百度管理员!你 日剧mother百度网盘 就是 2

用英语解释句子!就是同义句转换.英译英那种.1.My mother is concerned about my exams.2.I consider helping Mum do some housework.3.This box contains some chocolate.4.His job is to deliver letters to people.5.Can you describe your father to us?6.When I got home ,my family were at table.7.Doctor Wang is familiar to us all.8.Where else shall we visit?9.I have quiet a few friends here.10.My teacher enclosed a school report with the letter.11.He is all in after running.12.What's the height of Mount Emei?13.Seconds later she came up with a wonderful idea.英译英的啦,用英语解释同义句的啦.. chicken0983 1.My mother is worried about my exams.2.I 'm thinking of helping Mum do some housework.3.There are some chocolate in the box.4.His job is sending letters to people.5.Can you tell us something about your father?6.When I got home ,my family were having dinner.7.We all know Doctor Wang very well.8.Are there any other places shall we visit?9.I have a lot of friends here.10.My teacher sent the letter together with a school report.11.He is exhausted after running.12.How tall is Mount Emei?13.Soon she 's got a wonderful idea. 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 1.我的哥哥很关心我的考试2.我相帮妈妈做一些家务3.这些盒子装了一些巧克力4.他的工作是给别人送信5.你可以向我们秒速一下你的爸爸吗6.当我回到家,我的家人都在吃饭7.我们都很熟悉王医生8.我们还可以去哪里9.我在这儿有一些朋友10.我的老师把一份学校报告有信封装起来了11.他跑完步后累极了


