psp版罪恶都市的pirateradiopodcast Radio电台中歌曲名

PSP GTA Liberty City Stories /GTA罪恶都市 自由城 播放你自己的电台音乐 - 教程
看到很多PSP朋友在找如何让PSP版本的 GTA Liberty City Stories 播放自己想要的音乐,所以偶找了一下,发现一个官方的工具以及教程,特此翻译一下给大家,希望能帮助有此需要的朋友们!
1、你需要一个PSP版本的 GTA Liberty City Stories 游戏不区分版本(日版、美版均可),并且存档过一次
(846.87 KB)
下载次数: 674
& &&&注意:解压密码为小写的 &
4、查看PSP的记忆棒 S***EDATA 里面的 ULES00151S0 存档(罪恶都市 自由之城的存档)
& &&&如果是GTA Vice City 则叫做:ULES00502CUSTOMTRACKS
& &&&备注一下:这里很奇怪,本来我们讨论的是 GTA Liberty City Stories,但英文版教程这里说法貌似支持其他GTA版本
6、启动你刚才***在电脑上面的 Codemasters 程序,选择你要转换的MP3或者抓取CD音轨,然后把路径指向刚才PSP建立的文件夹
7、转换MP3或者抓取CD之后,进入你刚才PSP建立的文件夹 把里面的 *.toc 文件 改名为 *.gta
8、现在进入GTA游戏,在 audio options 里面就可以看到你刚才自己搞的音乐了
IGN网站的那个转换工具,貌似不支持MP3来转换,只能是CD抓轨,上面给的附件是可以抓CD也可以转换MP3的! 本帖最后由 PGVC视频组 于
02:18 编辑
GTA Liberty City Stories – Custom Soundtracks
Picked up GTA:Liberty City Stories for the PSP today. Great game – if you liked any of the other GTA games you’ll love this. One warning – it gets of to a very slow start but then the missions start to pick up. Another warning – the soundtracks included in the game are mince which is something of a letdown as the GTA games have become renowned for their use of music.
However Rockstar have included a custom soundtrack feature which allows you to play your own tracks from the PSP’s memory disk. Way! The problem is this feature won’t play mp3′s from the memory stick – you need to use Rockstar’s software () to convert music to their format and transfer that to the PSP. An added twist is that the utility will not covert mp3′s to their own format – only music ripped from a bought music CD using their utility can be used. Boo! There is another way…
Codemasters also had a custom soundtrack feature for their Toca game on the PSP. They also used a utility to convert music to a PSP format – the difference is that their utility allowed you to convert mp3′s from your hard disk as well as music CD’s. Therefore:
1) Download the Codemasters utility –&&
2) Make sure you have a game save for GTA on your PSP memory disk
3) Install the Codemasters utility on your PC
4) Connect the PSP to your PC in USB mode.
5) Goto the folder PSP and then S***EDATA – look for the name of your GTA gamesave folder. For me it was ULES00151S0
6) Now you need to create a new folder in S***EDATA that holds the custom soundtracks. Using the name of the game save folder remove the final S0 and add CUSTOMTRACKS – create a folder using this name. So for me my GTA music folder is called ULES00151CUSTOMTRACKS. Note that is a new folder – NOT the game folder renamed. For Vice City name the folder ULES00502CUSTOMTRACKS.
7) Fire up the Codemasters utility on the PC, select mp3′s from the hard disk or a music CD, select the custom tracks folder created above and convert your music.
8) Once converted, goto the custom tracks folder and rename all the files from *.toc to *.gta
9) Fire up GTA, select custom soundtrack in audio options and enjoy your own music.
It’s ironic that Rockstar, a company who have made money out of glamorizing drug trafficing, prostitution, stabbing, shooting, car theft, killing of innocents and now gang violence, have taken the moral high ground and limited their software to bought music only. You really have got to laugh.
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本帖最后由 寒灯独夜人 于
13:59 编辑 龙腾网
Video games are overlooked as a music discovery medium. When I thought blink-182 was a relic of my middle school years, Madden NFL 2004 introduced me to “Feeling This” back when it was called “Action” and guaranteed that they’d be cool for at least another year. Goosebumps was my main priority in 1996, so I missed Xzibit’s “Paparazzi” when it first hit, but became obsessed with it when Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 put me on five years later. Run-D.M.C.’s “King of Rock” and Gang Starr’s “Moment of Truth” might be all-time hip-hop classics, but I didn’t even know about them until I heard them in Thrasher: Skate and Destroy and Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2, respectively. No franchise has introduced me to more music than Grand Theft Auto, though, and with the release of Grand Theft Auto V, it feels like an appropriate subject to revisit.It started with Grand Theft Auto III in 2001. In-game radio stations were a revolutionary new concept. Flashback 95.6 ran a 1980s pop format that culled all of its material from Giorgio Moroder’s Scarfacesoundtrack. Thus, Debbie Harry’s “Rush Rush,” Paul Engemann’s “Push It to the Limit,” and Amy Holland’s “She’s on Fire” were dear to me before I even saw Scarface or got into songs by Cam’ron, Rick Ross, and Lil Wayne that sampled those records.The highlight of Grand Theft Auto III’s music selection came in the form of Game FM, the title’s most vast, and best, radio station. Underground rap from Black Rob, Royce da 5’9”, Sean Price, Nature, Pretty Ugly, and JoJo Pellegrino blasting during every mission changed the way we connect music with an interactive experience. You haven’t lived until you’ve done a drive-by on virtual pedestrians while Agallah screams, “And we gon give this all that we got, keep rising to the top.” There’s a cognitive association between those songs and animated violence for which I have an unwavering appreciation.By the following year, 1980s nostalgia was in full swing. It was 2002 and we were far enough removed from the decade to start appropriating it. Retro throwback jerseys were an omnipresent nod to the past. Movies like Paid in Full hipped a new generation to the cultural movements of the time. I skipped school one day to watch a marathon of VH1’s I Love the ‘80s and learn more about the pop culture of the era, and for a moment, I was legitimately depressed that I wasn’t alive for more than 13 months of the ‘80s.Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was the remedy to this. It was the closest I could come to an active, immersive participation in the culture of the decade. You could dress Tommy Vercetti up in pastel Miami Vice-inspired suits. You could race through South Beach in ‘80s-model supercars. But the most important part of this experience was the music. In keeping with the theme, the radio stations were comprised of music almost entirely from the ‘80s. Emotion 98.3 covered soft rock, Fever 105 was R&B, Flash FM handled pop, V-Rock’s format was metal, Wave 103 did New Wave, and Wildstyle Pirate Radio played old-school hip-hop.There were over 100 songs in Vice City, most of which I’d never heard, or only heard in passing in elevators and grocery stores and dentist offices over the course of my adolescence. As a kid who was just beginning to develop my own musical tastes and explore beyond what was made available to me on MTV and the radio, it was exhilarating. I learned just as much from Vice City as I did from
just a few months prior.
电子游戏作为一种发现新音乐的媒介,经常会被人们忽略。当初我以为 Blink-182 气数已尽,将跟随我的中学时代一起成为过去,但《疯狂橄榄球2004》(Madden NFL 2004)让我听到了他们的“Action”——当时歌名还没被改成“Feeling This”,我由此确信,Blink-182 至少还会再红一年。在1996年,看惊险小说《鸡皮疙瘩》(Goosebump)成了我最重要的事,Xzibit 的金曲“Paparazzi”发布被我完全忽略。
但五年后,因为痴迷于《托尼·霍克职业滑板高手2》(Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2),我听到了这首歌并为之沉醉。Run-D.M.C. 的 “King of Rock” 和 Gang Starr 的 “Moment of Truth” 称得上是 hip-hop 音乐空前绝后的经典,但要不是因为《Thrasher:Skate and Destroy》和《Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2》两款游戏,我恐怕永远都不会知道这些歌曲。然而,让我与新音乐产生最多接触的电子游戏莫过于《侠盗猎车手》(GRAND THEFT AUTO)。借着《侠盗列车手5》(GTA 5)面世的契机,我必须得跟大家聊一聊GTA当中的牛逼音乐。
游戏内植入音乐电台的革命性概念从2001年的 GTA 3 开始被采用,Flashback 95.6 播放的80年代流行歌曲大都从 Giorgio Moroder 创作的《疤面煞星》(Scarface)电影原声中挑选出来。当时我还没有看过《疤面煞星》,但游戏中Debbie Harry的“Rush Rush”,Paul Engemann 的 “Push It to the Limit” 和 Amy Holland 的 “She's on Fire” 都深得我心。
我认为 GTA 3 游戏配乐的最大亮点是 Game FM ——这一代游戏中最刺激的电台。Black Rob,Royce da 5'9,Sean Price,Nature,Pretty Ugly 和 JoJo Pellegrino 等人的地下说唱歌曲随着游戏任务的发展依次在耳边响起,这种将你不断带入剧情的互动式体验改变了我们听音乐的传统方式。一边听着Agallah的尖叫,一边开着车朝虚拟的行人射击,这种刺激感只有真正玩过游戏的人才知道。“And we gon give this all that we got, keep rising to the top.” 歌曲和虚拟的暴力场景完美融合,这就是我对 GTA 这款游戏最喜欢的地方。& && &
到了第二年,也就是2002年,我们已经离80年代足够久远,怀旧情绪开始四处弥漫,复古运动服无处不在,像《全款交收》(Paid in Full)这样的一些电影将我们这一代人完全带入当时的文化情景当中。为了看VH1频道播出的 “I Love the '80s” ,我逃学了整整一天。而且,在很长一段时间里,我把自己打扮得跟80年代的人没有任何区别。
一切在《侠盗列车手:罪恶都市》(Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)有了进一步的补充。在了解80年代文化的过程中,这是我所经历的最刺激,最感同身受的体验。你可以给 Tommy Vercetti 穿上《迈阿密风云》里的服装,驾驶各种复古的超级跑车,穿越南部海滩。但最主要的体验还是在音乐上,音乐和游戏主题的联系非常紧密,电台播放的歌曲几乎都是80年代的。Emotion 98.3 是 soft rock,Fever 105 是 R&B ,Flash Fm 播放pop,V-Rock 播放 metal,Wave 103 播放 New Wave,而 Wildstyle Pirate Radio 播放old-school hip-hop。
《罪恶都市》里面的歌曲超过100首,很多我从来都没有听过,或者只在上电梯,去小卖部或者看牙医的时候偶尔听到。那时的我刚开始培养自己的音乐喜好,正如饥似渴地寻找着来自 MTV 和流行乐电台以外的声音,那种挖宝藏一般的感觉令人兴奋。从《罪恶都市》和同时期出版的《The Source杂志第150期特刊》(The Greastest MC, Albums and Moments)当中,我学到了很多重要的东西。
I heard The Buggles’ “Video Killed The Radio Star” in Vice City before I ever saw Empire Records. Because ofVice City, I know about Spandau Ballet’s “Gold,” and not just “True.” I didn’t get the A Flock of Seagulls haircut reference in Pulp Fiction until I heard “I Ran (So Far Away)” in the game’s commercials and proceeded to research the band. I sing along to Animotion’s “Obsession” when it comes on satellite radio and like to give off the impression that I’m some really cultured dude who knows so much about ‘80s pop music, but really, I just played the fuck out of Vice City when I was a teenager.Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas came out two years later, and by then, I had more resources for discovering music. Wikipedia had gotten popular. I was good about Googling lyrics to songs I’d never heard and figuring things out. But San Andreas still exposed me to a lot. It had even more songs, and though not as many of them were ones I’d be hearing for the first time, there was still an overall feeling of enlightenment. Classic rock station K-DST put me onto Rod Stewart’s “Young Turks” and now I think it’s the greatest love song ever. I’d already spent a few years educating myself about essential hip-hop records from before my time, but San Andreas still introduced me to gems like Compton’s Most Wanted’s “Hood Took Me Under.” It’s those little revelations that I look back at with fond memories.Nearly four years later, Grand Theft Auto IV dropped. The number of songs in the game doubled, but compared to previous games, the soundtrack felt like an afterthought. Perhaps it was the contemporary setting took away the novelty factor, or maybe it was because, seven years after Grand Theft Auto III, there was generally less awe over the idea of in-game radio stations. Either way, the game’s music didn’t impact the same way. Kanye West’s “Flashing Lights” and LCD Soundsystem’s “Get Innocuous” were nice to hear, and because of the game, I have a soft spot for Swizz Beatz’s “Top Down,” but appeal of the soundtrack was undeniably diminished.I haven’t played Grand Theft Auto V yet, but it looks like Rockstar’s back to making the in-game music meaningful. A$AP Rocky, Future, Wavves, and Tyler, the Creator made new songs specifically for the game. Flying Lotus has his own station. Other selections span from Warren G’s “Regulate” to Fergie’s “Glamorous” to Chief Keef’s “Love Sosa.” That’s promising. I don’t want to feel undersold just because the game has a present day setting, and from speaking with people who’ve played it, it seems like I won’t be. I know the experience of discovering classics for the first time because of a video game won’t happen this time around, but I’m not looking for that anymore. The series already made its mark on me. As long as the approach to music in Grand Theft Auto V is once again an ambitious undertaking, I think I’ll be alright.
我在《罪恶都市》里第一次听到Buggles的名曲 “Video Killed The Radio Star”,当时根本不知道什么 Empire Records 唱片公司。此外,还有 Spandau Ballet 的经典歌曲 “Gold” —— 一般人可能只听过他们最耳熟能详的 “True”。而要不是在游戏宣传片里听到 “I Ran(So Far Away)”,我也不会去查 A Flock of Seagulls 这个乐队,并且最终剪了一个《低俗小说》里 Burr Steers 那样的发型。当 Animotion 的 “Obsession” 刚开始在卫星电台播放时,我已经能够跟着歌曲哼唱,这让我看起来很像一个80年代流行文化的行家,但其实,我只是《罪恶都市》玩得比较熟而已。
《侠盗列车手:圣安地列斯》(Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)在两年之后推出。在那时,寻找音乐有了相对更多的渠道。维基百科开始流行,从 Google 上查找歌词和相关信息也已非常方便。但《圣安地列斯》依然令我收获良多。游戏里包含的歌曲比上一代更多,虽然没听过的歌占的比例缩小了,但我依旧有一种醍醐灌顶的感觉。老摇滚电台 K-DST 播放 Rod Stewart 的 “Young Turks” —— 这才是世界上最棒的情歌。多年来,我一直在钻研各种重要的 Hip-hop 老专辑,而《圣安地列斯》里面 Compton's Most Wanted 的歌曲 “Hood Took Me Under” 让我如获至宝。每次回忆起那些在游戏中获得的音乐启迪,我的心中都十分感动。
大概四年后,GTA 4 终于发布,游戏里的音乐又增加了一倍。但与之前几代相比,配乐的选择好像不是非常考究。或许是 GTA 4 现代大都市的环境设定冲淡了游戏的音乐特色,也可能在 GTA 3 发布七年以后,将音乐电台植入游戏的概念已不再受重视。不管怎样,GTA 4 的音乐并没有对我产生太大影响。Kanye West 的 “Flashing Lights” 和 LCD Soundsystem 的 “Get Innocuous” 非常好听,在游戏中,我还发现了 Swizz Beatz 的 “Top Down”,可谓一个小小的收获,但是游戏配乐对我的吸引力明显减弱了。
我还没有玩 GTA 5,但貌似 Rockstar 公司又开始把游戏音乐做起来了。A$AP Rocky, Odd Future, Wavves 和 Tyler,音乐人们开始为游戏专门创作新歌。
Flying Lotus 在游戏中有他自己专属的电台。其他歌曲还包括 Warren G 的 Regulate,Fergie 的Glamorous,Chief Keef 的 Love Sosa 等等,看起来都很不错的样子。我认为,游戏环境虽然被设定在当下与现实同步,内容却不能显得廉价。根据已经玩过 GTA 5 的玩家们的评价,我想我不会失望。在如今的游戏世界里,发现经典之作的那种惊喜的快感已经很难再体验到了。不过,我也早已不再奢求这种乐趣,《侠盗猎车手》系列早已在我心中打下深深烙印。看到 GTA 5 又再次雄心勃勃地开发游戏配乐,我已感到心满意足。
本帖最后由 面带微笑装灿烂 于
14:05 编辑
以前最喜欢换车子听音乐,在大马路上各种拦截车辆 抢车 记得有次开辆小绵羊是MJ的歌。。
以前不知道有攻略 不知道怎么个玩法 反正就是乱砍人 和***对飙开*** = =&
以前最喜欢换车子听音乐,在大马路上各种拦截车辆 抢车 记得有次开辆小绵羊是MJ的歌。。龙腾网
以前不知道有攻略 不知道怎么个玩法 反正就是乱砍人 和***对飙开*** = =
以前不知道有攻略 不知道怎么个玩法 反正就是乱砍人 和***对飙开*** = =龙腾网
本帖最后由 女装正太碧可 于
09:09 编辑 龙腾网
作者说的很有道理,我就是玩《GTA:圣安地列斯》后喜欢上了黑人hip hop,戴上耳机听那么一首,似乎自己也来到火并、毒品、帮会横行的贫民窟、与迎面的伙伴合掌:“yo,my nigga,wassup!&龙腾网
GTA5的PC 版还没上呢,只玩了xbox360版的,画面一流。
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