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3DS GW2.6固件&更新步骤教程
Here we are today with another quick update!
While we are still working on the savegame features we promised, at the same time we also have other features in the works.
One of these other features was just finished and we were so excited that we could not wait any longer to share it with our users!
So what&s the new feature? Support for DevMenu and many other debug System Applications!
With DevMenu you can now install CIA archives straight into the SD card and launch games from there.
You can even take out the Gateway red card after booting into Gateway mode and still play the game from SD!
Note: we only recommend installing CIA to SD with emunand enabled.
Also, this means homebrew applications now have access to many more services!
As always, ENJOY !
最近太忙 没有第一时间更新,抱歉了
简单的说一下这次的GW2.6 这次增加了支持DevMenu&&以及CIA格式游戏. 这么这两个是什么东西呢? 导入CIA格式的游戏会类似从ESHOP下载游戏一样. 游戏会放在你的SD卡里面.
就是说可以脱离红卡运行游戏.. 而且CIA格式包括DLC和补丁... 这样美版的同学 也可以打入日版的游戏补丁了
GW2.6固件下载地址: /s/1i3zLXrv&&
DevMenu的下载地址: /s/1eQowL7k
Yesterday a new
system update was released which broke some emunand functionality.
But do not worry as we already have a new version ready for you guys!
This is another quick emunand firmware update before we bring out the real big guns!
Our latest firmware brings back full emunand support to 9.2.0-20:
* firmware spoofing
* multirom menu
* region free
We&ve gotten lots of inquiries about the New 3DS. There&s little we can officially disclose at this moment but we can safely assure you we have some tricks up our sleeves.
Also did you know: with Gateway 3DS, you can fit over 10 times 10 games on a single 128GB microSD and conveniently select them from a fancy multirom menu!
简单的来说就是支持虚拟最新的9.2.0-20系统(注意看仔细...是支持虚拟系统9.2.0 不是支持原生态系统9.2.0)
另外的就是没有ROM限制...你可以放10X10的游戏在128G SD卡里面...嗯.. 没有其他烧录卡所谓的10游戏限制
使用方法到最下面去看... 换汤不换药
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Today we are proud to present Gateway firmware OMEGA 2.4b!
As promised we bring support for 9.x emunand so everyone can enjoy the new themes feature!
As always, ENJOY!
2.4b现在支持9.1系统... 升级方法如下. 步骤全部一样....
Early this week we released our latest Gateway OMEGA 2.3b firmware to our beta testers.
We have received a lot of positive feedback from our beta testers and we would like to thank them for taking the time to test the latest update.
Our beta testers have mentioned a few minor issues:
*&&The Gameboy Advance virtual console games and DSiWare are not working yet.
We acknowledge this and we will try to get it working after the next firmware release.
*&&Emunand 8.x boots up slower.
We have observed this too for some brands of SD cards. We suggest our users to try a different brand or a faster SD card.
Other than that no major issues have been observed so far, so we decided it&s time for a public release!
You can find the latest firmware Gateway OMEGA 2.3b in the Downloads section.
As always, ENJOY!
我就不做过多翻译了,虚拟系统可升级8.1 支持上ESHOP.
目前有2个问题, 1是 VC游戏和DSIWare游戏无法运行. 2是虚拟系统8.X 系统启动速度比较慢.(有可能是某些TF卡牌子的问题,请换TF尝试)
解压缩文件之后会看见这几个东西 内容来自dedecms
Blue Card (R4i) 是刷蓝卡用的. 如果不是第一次使用刷GW的同学 可以直接无视这个.
第一次使用GW的同学 请把里面的内容拷贝到蓝卡里面 按照提示步骤进行刷机
GW_OMEGA_2.6 是2.6固件文件,里面有一个名字为 &Launcher& 的文件. 请拷贝到3DS的SD卡里面.
不是第一次使用GW的同学,无须刷蓝卡. 直接替换固件便可使用
GW_rom_splitter_tools 是个游戏ROM超过4G且TF卡格式为FAT32的同学使用的. 这个软件是用来切割ROM.把4G以上的游戏ROM切割成2份.
一般情况下不会使用. 或者直接把TF卡格式化成exFAT格式
有人问我虚拟系统的制作方法... 好吧,那我就再讲一次
首先... 请确定你能联网,做好WIFI设置. 这里我就不详细赘述了 织梦内容管理系统
1.拷贝好Launcher文件,刷完蓝卡之后. 进入设置,右下下角那个图标点进去,选择第一项..然后然后在Nintendo DS Profie(最后一个选项)这里 按住L不放 按A进入GW菜单,或者不插红卡也可以直接进入GW菜单
进去首先选择&BACKUP SYSTEM NAND&来备份系统NAND,这样就算误升级,也可以通过拆机的方法硬降级。备份之后的NAND文件会在你3DS里的SD卡里面. 请自行保存好.
2.保存完毕你的NAND以及SD卡上所有数据之后,再次进入GW菜单选择&Format emuNAND& 这会格式化你SD卡上的所有东西 并且你会发现你的SD卡少了1G的空间(GW会自动切出来一个1G隐藏空间放虚拟系统)
3.格式化完之后进入GW模式(红鞋子)----然后进入系统设置, 如果上屏右下角系统版本号显示GW3D 4.X.X的字样表示你虚拟系统制作成功.(打个比方 如果你的机器是日版4.5系统 则会显示GW3D 4.5.0j 字样.)
如果系统版本没有GW3D前缀... 不好意思 请从新来过 copyright dedecms
4.确定有系统版本号有GW3D 前缀后,不要退出设置.进入&Other Settings&,选择&System Update& 升级你的系统.(既然有同学问了,我就说明一下...需要在WIFI环境下才行)升级成功后. 恭喜你,制作完成虚拟系统
再次强调一下,看清红字. 如果自己手误把原系统升级了,那会很麻烦很麻烦.
1. 别乱动...安心玩的你烧录卡
2. 初始原4.X系统. 这样原系统会生成一个不同于你虚拟系统的ID.
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1. 建议先在SD卡上建立一个CIA文件夹用于方便存放CIA文件.
2. 把DevMenu ROM拷入你的TF卡里面.
3. 升级完2.6之后, 正常进入GW模式. 按按slecect键,找到Devmenu运行
4. 进入后,找到你的CIA文件夹(或者你存放CIA文件的地方) 选择Import导入. 有个小技巧就是L+R+A可以导入文件夹下所有的.cia文件
5. 之后你就可以在你的界面看见游戏了(图片来自BUS首页)
& 织梦内容管理系统
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