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英文翻译guessing gamespuzzles and riddles&&&&g conun ...&&&& inform&&&&guess a riddle enigmaconundrummysteryp ...&&&& conundrum
谜语猜释 guess and ...&&&&1.(猜谜底) solve riddles2 ...&&&&propose a riddle&&&&riddle&&&&panellist&&&&guess gaines&&&&quiz program&&&&panelist&&&&plz&&&&thr3e&&&&1.(一种娱乐节目) quiz game2.(一种比赛) guessing
...&&&&kanji de puzzle
例句与用法But first, you'd better see if you can answer riddles .但是你首先最好想想你会不会猜谜语。Ah , i hate riddles啊,我恨猜谜语。 I m glad they ve begun asking riddles . - i believe i can guess that , she added aloud爱丽丝想, “我很高兴猜谜语,我一定能猜出来, ”她大声说。 I understand you very well , " said the little prince . " but why do you always speak in riddles ?小王子说, “但是你为什么说话总是象让人猜谜语似的? ” They were singing , guessing the answers to riddles and playing games . i joined them and played joyously大家都在唱歌猜谜语做游戏,我也加进去,玩得好高兴。 The most interesting activity is guessing riddles . let the students guess some riddles while enjoying the music最重要的活动就是猜谜语,让学生在欣赏音乐中猜谜语。 I don ' t have time for more riddles . if you have something to say , then say it . otherwise , i will be on my way我没时间猜谜语,如果你想说什么,那就快说。不然我就走了。 One day , he went to the king : " your majesty , i heard that you like riddles and i have a riddle for you .去求见齐威王,说: “听说大王喜欢猜谜语,我有个谜语,想说给大王听听。 ” Games : you deserve a break ! word games , mazes , riddles , and fill - in - the - blanks entertain your brain游戏:休息,休息一下!单词游戏,走迷宫,猜谜语,填空格!是时间放松一下大脑了! They are troubleshooters . software testers are good at figuring out why something doesn ' t work . they love puzzles他们是解决问题专家。软件测试人员善于指出为什么有些东西不能工作。他们喜欢猜谜语。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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