planci, further trials must be conducted in order to confirm the viability of this solution as a widespread control method as there are inherent differences in size, physical conditions, nutritional status, age, parasitism, etc between populations across the Indo-Pacific.The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of bile derivatives to be used as single-shot lethal injection method for killing crown-of-thorns sea stars (A.&planci) on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The specific aims of this study were to: (1) Determine the lethal doses of oxbile and oxgall solutions for the A.&planci on the Great Barrier Reef, which are generally larger than those used in previous studies (e.g., Philippines,
) and compare the rate of mortality (time until death) in A.&planci injected in different parts of the body and with different concentrations of Bile Salts and O (2) test the efficiency of injection guns used to administer bile solution in A.&planci; (3) assess possible flow-on effects of injected COTS on fish, corals, a (4) compare the efficacy of bile and dry acid solutions and (5) monitor immediate flow-on effects on fish that approach or bite injected A.&planci in the field and assess the health of coral species in close proximity to injected sea stars.2. Materials and methods2.1. A.&planci collection and maintenance conditionsThe study was conducted at Lizard Island (14&40&S, 145&27&E), northern GBR, Australia. A total of 220 sea stars, ranging in size from 30 to 42&cm diameter were collected from back reef environments at Lizard Island. Specimens were immediately transported to the Lizard Island Research Station and kept in large holding tanks (2.7&m&&&1.6&m&&&0.5&m) with constant flow of ambient seawater (mean temperature&=&26&&C, salinity&=&33&ppt, pH&=&8.3). All sea stars were left to acclimatize for 3 days. Weak or injured individuals were discarded.2.2. Bile derivatives testedTwo types of bile derivatives were used for tank experiments to determine which solution to use in transmission experiments and field tests: (1) Oxgall (Difco&), which is a purified and dehydrated form of fresh bovine bile, and (2) Bile Salts No. 3 (Oxoid&), which is a refined fraction of bile acid salts widely used as a selective inhibitory agent in culture media. Two stock solutions at different concentrations were prepared for each bile derivative: (1) Oxgall at 6&g&l&1 and 12&g&l&1, and Bile Salts No. 3 at 4&g&l&1 and 8&g&l&1. Four g&l&1 of Bile Salts No. 3 and 6&g&l&1 of Oxgall were the minimum concentrations of each substance known to induce 100% mortality based on previous tank experiments conducted in the Philippines, albeit with much smaller sea stars (ca. 15&22&cm diameter) (). Due to the larger size of COTS used in this study and a&marked delay in the time to death (&40&h), higher concentrations (8&g&l&1 Bile Salts No. 3 and 12&g&l&1 of Oxgall) were also tested. To prepare the solutions, the aforementioned amounts were added to 1&L of distilled water in a flask and stirred at room temperature until the powder was completely dissolved. The flasks were covered in aluminum foil and stored at room temperature before use.
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> Abstract
Centre for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA) at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Ruprecht-Karls University, Heidelberg, Germany
Correspondence to: Kurt Vesterager Gothelf,
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