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Intel核芯显卡再进化 HD 5500游戏实测
日 00:07&&&出处:&& 作者:李佳辉&& 编辑:李佳辉 分享
●&测试平台介绍  我们本次用了进行测试的机器是来自戴尔的新灵越15 7000,其采用了最新的-5500U处理器,8GB内存,1TB机械硬盘,屏幕分辨率是,显卡方面为Intel HD5500核芯显卡与AMD R7 M270的组合,测试过程中我们会将独显的驱动卸载并通过设备管理器对其进行禁用操作,以免妨碍测试结果。  Intel HD 5500核芯显卡是本次Intel更新的一款入门级核芯显卡,HD 6000以及Iris 6100的性能会更加出色。-5500U的主频为2.4GHz,睿频为3.0GHz,其集成的这颗HD 5500核芯显卡的基本频率为300MHz,最大频率为950MHz,更多关于第五代酷睿处理器的信息可以点击查看《??》一文。  在我们之前的测试中,这颗处理器中的HD 5500在3DMark Cloud Gate模式中取得了6849分的高分,可以看到这一成绩位于NVIDIA 820M与830M之间,性能表现非常可观。下面开始游戏实测。● 英雄联盟  先简单介绍一下测试方式,通过Fraps软件的FPS记录功能记录游戏正式开始后一段时间的画面帧率波动,取其中第50到100个数据点制表。由于游戏对硬件性能的需求不尽相同,所以在测试过程中会根据实际情况调整画质水平,我们将对不同画质下的测试结果进行说明。  第一款参与测试的游戏是当前最火热的网络游戏《英雄联盟》,这款身对硬件性能的要求不高,所以我们直接开启了最高画质来进行测试(开启垂直同步、抗锯齿、人物描边),整个游戏过程非常流畅,没有感到的卡顿现象发生,最后的测试数据也显示游戏帧数保持在40 FPS附近,Fraps实测的平均帧数为38,表现出色。● 使命召唤OL  在《使命召唤OL》的测试中,我们只将分辨率更改为,其余均为默认设置,游戏程序对它的默认设置已经属于比较高的等级。通过记录数据可以看到游戏过程中画面帧数的波动是非常大的,HD 5500应对这个游戏没问题,但是流畅度还有进一步提升空间,其平均帧数为37,表现也已经相当出色。● 入门级单机-极品飞车14  在《极品飞车14》最高画质的测试中,HD 5500的画面帧数维持在25到30帧附近,表现虽然不是顶级水平,但对于一颗核芯显卡来说已经非常好,这样的成绩与一般的入门级显卡已经没有太大差距,最终平均帧数为29,画面流畅度可以接受。  而在默认画质下运行《极品飞车14》的话,表现就完全不一样了,整个游戏运行非常流畅,相比最高画质流畅度提升了10帧,维持在30到35帧左右,最终平均帧数为32,虽然只比最高画质高了3帧,但整体的流畅度提升相当明显。● 进阶级单机-极品飞车18  不过HD 5500在最新的《极品飞车18》中表现就差强人意了,默认画质下它的画面帧数仅在15帧左右,游戏画面的延迟感非常严重,基本处于不可玩状态,最终平均帧数仅为14。  将画质水平调低后它的表现依然不佳,数据上的表现甚至还不如默认画质,不过最终的平均帧数为16,比默认画质高了2帧,依然处于不可玩状态。● 入门级单机-使命召唤8  我们的原计划是测试《使命召唤10》,但看过《极品飞车18》的成绩后就放弃了这个念头,《极品飞车》系列游戏对GPU的依赖远低于对CPU的依赖,而《使命召唤》系列则更加注重GPU性能,尤其是最近的两部大作。所以我们就翻出了《现代战争》系列的终结篇《使命召唤8》来进行测试,HD 5500的表现可以用惊艳形容,默认画质下它的画面帧数维持在40帧左右,最终成绩为37帧,表现不错,可以流畅地玩这个游戏。  在《使命召唤8》的最高画质下,画面帧数维持在30帧附近,最终平均帧数为36,与默认画质相比差异不大,表现惊艳。全文总结:  通过一系列的游戏实测我们基本可以判定Intel HD 5500这颗核芯显卡的性能表现非常出色,第五代处理器的图形处理性能提升非常明显。装载了五代酷睿处理器的机器在没有配备独显的情况下能够无压力玩转市场上大部分网络游戏及小部分对硬件性能要求不高的单机游戏。以3DMark的测试成绩来看,如果你笔记本上的独显是820M、GT720M甚至更低级的入门产品,那么你笔记本的图形性能可能还不如第五代酷睿处理器中集成的核芯显卡。至于HD 5500在更高分辨率下的表现,希望以后拿到高分屏的机器再为大家解答。  虽然Intel在核芯显卡上的进步明显,但这并不表示入门级独显就一无是处了,英伟达在图形处理方面的技术仍然处于业界领先位置,核芯显卡对许多视觉特效的展示远不如英伟达,这或许是Intel未来发展的方向。但如果你在因为核芯显卡的游戏性能在踌躇是否购买一台轻薄型笔记本的话,现在可以准备购买搭载Intel第五代酷睿处理器的产品了,它的核芯显卡一样可以玩游戏!■
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东芝 Satellite L332& & TOSHIBA Satellite L332
处理器:Intel Pentium Dual-Core(Penryn) TGHz)
主板芯片组:Intel GM45+ICH9M
显卡类型:集成,Intel Mobile GMA X4500 HD
参考价格: ¥3900 [北京]& &¥3799 [上海]
[ 本帖最后由 tokuyi 于
21:13 编辑 ]
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原帖由 shenzou1818 于
23:50 发表
UID38190&好友&帖子&主题&精华1&小红花99 &积分4263&在线时间881 小时&注册时间&阅读权限85&最后登录&
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原帖由 碧海蓝天 于
21:07 发表
你的要求与你给出的价格可能搭配不上,2000的上网本可能还冒得,山寨本有可能。PS、CorelDRAW这两个软件对显卡的要求蛮高的,4000可能也不够,的价格可能差不多,以上只是我个人看法........ .
版权所有& Powered by## v13 History ##
## v12 History : /3dpchip/sub/history/3DP_Chip_v12_History.txt ##
## v11 History : /3dpchip/sub/history/3DP_Chip_v11_History.txt ##
## v10 History : /3dpchip/sub/history/3DP_Chip_v10_History.txt ##
## v9 History : /3dpchip/sub/history/3DP_Chip_v9_History.txt ##
## v1~8 History : I'm sorry, I lost the history.
( Translated by )
- Arabic : Hieu Nguyen
- Chinese (Simplified) : Aptist
- Chinese (Traditional) : Ashok Lin
- Croatian : ?
- Dutch : GJvM
- English : Dava
- French : Denis Jean Fran?ois
- French (Belgium) : Pietekes
- German : conan7123
- Hungarian : LaMoLa
- Indonesian (Bahasa) : fadil60kill & RiyadiEi
- Italian : Costa
- Japanese : Spooky
- Portuguese (Brazil) : Shiruvuio
- Portuguese (Portugal) : ?
- Romanian : Sumutiu Marius
- Russian : Саня
- Spanish : Franco
- Thai : Hieu Nguyen
- Vietnamese : Nguy?n Ng?c T?n & Tê Giác
[ v13.12 :
(Virustotal : 3/49 /en/file/340ca95d71f2a3d39c75fc017d6c478bc9ab21dba40a8/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
>> Malwarebytes : The detection of PUP.Optional.OpenCandy was incorporated into the MalwareBytes detection database on or around 8/9/2013. This broad categorization approach is currently affecting every major installer monetization platform, such as InstallCore, InstallMonetizer, Ask APN.
>> Rising : Same problem
Support for additional languages.
- Croatian
Language support has been enhanced.
- Arabic : ???????? >>
Bug has been fixed : + button(Multimedia) do not work.
- Some Intel HDMI Audio + Integrated HD Audio system.
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [Dell Inspiron 530] Intel G33(19W) + ICH9(4.3W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel G33 (19W)
- Intel B85 Express
- Video card
- ATi Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
- AMD Radeon HD 5570
- AMD Radeon HD 7570
- AMD Radeon HD 8510
- AMD Radeon HD 8570
- AMD Radeon R5 230
- AMD Radeon R5 235
- AMD Radeon R5 235X
- AMD Radeon R5 240
- AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
- AMD Radeon R7 240
- AMD Radeon R7 250
- AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
- AMD Radeon R9 255
- AMD Radeon R9 260
- AMD Radeon R9 290
- AMD Radeon R9 290X
- Intel GMA HD
- Multimedia
- IDT (SigmaTel) C-Major HD Audio (STAC92xx)
- ESI Audioterminal 010
- ESI ESP1010
- ESI ESP1010e
- ESI GigaStation (AudioTrak)
- ESI GigaStation 2120 (Egosys)
- ESI Juli@
- ESI Juli@ XTe
- ESI MaXiO 032
- ESI Prodigy 7.1 HiFi
- ESI Prodigy X-Fi NRG
- ESI WaMi Rack 20 (Egosys)
- ESI WaMi Rack 24 (Egosys)
- ESI WaMi Rack 192L (Egosys)
- ESI WaMi Rack 192X (Egosys)
- ESI Waveterminal (Egosys)
- ESI Waveterminal 192L
- ESI Waveterminal 192M (Egosys)
- ESI Waveterminal 192X
- ESI Waveterminal 2496 (Egosys)
- Ethernet
- Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller
- Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5717C
- Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Plus
- Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Fiber
- D-Link DGE-560SX (Fiber mode only)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Sony)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (Acer)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (WNC)
- Qualcomm Atheros QCAb/g/n WiFi Adapter (HP)
- Qualcomm(Bigfoot Networks) Killer Wireless-N /5GHz)
- Apple iPhone 5s
- Cam : Logitech Webcam C100
- Cam : Logitech Webcam C110
- Cam : Logitech Webcam C160
- Cam : Logitech Webcam C170
- Cam : Logitech Webcam C210
- Cam : Logitech Webcam C260
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam C270
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam C310
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam C510
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam B525
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam C525
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam C615
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam B617
- Cam : Logitech HD Webcam B910
- Cam : Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910
- Cam : Logitech Webcam 920
- Cam : Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
- Cam : Sony VGP-VCC8
- Unknown Intel hardware (removed)
[ v13.11 :
(Virustotal : 3/48 /en/file/a63a74c70e7ef56afa4c00cb981cc08694aea6cda1/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
>> Malwarebytes : The detection of PUP.Optional.OpenCandy was incorporated into the MalwareBytes detection database on or around 8/9/2013. This broad categorization approach is currently affecting every major installer monetization platform, such as InstallCore, InstallMonetizer, Ask APN.
>> Rising : Same problem
Language support has been enhanced.
- Spanish : Tarjeta gráfica >> Tarjeta gráfica (Placa de video)
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASRock ALiveNF6P-VSTA] NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE + nForce 430
- [ASUS Rampage IV Extreme] Intel X79 Express (7.8W)
- [Lenovo ThinkPad T420s (4170-3FK)] Intel QM67 Express (3.9W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel C600
- Intel X79 Express (7.8W)
- Video card
- ATi Mobility Radeon X1350
- ATi Mobility Radeon X1400
- ATi Mobility Radeon X1600
- ATi Mobility Radeon X1700
- ATi Mobility Radeon X2300
- ATi Mobility Radeon HD 2300
- ATi Radeon HD 2400 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 2400 Pro (AGP)
- Qimonda Radeon HD 2400 Pro (AGP)
- Qimonda Radeon HD 2600 Pro (AGP)
- Qimonda Radeon HD 2600 XT (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 3410 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 3450 (AGP)
- Qimonda Radeon HD 3450 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 3550 (AGP)
- Sapphire Radeon HD 3550 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 3610 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 3690 (AGP)
- Sapphire Radeon HD 3690 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 3850 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 4230 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 4250 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 4730 (AGP)
- ATi Radeon HD 4750 (AGP)
- AMD Radeon R7 260X
- AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
- AMD FirePro SX4000 MxM
- AMD FirePro S10000 Passive
- Intel GMA
- Intel GMA HD
- NVIDIA D15M2-05
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 625 (OEM)
- NVIDIA GeForce 705M
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (192bit)
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M
- NVIDIA Quadro K510M
- NVIDIA Quadro K610M
- NVIDIA Quadro K1100M
- NVIDIA Quadro K2100M
- NVIDIA Quadro K3100M
- NVIDIA Quadro K4100M
- NVIDIA Quadro K5100M
- Multimedia
- AMD(ATi) HDMI Audio
- Conexant AC-Link(AMC 3D) Audio
- Creative S/B AXX 100 (USB)
- Creative S/B AXX 200 (USB)
- Creative S/B AXX SBX 10 (USB)
- Creative S/B AXX SBX 20 (USB)
- Creative S/B AXX SBX 8 (USB)
- Creative S/B EVO USB
- Creative S/B EVO Wireless (USB)
- Creative S/B EVO Zx (USB)
- Creative S/B EVO ZxR (USB)
- Creative S/B Recon3D (USB)
- Creative S/B Recon3D PCIe
- Creative S/B Surround 5.1 (USB)
- Creative S/B Tactic(3D) Fury (USB)
- Creative S/B Tactic(3D) Wrach Wireless (USB)
- Creative S/B Tactic3D Rage Wireless (USB)
- Creative S/B Tactic3D Rage USB
- Creative S/B Wireless (USB)
- Creative S/B X-Fi Go! Pro (USB)
- Creative S/B X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro (USB)
- Creative USB S/B HD
- IDT (SigmaTel) C-Major HD (STAC92xx)
- Leadtek WinFast DV2000
- Leadtek WinFast DTV1800 H
- Leadtek WinFast DTV2000 H Plus
- Leadtek WinFast TV2000 Expert
- Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Global
- Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Global TV
- Leadtek WinFast VC200
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC662)
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC880)
- Sigmacom Sigma TV Station II (LG NTSC Tuner)
- Ethernet
- 360 802.11n USB Wireless
- AboCom 802.11ac Wireless USB
- Adaptador USB Inalámbrico Movistar
- ASUS USB-AC50 USB Wireless
- ASUS USB-AC51 USB Wireless
- ASUS USB-N10 150Mbps 11n Wireless USB dongle
- Baidu 802.11n USB Wireless
- Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller
- Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5717C
- Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Plus
- Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Fiber
- Buffalo WI-U2-300D Wireless
- Cisco Linksys AE6000
- Cisco Linksys Home Wireless-G USB
- Cisco Linksys RangePlus Wireless USB
- Cisco Linksys Wireless-G USB
- Cisco Linksys WUSB100 RangePlus Wireless USB
- Cisco Linksys WUSB54GC USB Wireless
- Cisco Linksys WUSB600N Dual-Band Wireless-N USB
- Cisco Linksys WUSB600N Wireless-N USB with Dual-Band ver.2
- D-Link DGE-560SX (Fiber mode only)
- D-Link DWA-132 Wireless N USB(rev.B)
- D-Link DWA-140 Wireless N USB(rev.D)
- D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N Dual Band USB(rev.C)
- D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band
- D-Link DWA-171 Wireless AC Dual Band USB(rev.B)
- D-Link DWA-566 Wireless N 300 Dual Band PCIe Desktop
- D-Link GO-USB-N300 Wireless N Easy USB
- Edimax 802.11ac Wireless (USB)
- Edimax AC450 Wireless USB
- Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160
- Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260
- Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 3160
- Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 7260
- Intel Wireless-N 3160
- Intel Wireless-N 7260
- I-O Data WN-AC433U Wireless
- I-O Data WN-OAC433UM Wireless
- Logitec LAN-W300AN/U2 (USB)
- Mediatek 802.11ac Wireless (USB)
- NVIDIA Ethernet
- Planex GW-450D
- Planex GW-USMicro300
- Planex GW-USNano (Realtek RTL8188SU Wireless LAN 802.11n USB 2.0)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR928X Wireless (Compex)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Fujitsu)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Lenovo)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Samsung)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (USI)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless (ASUS)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless (Samsung)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (Acer)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (ASUS)
- Qualcomm(Bigfoot Networks) Killer Wireless-N /5GHz)
- Ralink 802.11ac USB Wireless
- Ralink 802.11n USB Wireless
- Ralink RTa/b/g/n Wireless USB
- Realtek RTL8129 PCI Fast Ethernet
- Sitecom WiFi USB Adapter AC580
- Sitecom WiFi USB Adapter N900
- TP-Link 150Mbps Wireless N USB
- TP-Link Wireless USB
- TRENDnet N600 Wireless Dual Band PCIe
- TRENDnet N600 Wireless Dual Band USB
- Unipro 802.11n USB Wireless
- ZyXEL Dual-Band Wireless AC600 USB
- Apple iPad 2
- Apple iPad 3 (Wifi)
- Apple iPad 3 (Wifi+4G)
- Apple iPad 4
- Apple iPad Mini
- Apple iPhone 5S
- Intel 82092AA PCI to PCMCIA Bridge
- Intel USB Flash Loader
- Modem : Conexant AC97 SoftV92 Data Fax
- O2Micro OZ128 Peripheral Hub Controller
- O2Micro OZ6729 PCI to PCMCIA Bridge
- O2Micro OZ6730 PCI to PCMCIA Bridge
- Reader : Cirrus Logic PD6832 CardBus
- Reader : Cirrus Logic PD6834 CardBus
- Reader : Databook DB87144 CardBus
- Reader : NEC NAPCCARD CardBus
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711SP1 MemoryCardBus
- Reader : O2Micro OZ776 USB CCID Smartcard Reader
- Reader : OPTi 82C814 Docking
- Reader : OPTi 82C824 CardBus
- Reader : Ricoh PCIe SDXC/MMC Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh R/RL/5C476(II) or Compatible CardBus
- Reader : Ricoh R/RL/RB/5C478(II) / R5C522 or Compatible CardBus
- Reader : Ricoh R/RL/RT/RC/5C475(II) / R5C520 or Compatible CardBus
- Reader : Ricoh RL5C465 CardBus
- Reader : Ricoh RL5C466 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1031 PCMCIA
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1130 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1131 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1210 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1211 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1220 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1221 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1225 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1250 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1251 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1251B CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1260 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1410 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1420 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1421 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1450 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1451 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1510 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1515 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1520 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1530 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1610 CardBus with UltraMedia
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1620 CardBus with UltraMedia
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-1621 CardBus with UltraMedia
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-4410 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-4450 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-4451 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-4510 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-4520 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-4550 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7410 CardBus with UltraMedia
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI7420 Integrated FlashMedia Controller
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7510 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7610 CardBus with UltraMedia
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7x10 CardBus with Memory Stick
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7x10 CardBus with SD and MMC
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7x10 CardBus with Smart Card
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7x20/6x20 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-7x20/6x20 CardBus with Smart Card
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-8x12/7x12/6x12 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-x515 CardBus
- Reader : Texas Instruments PCI-xx21/xx11 CardBus with UltraMedia
- Reader : Toshiba ToPIC100 CardBus
- Reader : Toshiba ToPIC95 CardBus
- Reader : Toshiba ToPIC97 CardBus
- Reader : Trident 82C194 CardBus
- Samsung Android USB Composite Device
- Samsung HSP Plus Modem
- SAMSUNG Mobile MTP Device
- SAMSUNG Mobile USB CDC Composite Device
- SAMSUNG Mobile USB Composite Device
- Samsung Mobile USB Modem
- SATA Controller : Asmedia 106x SATA Controller
- Trident Omega-82C094 PCI to PCMCIA Bridge
- Unknown Intel hardware (removed)
[ v13.10 :
(Virustotal : 2/42 /en/file/8dea9a59df2abf72d3841abfa26ed0e967ee/analysis/) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
>> Malwarebytes : The detection of PUP.Optional.OpenCandy was incorporated into the MalwareBytes detection database on or around 8/9/2013. This broad categorization approach is currently affecting every major installer monetization platform, such as InstallCore, InstallMonetizer, Ask APN.
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [Acer Aspire One AO725] AMD A68M FCH
- [ASUS M2N68-LA (HP Narra2-GL8E)] NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE + nForce 430"
- [Gigabyte GA-945PL-S3P] Intel 945PL(15.2W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- Video card
- AMD Radeon HD 6500 Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8450
- AMD Radeon HD 8550
- AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
- AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 (29,32W)
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 Ti OEM
- Multimedia
- AMD(ATi) HDMI Audio
- Ethernet
- Qualcomm(Bigfoot Networks) Killer Gaming Adapter
- Bluetooth : Atheros Bluetooth Device
- Bluetooth : Bluetooth 2.1+EDR USB Device
- Bluetooth : Bluetooth Module
- Bluetooth : Broadcom BCM2045 Bluetooth 2.0 USB
- Bluetooth : Broadcom BCM92045DG-Flash
- Bluetooth : CSR Bluetooth Device
- Bluetooth : Foxconn-CPBT20CU-CSRBC4
- Bluetooth : Foxconn-CPBT22AU-CSRBC4
- Bluetooth : Foxconn-CPWB102P-CSRBC4
- Bluetooth : HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth 2.0
- Bluetooth : Ralink Motorola BC4 Bluetooth 3.0+HS
- Bluetooth : Ralink Motorola BC8 Bluetooth 3.0+HS
- ETC : Intel Management Engine Interface
- ETC : Intel Turbo Boost Technology
- Modem : Agere Systems AC97
- Mouse : USB Optical
- Reader : Texas Instruments SD Host Controller
- Reader : Tokyo Electron SD Host Controller
- Reader : Toshiba SD Host Controller
- Unknown Intel hardware (removed)
[ v13.09 :
(Virustotal : 2/48 /en/file/a21b5c55a960b56e1af4dec860cdfd82bb02f17ac1ba228c76cf926a/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
>> Malwarebytes : The detection of PUP.Optional.OpenCandy was incorporated into the MalwareBytes detection database on or around 8/9/2013. This broad categorization approach is currently affecting every major installer monetization platform, such as InstallCore, InstallMonetizer, Ask APN.
Language support has been enhanced.
- Chinese (Simplified) : All
A history button has been added.
O/S line has been highlighted.
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Vendor name)
- Intel Corp. >> Intel
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASUS M4A77TD] AMD 770 + SB710(4.5W)
- [Biostar A690G-M2] AMD 690G + SB600(4W)
- [Biostar A770E3] AMD 770 + SB710(4.5W)
- [Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2] AMD 760G + SB710(4.5W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel 5 Series
- Intel 6 Series
- Intel Mobile 6 Series
- Intel Mobile SFF 6 Series
- Intel Mobile 7 Series
- Intel Mobile 7 SFF Series
- Intel 8 Series
- Intel Mobile 8 Series
- Intel C200 Series
- Intel C220 Series
- Intel 3400 Series
- NVIDIA nForce 520
- Video card
- AMD FirePro R5000 (FireGL V)
- ATi Radeon X1250
- AMD Radeon HD 8350
- AMD Radeon HD 8510
- AMD Radeon HD 8550D
- AMD Radeon HD 8570
- AMD Radeon HD 8570D
- AMD Radeon HD 8650D
- AMD Radeon HD 8730
- AMD Radeon HD 8730M
- AMD Radeon HD 8760
- AMD Radeon Sky 500
- AMD Radeon Sky 700
- AMD Radeon Sky 900
- Intel GMA 3600
- Intel GMA HD
- NVIDIA GeForce 610M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 625
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 (65W)
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675MX
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680M
- NVIDIA GeForce 705A
- NVIDIA GeForce 705M
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730A
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 735M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (170W)
- Multimedia
- C-Media CM108 USB Audio
- IDT (SigmaTel) C-Major HD Audio (STAC92xx)
- Logitech G35 Headset
- Logitech G430 Gaming Headset
- Logitech G930 Headset
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC282)
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC880)
- ETC : Logitech Cordless Gaming Receiver
- Modem : Agere Systems AC97
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G400s
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G500s
- Mouse : Logitech G700s Rechargeable Gaming
- Reader : ENE CB-710 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-712 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-714 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-720 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-722 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-724 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-810 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-820 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-851 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-852 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-1211 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-1225 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-1410 Cardbus controller
- Reader : ENE CB-1420 Cardbus controller
- Unknown Intel hardware (removed)
[ v13.08.1 :
(Virustotal : 2/44 /en/file/d1e0a82ceee8ddc80afc5c77c47c9a1b/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
>> Malwarebytes : The detection of PUP.Optional.OpenCandy was incorporated into the MalwareBytes detection database on or around 8/9/2013. This broad categorization approach is currently affecting every major installer monetization platform, such as InstallCore, InstallMonetizer, Ask APN.
Bug has been fixed : Device doesn't exist - Video card
[ v13.08 :
(Virustotal : 2/45 /en/file/aecf79a498df5b8dabe1df0fdc/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
>> Malwarebytes : The detection of PUP.Optional.OpenCandy was incorporated into the MalwareBytes detection database on or around 8/9/2013. This broad categorization approach is currently affecting every major installer monetization platform, such as InstallCore, InstallMonetizer, Ask APN.
Language support has been enhanced.
- Portuguese (Brazil) : Placa Ethernet >> Placa de rede
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Unnecessary information has been removed(Bug on v13.07. ex : 'tm' or blank, ...).
- Motherboard (Vendor + Model name)
- [To be filled by O.E.M. To be filled by O.E.M.] >> removed
- Motherboard (Vendor name)
- LG Electronics >> LG
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASRock 770iCafe] AMD 770 + SB710(4.5W)
- [ASUS P4S800D-X] SiS 655FX + 964
- [Biostar P965 775] Intel P965(19W) + ICH8(3.7W)
- [Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2C] Intel G31(17W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [Gigabyte GA-H55-UD3H] Intel H55 Express (5.2W)
- [Gigabyte GA-H77-D3H] Intel H77 Express (6.7W)
- [Gigabyte GA-M55S-S3] NVIDIA nForce 550
- [Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4] NVIDIA nForce 570 SLI
- [Maxsun MS-M3A880D] AMD 880G(18W) + SB710(4.5W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel B85 Express
- Video card
- Sapphhire Radeon X600 Pro
- AMD Radeon HD 8400
- AMD Radeon HD 8570
- AMD Radeon HD 8670
- NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 625
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 645 (65W)
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (65W)
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740A
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 745A
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760M
- NVIDIA Quadro K500M
- NVIDIA Quadro K6000
- Multimedia
- Creative S/B AudioPCI (Ectiva EV1938)
- TV : ***erMedia H339 Hybrid Analog/ATSC/QAM
- Ethernet
- NVIDIA Ethernet
- Bluetooth : Ralink Bluetooth PCIe
- Modem : Conexant PCIe Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP
- Tablet : Wacom BAMBOO1 Med
- Tablet : Wacom CTE440
- Tablet : Wacom CTE450
- Tablet : Wacom CTE460
- Tablet : Wacom CTE640
- Tablet : Wacom CTE650
- Tablet : Wacom CTE660
- Tablet : Wacom CTF220
- Tablet : Wacom CTF221
- Tablet : Wacom CTF420
- Tablet : Wacom CTF430
- Tablet : Wacom CTH460
- Tablet : Wacom CTH460P
- Tablet : Wacom CTH461
- Tablet : Wacom CTH461P
- Tablet : Wacom CTH461SE
- Tablet : Wacom CTH661
- Tablet : Wacom CTH661P
- Tablet : Wacom CTH661SE
- Tablet : Wacom CTL460
- Tablet : Wacom CTL660
- Tablet : Wacom CTT460
- Tablet : Wacom CTT460P
- Tablet : Wacom DTI520
- Tablet : Wacom DTU1631
- Tablet : Wacom DTU1931
- Tablet : Wacom DTU2231
- Tablet : Wacom DTZ2100
- Tablet : Wacom ET405
- Tablet : Wacom ETII405
- Tablet : Wacom ETII507
- Tablet : Wacom ETIII405
- Tablet : Wacom ETIII608
- Tablet : Wacom GD1212
- Tablet : Wacom GD1218
- Tablet : Wacom GD405
- Tablet : Wacom GD608
- Tablet : Wacom GD912
- Tablet : Wacom MFT203
- Tablet : Wacom MFT405
- Tablet : Wacom MTE450
- Tablet : Wacom PL510
- Tablet : Wacom PL521
- Tablet : Wacom PL700
- Tablet : Wacom PL710
- Tablet : Wacom PL720
- Tablet : Wacom PL720A
- Tablet : Wacom PL800
- Tablet : Wacom PTK1241
- Tablet : Wacom PTK406
- Tablet : Wacom PTK540WL(BT)
- Tablet : Wacom PTK540WL(USB)
- Tablet : Wacom PTK609
- Tablet : Wacom PTK813
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ1201
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ1230
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ1231
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ2001
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ430
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ431
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ630
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ631
- Tablet : Wacom PTZ930
- Tablet : Wacom XD1212
- Tablet : Wacom XD1218
- Tablet : Wacom XD405
- Tablet : Wacom XD608
- Tablet : Wacom XD912
[ v13.07 :
(Virustotal : 1/46 /en/file/6caadaa381afb03ad5de87d20dc381e91c29a3e9a1/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
Support for additional language.
- Arabic : Translated by 'Hieu Nguyen'
Language support has been enhanced.
- Aligned most of languages.
- English : (Modified) "Download 3DP Net to another computer and transfer to your current computer."
- Portuguese (Portugal) : (Modified) "lastest" >> "latest"
- Thai : (Modified) "????????????"
- Vietnamese : (Bug has been fixed) There's no contents when you connected to an internet.
Design has been modified.
Bug has been fixed : There's no contents when you have no devices.
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASUS P5B] Intel P965(19W) + ICH8(3.7W)
- [ASUS P5LD2-TVM-SE] Intel i945G(22.2W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [Biostar Hi-Fi A75S3] AMD A75 (7.8W)
- [Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD7] AMD 990FX(19.6W) + SB950(6W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- AMD Kabini APU
- Intel P55 Express (3.5W)
- Intel PM55 Express (4.7W)
- Intel B85 Express
- Intel Q87 Express (4.1W)
- Intel Z87 Express (4.1W)
- Video card
- AMD Radeon HD 6500 Series
- AMD Radeon HD 7400A Series
- AMD Radeon HD 7450
- AMD Radeon HD 7470
- AMD Radeon HD 7670
- AMD Radeon HD 8180
- AMD Radeon HD 8210
- AMD Radeon HD 8240
- AMD Radeon HD 8250
- AMD Radeon HD 8280
- AMD Radeon HD 8310G
- AMD Radeon HD 8330
- AMD Radeon HD 8350G
- AMD Radeon HD 8370D
- AMD Radeon HD 8400
- AMD Radeon HD 8410G
- AMD Radeon HD 8450G
- AMD Radeon HD 8470
- AMD Radeon HD 8470D
- AMD Radeon HD 8500M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8510
- AMD Radeon HD 8510G
- AMD Radeon HD 8530M
- AMD Radeon HD 8550G
- AMD Radeon HD 8570
- AMD Radeon HD 8570D
- AMD Radeon HD 8600M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8610G
- AMD Radeon HD 8650G
- AMD Radeon HD 8670D
- AMD Radeon HD 8700M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8750M
- AMD Radeon HD 8770
- AMD Radeon HD 8790M
- AMD Radeon HD 8800M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8970M
- AMD Radeon HD 8990
- Intel GMA HD
- Intel GMA HD 4400
- Intel Iris 5100
- Intel Iris Pro 5200
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
- NVIDIA GeForce 610
- NVIDIA GeForce 610M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 625
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670MX|
- NVIDIA GeForce 710A
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (170W)
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (230W)
- Multimedia
- AMD HDMI Audio
- Boss Companion 5
- Conexant HD Audio : SmartAudio
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC662)
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC1150)
- VIA HD Audio (VT1708B)
- VIA HD Audio (VT1708S)
- ETC : Intel Active Management Technology - SOL
- ETC : ZTE Diagnostics Interface
- ETC : ZTE Mass Storage Filter
- Modem : Vodafone Mobile Broadband (ZTE)
- Modem : ZTE HS-USB
- Modem : ZTE USB
- Mouse : A4Tech AK-5 USB
- Unknown AMD hardware >> removed
[ v13.06 :
(Virustotal : 1/47 /en/file/a1fc9aa0a8ee4b345dd220da6a701e317d6bb63e88236/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
Support for additional languages.
- Thai : Translated by 'Hieu Nguyen'
3DP Chip terminate error has been fixed(Such cases are relatively infrequent.).
Bug has been fixed : There's no contents when you have no devices.
(ex : '' >> 'Device doesn't exist')
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Vendor + Model name)
- [Type2 - Board Vendor Name1 Type2 - Board Product Name1] >> removed
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASUS M4A78-VM IN/SI] AMD 780G(11/3W) + SB700(4.5W)
- [ASUS P4V8X-X] VIA P4X533 + VT8237
- [ECS P4M900T-M] VIA P4M900 + VT8237A
- [Intel D815EEA] Intel i815E + ICH2
- [Intel D845PT] Intel i845 + ICH2
- [MSI G31TM-P21 (MS-7529)] Intel G31(17W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel C220
- Intel C222
- Intel C224
- Intel C226
- Intel PM965
- Intel HM55 Express (3.5W)
- Intel QM57 Express (3.5W)
- Intel H81 Express
- Intel B85 Express
- Intel Q85 Express
- Intel Z85 Express
- Intel HM86 Express (2.7W)
- Intel H87 Express
- Intel HM87 Express (2.7W)
- Intel Q87 Express
- Intel QM87 Express
- Intel Z87 Express
- Video card
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 735M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 760M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M
- Multimedia
- Conexant HD Audio (Pebble SmartAudio 221)
- Creative S/B Recon3D PCIe
- Hauppauge WinTV 418 PVR (21xxx)
- Hauppauge WinTV 418 PVR (74xxx)
- Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC Combo
- Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC Combo (743xx)
- Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC/QAM Combo
- Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC/QAM Combo (743xx)
- IDT (SigmaTel) C-Major HD Audio (STAC92xx)
- Intel HDMI Audio
- Modem : Conexant HDA CX11270 Soft
- Modem : Conexant HDA SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP
- Modem : Toshiba Software (Agere Systems HDA)
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC892)
- Ethernet
- HP Ethernet 1Gb 2-port 363i Adapter
- HP Ethernet 10Gb 1-port P560FLR-SFP+ Adapter
- HP Ethernet 10Gb 2-port 561T Adapter
- Intel 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
- Intel Ethernet 10GBT DP Embedded CNA X540-T2
- Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM
- Intel Ethernet Connection I217-V
- Intel Ethernet Connection I218-LM
- Intel Ethernet Connection I218-V
- Intel I210 Gigabit Backplane Connection
- Intel I210 Gigabit Network Connection
- Bluetooth : Intel Centrino Wireless (Bluetooth 3.0)
- Bluetooth : Intel Centrino Wireless (Bluetooth 4.0)
- Bluetooth : Intel Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 + HS Adapter
- Cam : HD WebCam (USB)
- ETC : iBT USB Bootloader Device
- ETC : Intel Management Engine Interface
- Modem : Toshiba Software (Agere Systems AC97)
- Modem : Conexant HCF V90 56K Data Fax PCI
- Modem : Conexant HSF V92 56K Data Fax PCI
- Mouse : M-Tech Optical (USB)
- Mouse : USB Optical
- Reader : Ricoh Memory Stick Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh PCIe Memory Stick Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh PCIe SD/MMC Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh PCIe xD-Picture Card Controller
- Reader : Ricoh SD/MMC Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh xD-Picture Card Controller
- Reader : VIA VT3365
- Unknown NVIDIA hardware >> removed
- USB3.0 Controller : Intel eXtensible
[ v13.05 :
(Virustotal : 1/47 /en/file/ca51a4d1abc3a3eb2e3a590c47baedc45438/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
Translation has been modified.
- Spanish : Memoria: >> Tama?o de memoria :
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASUS M2N8-VMX] NVIDIA GeForce 6100 + nForce 430
- [ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0] AMD 970(13.6W) + SB950(6W)
- [ASUS P4VP-MX] VIA P4M266A + VT8235
- [ASUS P5E] Intel X38(26.5W) + ICH9R(4.3W)
- [ASUS P5LD2] Intel i945P(15.2W) + ICH7R(3.3W)
- [Intel DG33BU] Intel G33(19W) + ICH9(4.3W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- AMD 785GX
- Intel G35 (19W)
- Intel HM70 Express (4.1W)
- Intel NM70 Express
- Intel HM75 Express (4.1W)
- Intel Q75 Express (6.7W)
- Intel HM76 Express (4.1W)
- Intel HM77 Express (4.1W)
- Intel Q77 Express (6.7W)
- Intel QM77 Express (4.1W)
- Intel QS77 Express (3.6W)
- Intel UM77 Express (3W)
- Intel C216 (6.7W)
- Video card
- ATi Radeon X600
- AMD Radeon HD W)
- Intel GMA HD
- Intel GMA HD 4600
- Intel GMA HD P4600
- Intel GMA HD P4700
- Intel GMA HD 5000
- Intel GMA HD 5100
- Intel GMA HD 5200
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 630
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 640
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
- Multimedia
- ADI SoundMAX AC97 Audio
- Conexant HD Audio : SmartAudio 221
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC269)
- Ethernet
- Marvell Yukon 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet
- Marvell Yukon Gigabit ExpressCard
- MediaTek MT7118 WiMAX USB
- Realtek RTL8139 PCI Fast Ethernet
- Realtek RTL8188E Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E
- Realtek RTL8192DE Wireless LAN 802.11N PCI-E
- Realtek RTL8812E Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E
- Realtek RTL8821E Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E
- ETC : Intel Management Engine Interface
- Modem : Agere Systems PCI Soft
- Modem : Agere Systems PCI-SV92EX Soft
- Modem : Agere Systems PCI-SV92PP Soft
- Modem : Agere Win Modem
- Modem : Conexant 56K ACLink
- Modem : Conexant Intl HSFi V.9x MiniPCI
- Modem : EVDO USB Modem Phone
- Modem : Motorola SM56 Data Fax
- Mouse : USB Optical
- Printer : Canon PIXMA iP2700
- Printer : Epson Stylus T20E
- Printer : HP LaserJet 1018
- Printer : HP LaserJet 1020
- Printer : HP LaserJet 1022
- Printer : HP LaserJet 1022n
- Printer : HP LaserJet 1022nw
- Serial : Ti UMP USB Serial Port (MSP-EXP430F5438)
- Serial : Ti UMP USB Serial Port (MSP-FET430UIF - VCP)
- Serial : Ti UMP USB Serial Port (TLC59xxEVM)
- Serial : Ti UMP USB Serial Port (TUSB3410)
- Serial : Ti UMP USB Serial Port (TUSB3410 UART EVM)
[ v13.04 :
(Virustotal : 1/46 /en/file/abbdecbae5c3814fa09ebabd/analysis/) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
Support for additional languages.
- Portuguese (Portugal)
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Vendor name)
- Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. >> MSI
- Parallels Software International Inc. >> Parallels
- REDFOX Technologies >> Redfox
- SIS Technologies Ltd. >> SiS
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASRock 775i65GV] Intel i865GV(12.6W) + ICH5
- [ASRock A790GXH/128M] AMD 790GX + SB750(4.5W)
- [ASRock Z77 Extreme3] Intel Z77 Express (6.7W)
- [ASUS M3A78-VM] AMD 780G(11/3W) + SB700(4.5W)
- [ASUS X51RL] ATi Xpress 200M + SB600(4W)
- [Gigabyte GA-970FXA-UD7] AMD 990FX(19.6W) + SB950(6W)
- [MSI 970A-G43] AMD 970(13.6W) + SB950(6W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel C202
- Intel C204
- Intel C206
- Intel 3400
- Intel W)
- Intel SM35 Express (0.75W)
- Intel B55 Express
- Intel H55 Express (5.2W)
- Intel HM55 Express (3.5W)
- Intel P55 Express (3.5W)
- Intel PM55 Express (4.7W)
- Intel A57 Express
- Intel H57 Express (5.2W)
- Intel HM57 Express (3.5W)
- Intel P57 Express
- Intel PM57 Express
- Intel Q57 Express (5.1W)
- Intel QM57 Express (3.5W)
- Intel QS57 Express (3.4W)
- Intel B65 Express (6.1W)
- Intel Upgraded B65 Express (6.1W)
- Intel HM65 Express (3.9W)
- Intel Q65 Express (6.1W)
- Intel H67 Express (6.1W)
- Intel HM67 Express
- Intel Upgraded HM67 Express
- Intel Q67 Express (6.1W)
- Intel Upgraded Q67 Express (6.1W)
- Intel QM67 Express (3.9W)
- Intel QS67 Express (3.4W)
- Intel UM67 Express (3.4W)
- Intel Z75 Express (6.7W)
- Intel Z77 Express (6.7W)
- Video card
- ATi RV370X
- ATi RV371
- ATi R430 XTP
- ATi R480 Consumer 4P
- ATi RV505
- ATi RV575
- ATi Radeon Xpress 200M
- ATi Radeon Xpress 1250
- ATi Radeon X800 XT PE
- AMD Radeon HD 5450
- AMD Radeon HD 6500 Series
- AMD Radeon HD 6570
- AMD Radeon HD 6700A Series
- AMD Radeon HD W)
- AMD Radeon HD 7290 Graphics
- AMD Radeon HD 7450
- AMD Radeon HD 7570
- AMD Radeon HD 7670
- AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
- AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
- ASUS ARES2 (Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition x2)
- AMD Radeon HD 8350
- AMD Radeon HD 8450
- AMD Radeon HD 8500M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8510
- AMD Radeon HD 8700M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8750M
- AMD Radeon HD 8770
- AMD Radeon HD 8800M Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8970 Graphics
- AMD Radeon HD 8990
- Intel GMA HD
- Intel GMA HD 3000
- Intel GMA HD P3000
- Intel GMA HD 4000
- Intel GMA HD P4000
- Intel GMA HD 4600
- Intel GMA HD P4600
- Intel GMA HD P4700
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost (140W)
- Multimedia
- C-Media AC97 Audio
- Conexant HD Audio
- Creative S/B Recon3D PCIe
- Creative S/B Z
- Creative S/B Zx
- Creative S/B ZxR
- Creative S/B ZxR DBpro
- Parallels AC97 Audio
- Realtek AC97 Audio
- IDT (SigmaTel) C-Major HD Audio (STAC92xx)
- Viewcast Osprey-100 (848)
- Viewcast Osprey-100 (878)
- Viewcast Osprey-100 (878A)
- Viewcast Osprey-100e
- Viewcast Osprey-200 (878)
- Viewcast Osprey-200 (878A)
- Viewcast Osprey-210e
- Viewcast Osprey-240e
- Viewcast Osprey-260e
- Viewcast Osprey-300 (878A)
- Viewcast Osprey-440 (878A)
- Viewcast Osprey-450e
- Viewcast Osprey-460e
- Viewcast Osprey-540 (878A)
- Viewcast Osprey-800e
- Viewcast Osprey-820e
- Viewcast Osprey-825e
- Viewcast Osprey-845e
- Viewcast Osprey Gostream
- Ethernet
- D-Link DWA-566 Wireless N 300 Dual Band PCIe Desktop
- Linksys Wireless-G Portable USB
- Linksys Wireless-G USB
- Qualcomm Atheros AR928X Wireless (Compex)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Azurewave)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Fujitsu)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Lenovo)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (Samsung)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless (USI)
- Qualcomm Atheros ARb/g/n WiFi (HP)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless (ASUS)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless (Azurewave)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless (Samsung)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (Acer)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (ASUS)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (Samsung)
- Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless (WNC)
- TRENDnet N600 Wireless Dual Band PCIe
- Bluetooth : Ralink Bluetooth PCIe
- ETC : Intel Active Management Technology - SOL
- ETC : Intel Management Engine Interface
- Modem : Agere Systems HDA
- Modem : Motorola SM56 Data Fax
- Reader : O2Micro Integrated MMC/SD controller
- Reader : O2Micro Integrated MS/MSPRO/xD Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ6812 CardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ CardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ CardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZE0 CardBus/SmartCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ6922 CardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ CardBus/SmartCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ6933E CardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711E2 SmartCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711EC1 SmartCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711EC1/M1 SmartCardBus/MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711EZ1 MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711M1/MC1 MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711M2 MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711M3/MC3 MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711MP1/MS1 MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : O2Micro OZ711MP3/MS3 MemoryCardBus Controller
- Reader : Realtek RTS USB2.0 Card Reader
- Reader : Realtek PCIE CardReader (RTS5288CR)
- SATA Controller : Marvell 91xx SATA 6G Controller
- SATA Controller : Marvell 91xx SATA 6G RAID Controller
- SATA Controller : Marvell 92xx SATA 6G Controller
- USB3.0 Controller : Intel eXtensible
[ v13.03 :
(Virustotal : 1/46 /en/file/266a912b00e2d5f264a96f15bfaa1ca61178dada2a18acff0da306ce4a62ea51/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
The driver version information has been added when using the Q&A/Bug button(Ethernet).
Support for additional languages.
- Russian : Саня
Driver date infomation bug has been fixed.
- Some devices.
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Vendor name)
- .tw/ >> Abit
- FUJITSU SIEMENS >> Fujitsu-Siemens
- GIGABYTE >> Gigabyte
- LENOVO >> Lenovo
- TriGem Computer, Inc. >> Trigem
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [Abit AN7] NVIDIA nForce2 Ultra400 + MCP-T
- [ASRock G31M-S] Intel G31(17W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [ASUS M2N-MX SE] NVIDIA GeForce 6100 + nForce 430
- [ASUS P4P800] Intel i865PE(11.3W) + ICH5R
- [Biostar GF7025-M2] NVIDIA GeForce 7025 + nForce 630a
- [Biostar Hi-Fi A85W] AMD A85 FCH (7.8W)
- [Clevo P150HMx] Intel HM65 Express (3.9W)
- [Dell Inspiron N5110] Intel HM67 Express (3.9W)
- [Dell Vostro 3550] Intel HM67 Express (3.9W)
- [Gigabyte G31M-ES2C] Intel G31(17W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [Gigabyte GA-G31M-S2L] Intel G31(17W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [Gigabyte Q2532N] Intel HM65 Express (3.9W)
- [Intel DG965SS] Intel G965(28W) + ICH8(3.7W)
- [Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E435 ] AMD A70M FCH (4.7W)
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- AMD A70M FCH (4.7W)
- AMD M880G
- Intel 3420
- Intel G31 (17/7.4W)
- Intel HM65 Express (3.9W)
- Intel H77 Express (6.7W)
- Intel HM86 Express
- Video card
- Sapphire Radeon 9200 Atlantis
- AMD Radeon HD 6990M
- AMD Radeon HD 7470M
- AMD Radeon HD 7640G
- Intel GMA HD 4600
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680M
- Multimedia
- Conexant HD Audio : SmartAudio
- Conexant HD Audio : SmartAudio (CX20671)
- Intel HDMI Audio
- Ethernet
- Inprocomm IPN2220 Wirelesss
- Modem : Agere Systems AC97
- Modem : Agere Systems HDA
- Modem : Motorola SM56 Data Fax
- Reader : Alcor Micro USB 2.0 Card Reader
- Reader : JMicron PCIe MS Host Controller
- Reader : JMicron PCIe SD Host Controller
- Reader : JMicron PCIe SD/MMC Host Controller
- Reader : JMicron PCIe xD Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh Memory Stick Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh SD Bus Host Adapter
- Reader : Ricoh SD/MMC Host Controller
- Reader : Ricoh xD-Picture Card Controller
[ v13.02 :
(Virustotal : 1/46 /en/file/a080bf74deaae76fcb47c/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
Display a TDP/idle power consumption(Motherboard, Video card).
The driver version information has been added when using the Q&A/Bug button.
If Video/Multimedia/ETC devices are not available, broken link problem has been fixed.
Driver page has been much easier.
- NVIDIA GeForce 6000 or above series
Support for additional languages.
- Portuguese : Shiruvuio
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Vendor name)
- LG Electronics Inc. >> LG
- PCCHIPS >> PCChips
- Samsung Electronics >> Samsung
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [ASRock ConRoe] Intel 945GC A2(22.2W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [ASUS M3A78-EM] AMD 780G(11/3W) + SB700(4.5W)
- [ASUS P5LD2-SE] Intel i945P(15.2W) + ICH7(3.3W)
- [IBM Thinkpad R51] Intel i855PM(5.7W) + ICH4M
- [Intel D410PT] Intel NM10 Express
- [PCChips P53G] VIA P4M900CD + VT8237S
- [SuperMicro X8DT3] Intel W) + ICH10R(4.5W) + IOH36D
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- Intel i945G
- Intel N10 Express
- Intel B43 Express
- Intel H55 Express
- Intel P55 Express
- Intel 7500
- NVIDIA GeForce 9400
- NVIDIA GeForce 310M
- NVIDIA GeForce 540M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 625 (OEM)
- NVIDIA GeForce 630M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 635 (OEM)
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti
- NVIDIA GeForce 710M
- NVIDIA GeForce 730M
- NVIDIA Tesla K20s
- Video card
- AMD Radeon HD 6670
- Intel GMA X4500
- NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
- VIA (S3 Graphics) Chrome9 HD
- VIA (S3 Graphics) Chrome 520
- VIA (S3 Graphics) Chrome 640
- VIA (S3 Graphics) Chrome 645
- Multimedia
- Conexant HD Audio : SmartAudio 221
- MS LifeChat LX-3000 USB Headset
- MS LifeChat LX-6000 USB Headset
- Cam : Chicony USB 2.0 Camera
- Mouse : Razer DeathAdder
- Mouse : Razer DeathAdder Black Edition
- Mouse : Razer Naga
- Mouse : Razer Naga Epic
- Mouse : Xenics E-Blue Cobra Type-M
- Reader : AMD SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller
- Reader : O2Micro Integrated MS/xD Controller
[ v13.01 :
(Virustotal : 1/46 /en/file/65ce28e31b68dc36ca626bf2b0d2bf18df85b72ea4e439/analysis//) ]
>> ESET-NOD32 : ESET's documented definition for Win32/OpenCandy, Potentially Unsafe Application. >> Opencandy : "The definition on their website is not entirely accurate as it reflects the Potentially Unwanted Application definition and the visible screenshot is not accurate to our current detection type.".
File size has been reduced. (1.07MB >> 0.98MB)
Improved connection speed - driver page.
If Video/Multimedia/ETC devices are not available, 3DP Chip present a solution(providing links).
Support for additional languages.
- Chinese (Traditional) : Translated by Ashok Lin
- Dutch : Translated by GJvM
- Romanian : Translated by Sumutiu Marius
'Remind me after 1 month' function has been added.
If a Motherboard chipset vendors differ from each other(ex : ATi + ULi), 3DP Chip provides both drivers.
Resolved - The 'Multimedia' rides on the Multimedia devices model name.
- Japanese
- Hungarian
- Vietnamese
Newly added product or support has been enhanced.
- Motherboard (Vendor name)
- Gigabyte Technology >> Gigabyte
- TOSHIBA >> Toshiba
- Motherboard (Model name)
- [Acer Aspire 4752] Intel HM65 Express
- [Acer Aspire T180] NVIDIA GeForce 6100 + nForce 405
- [ASRock 939S56-M] SiS 756 + 965L
- [ASRock P4AL-800] ULi A800N (M1683)
- [ASRock P4Dual-915GL] Intel i915GL + ICH6
- [ASRock P67 Pro3] Intel P67 Express
- [ASUS M2N-MX SE Plus] NVIDIA GeForce 6100 + nForce 430
- [ASUS M4A78-EM-1394] AMD 780G + SB710
- [ASUS M4A785T-M] AMD 785G + SB710
- [ASUS M4A87TD] AMD 870 + SB850
- [ASUS P5K] Intel P35 + ICH9
- [ASUS P5RD1-VM] ATi Radeon Xpress 200 + ULi M1573
- [ASUS P5VD2-MX] VIA P4M890 + VT8237A
- [ASUS P8H61] Intel H61 Express
- [ASUS PTGD1-LA (Puffer-UL8E)] Intel i915P + ICH6
- [Biostar H61MGC] Intel H61 Express
- [Biostar H61MLV] Intel H61 Express
- [Biostar P4M900-M7] VIA P4M900 + VT8237A
- [Biostar TA785G3+] AMD 785G + SB710
- [Biostar TA785GE 128M] AMD 785G + SB710
- [Dell Inspiron 3520] Intel HM75 Express
- [Dell Inspiron N5110] Intel HM67 Express
- [Dell Vostro 3550] Intel HM67 Express
- [ECS A960M-MV] AMD 760G + SB710
- [Foxconn 965X7AA] Intel P965 + ICH8R
- [Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3] AMD 970 + SB950
- [Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3] AMD 770 + SB700
- [Gigabyte GA-MA770-US3] AMD 770 + SB710
- [Gigabyte H77-D3H] Intel H77 Express
- [HP Pavilion G6] Intel HM65 Express
- [Intel D201GLY] SiS662 + SiS964L
- [Intel D915GUX] Intel i915G + ICH6
- [Lenovo G550] Intel GL40 + ICH9M
- [MSI 770-C45] AMD 770 + SB710
- [MSI 870-C45] AMD 770 + SB710
- [TG(ECS) EG31M] Intel G31 + ICH7
- [Toshiba Portege M600] Intel GM965 + ICH8M
- Motherboard (Chipset name)
- AMD 785G
- Intel G31
- Intel P35
- Intel H61 Express
- Intel HM65 Express
- Intel H77 Express
- Video card
- ATi FirePro V7800P (FireGL V)
- ATi FirePro V9800P (FireGL V)
- AMD FirePro S7000 (FireGL V)
- AMD FirePro S9000 (FireGL V)
- AMD FirePro S10000 (FireGL V)
- AMD FireStream 9350
- AMD FireStream 9370
- AMD Radeon HD 6770 Green Edition
- AMD Radeon HD 6870
- AMD Radeon HD 7350
- AMD Radeon HD 7450
- AMD Radeon HD 7450A Graphics
- AMD Radeon HD 7470
- AMD Radeon HD 7510
- AMD Radeon HD 7570
- AMD Radeon HD 7650M
- AMD Radeon HD 7670
- AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
- AMD Radeon HD 8470
- AMD Radeon HD 8490
- AMD Radeon HD 8760
- AMD Radeon HD 8950
- Intel GMA HD 4000
- Matrox Epica TC20+
- Matrox Epica TC48
- Matrox Extio Expander
- Matrox Extio F2208
- NVIDIA GeForce G 110M
- NVIDIA GeForce 310M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M
- NVIDIA GeForce 610
- NVIDIA GeForce 610M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 620M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 645M
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675MX
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX
- NVIDIA Quadro FX 3400
- NVIDIA Quadro FX 4400
- NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm
- Multimedia
- ADI SoundMAX AC97 Audio
- AMD(ATi) HDMI Audio
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4206B)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Dragon SB)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Galileo)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Emerald Isle)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Emerald Isle +10 dB)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Emerald Isle +20 dB)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Emerald Isle +30 dB)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : DRS Faraday)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : Kontron 0x4051)
- Cirrus Logic (Crystal) HD Audio (CS4207 : Radisys CR300)
- Cirrus Logic HD Audio (CS42xx)
- Cirrus Logic HD Audio (CS4213)
- IDT (SigmaTel) C-Major HD Audio (STAC92xx)
- Logitech G35 Headset
- Logitech G930 Headset
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC880)
- Realtek HD Audio (ALC1200)
- VIA HD Audio (VT1705)
- Ethernet
- Accton EN1207D PCI Fast Ethernet
- Accton EN2242A Mini-PCI Fast Ethernet
- Apple USB Ethernet Adapter
- ASUS USB-N66 450Mbps Dual Band USB Adapter
- D-Link DWA-123 Wireless N 150 USB(rev.B)
- D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB(rev.B)
- D-Link GO-USB-N150 Wireless N 150 Easy USB
- EnGenius 802.11 a/b/g/n Wireless USB
- EnGenius Dual-Band Wireless Media
- Hawking HD45U Dual Band USB Wireless-N
- Hercules Wireless Dual Band 600 USB Key
- I-O DATA WN-AG450U Wireless
- Intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
- Netgear WNDA Wireless Dual Band USB
- Netgear WNDA4200D Wireless Dual Band USB
- Ralink RTbg Mini Card Wireless
- Ralink RTbgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless
- Ralink RTn Wireless
- Ralink RTn USB Wireless
- Ralink RTb/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi Adapter
- Sitecom WiFi USB adapter N600
- Sitecom Wireless Dualband 300N X5
- Sitecom Wireless Dualband 300N X5 WLA-
- Sitecom Wireless Dualband 450N X6 WLA-
- Sitecom Wireless Dualband Media 300N WLA-
- Sitecom Wireless Dualband N900 X7
- ZyXEL Dual-Band Wireless N450 USB
- Bluetooth : Apple Bluetooth Device
- Bluetooth : Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth
- Bluetooth : Apple Built-in Bluetooth
- Cam : Acer OrbiCam (Logitech)
- Cam : Apple Built-in iSight
- Cam : Apple Built-in iSight - Unprogrammed
- Cam : Apple iSight
- Cam : Apple FaceTime HD camera
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Communicate STX)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Dell Notebooks)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Easy/Cool)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Fusion)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (IM/Connect)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Image)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Messenger)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Notebooks)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Notebooks Deluxe)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Orbit/Sphere)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Orbit/Sphere MP)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Pro 4000)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Pro 5000)
- Cam : Logitech USB Camera (Ultra Vision)
- Display : Apple Cinema Display
- Display : Apple Cinema HD Display
- ETC : Apple External Optical Disc Drive
- ETC : Apple IR Receiver
- ETC : Apple performance counters
- ETC : Cartman Prototype
- ETC : NetMos 9705 PCI Parallel Port
- ETC : NetMos 9735 PCI Serial Port
- ETC : NetMos 9745 PCI Serial Port
- ETC : NetMos 9805 PCI Parallel Port
- ETC : NetMos 9815 PCI Multi-I/O Controller
- ETC : NetMos PCI 9820 Serial Port
- ETC : NetMos PCI 9825 Serial Port
- ETC : NetMos 9835 PCI Multi-I/O Controller
- ETC : NetMos 9845 PCI Multi-I/O Controller
- ETC : NetMos 9855 PCI Multi-I/O Controller
- Fingerprint : AuthenTec TouchChip Fingerprint Coprocessor
- Fingerprint : AuthenTec TouchChip Fingerprint Reader
- Fingerprint : AuthenTec TouchChip Fingerprint Sensor
- HID : Apple USB Keyboard & Multitouch Mouse/Trackpad
- HID : Apple USB Keyboard & Trackpad
- Joystick : Logitech G13 Joystic
- Keyboard : Apple USB Keyboard
- Keyboard : Logitech G19 LCD
- Keyboard : Logitech Gaming Virtual Keyboard
- Modem : Agere Systems AC'97
- Modem : Agere Systems HDA
- Modem : SmartLink 56K
- Mouse : 3Dconnexion SpacePilot Pro
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G100
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G3 Optical
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G300 Optical
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G400 Optical
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB MX518 Optical
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G500
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G600
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G700
- Mouse : Logitech Cordless Gaming USB G700
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G9 Laser
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G9x Laser
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming USB G9x Laser - Call of Duty : MW3
- Mouse : Logitech Gaming Virtual Mouse
- Reader : Broadcom SD Host Controller
- Reader : O2Micro SmartCardBus
- Reader : Realtek PCIE CardReader (RTS5229CR)
- Reader : SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller


