
印记是什么意思 印记在线翻译 印记什么意思 印记的意思 印记的翻译 印记的解释 印记的发音 印记的同义词 印记的反义词 印记的例句
印记 基本解释印记的反义词印记[yìn jì]词典:印记;胚教,铭记(动物生命早期即起作用的一种学习机能)。词典:邮票;标志,印记;跺脚;特征。词典:图章,印。词典:[商]商标,牌子;烙印;〈比喻〉污名,耻辱;燃烧着的木头。词典:印;给…以深刻印象;使铭记。印记 汉英大词典印记[yìn jì] stamp:  例:凡未盖我厂印记者全系假货。    None are genuine without our stamp.    岁月在他身上留下了印记。    Time has left its impress upon him.印记 网络解释1. hallmark:但是可能观众根本不知道自己在向Google提供数据. 目前Google电视广告在卫星电视公司销售,频道包括美国国家广播公司的有线频道、彭博新闻频道,以及印记(Hallmark)频道. 卫星电视公司是美国第三大付费电视提供商.2. stamp:模块间通过接口传递内部数据结构的一部分(而不是简单的参数),称为印记(Stamp)耦合. 此数据结构的变化将使相关的模块发生变化. 一般说来,数据结构与算法就是一类数据的表示及其相关的操作(这里算法不是指数值计算的算法).印记 双语例句1. 你是家居装饰,还是馈赠亲友,让我们的产品在您联结亲情、友情的同时也传递着带有时代印记的怀旧情结而意味深长。&&&&You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance.2. 2. 旅者逝足之迹镌刻于此痕,轻冉着,划过印记。&&&&This trail bears the signs of many a traveler's passing.3. 在所有依然保留有酒神起源印记的悲剧中,发现与逆转这两个要素一般都存在,而且是同时发生。&&&&In any tragedy which still retained the stamp of its Dionysiac origin, this Discovery and Peripety might normally be expected to occur, and to occur together.4. 4. DNA方法将远比牙印记录和当前正被使用的血型鉴定方法要优越得多。&&&&The DNA method will be far superior to the dental records and blood typing strategies currently in use.5. 5. 活字上端带有突出的字母或字的一小块木头或金属,涂上墨并压在纸上后就会留下印记&&&&Of metal or wood bearing a raised letter or character on the upper''.6. 你臂上的印记是先天的吗?&&&&Is that a birth mark on your arm?7. 那是恶魔萨麦尔的印记。&&&&Dahlia: It is the mark of Samael.8. C。当你往信件上盖邮戳时,把日期盖在印记没有覆盖任何文字的地方。&&&&C. When you stamp a piece of correspondence, place the date in an area where the impression will not cover any of the writing.9. 不同的造型,打着鲜明的时代的印记。&&&&Different shapes, under the distinctive mark of the times.10. 有关经济界人士表示,谢旭人有着大量基层实践经验和经济专业背景,恰逢中国即将推进行政管理体制改革之际履新,这位一向严谨、细致、务实的新财长,注定将在中国未来的财政政策路径上烙下鲜明印记。&&&&The firm combines deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk management, organizational transformation, and leadership development. Oliver Wyman`s 2, 500 professionals operate in more than 40 cities globally.11. 就拿希望印记以及反恐结界来说,拥有这些天赋的牧师,在团队副本中可以提供的帮助是其他种族牧师根本不能给予的。&&&&&&For example, Symbol of Hope and Fear Ward provide a lot of the raid utility priests lack at the moment.12. 12. 更复杂的学习形式包括潜在的学习,在这种刺激变得熟悉的情况下奖励或处罚,模仿和印记,这一进程的,年轻的动物熟悉其他成员的物种。&&&&&&More complex forms of learning include latent learning, in which a stimulus becomes familiar in the absence of reward or punishment, imitation, and imprinting, the process by which young animals become familiar with other members of their species.13. 但是在其中也不乏偏颇之论,还存在着前后矛盾、自我攻伐的现象,这些既是其个人的质素所致,也烙上了浓郁的时代印记,给我们提供了有益的反思。&&&&&&However, there are a few biased idea and self-contradictory and self-attack phenomenon in his theory. These are due to the quality of his individuals, but also to the times, which gives us a useful thought.14. 三、报复刑之族刑与缘坐,是原始复仇的蛮性表现,是蛮性复仇在刑罚制度上的印记。&&&&&&I. The clan penalty of the penalty of retaliation was the presence of thesavage of primitive revenge and the mark of fierce revenge on the penalty system.15. 他注意到图章在热蜡上的印记。&&&&&&He watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax.16. 16. 虽然祖国大陆、台湾的青年生活在不同的社会环境中,有着各自不同的生活经历,但大家的内心都深深铭刻着中华文化优秀传统的印记,都拥有着振兴中华民族的共同理想。&&&&&&In this great epoch at the turn of the century, our motherland is developing toward greater prosperity and powerfulness.17. 身上有这个的我,和其他同样有这个印记的人是一样。&&&&&&This tars me with the same brush as anyone else who wore it.18. 印记什么意思18. 第二天奥斯汀收到一件用皇家印记密封的信封。&&&&&&The next day came an envelope with the royal seal.19. 现在和当年在中学参加演讲比赛时一样,我的身上有着瓦茨之子的同样印记。&&&&&&I bear the same mark as a son of Watts now that I did during that oratorical contest in high school.20. 我觉得那是一种生命的印记&&&&&&I think it's, like, a life marker.印记是什么意思,印记在线翻译,印记什么意思,印记的意思,印记的翻译,印记的解释,印记的发音,印记的同义词,印记的反义词,印记的例句,印记的相关词组,印记意思是什么,印记怎么翻译,单词印记是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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