
魔兽世界今天早上还能玩,可是刚才登陆游戏的时候界面都打不开就提示这个图 ,求大神教教我如何处理!_百度知道90 人类 牧师
90 人类 牧师
==============================================================================World of WarCraft: Retail Build (build 16309)Exe: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeTime: Dec 6, :21.489 PMUser: asusComputer: ASUS-PC------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application has encountered a critical error:ERROR #132 (0x) Fatal exception!Program: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeProcessID: 4292Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 196CF1620The instruction at "0xCF1620" referenced memory at "0xCF1620".The memory could not be "executed".WoWBuild: 16309Version: 5.1.0Type: WoWPlatform: X64Session Time(hh:mm:ss): 00:05:01Time in World(hh:mm:ss): 00:04:21Number of Char Logins: 1Realm: ?╅???( Zone: ?℃???タ缁存?, ???搴?? (area id = 6315)Local Player: 寮??姹? A43E1, (870, 267.85, 4.501)Interact Target: ???, F1DB, (870, 271.01, 4.559)Total lua memory: 37077KBCurrent Addon: (null)Current Addon function: UNKNOWNCurrent Addon object: (null)Add Ons: Auctionator !!!163UI!!! !BaudErrorFrame !tdDropDown 163UI_Buff 163UI_Chat 163UI_Quest _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay Accountant_Classic AtlasLootReverse AutoTabard Bagnon CastDelayBar ChannelClean DeathAnnounce DuowanChat DynRepBar EN_UnitFrames EnhancedTradeSkillUI EventAlertMod FriendsMenuXP GearManagerEx GridClickSets IDQuery JPack LearningAid LibBabble-3.0 LibStatLogic-1.2 LiteBuff Mapster MerchantEx Postal RangeDisplay RatingSummary SwingBar TargetButton tdCooldown2 tekability TheBurningTrade TinyTip TradeLog TradeTabs UndressButton WarbabyTradeLink XLoot Settings: SET locale "zhCN"SET installLocale "enUS"SET enterWorld "1"SET hwDetect "0"SET videoOptionsVersion "5"SET gxApi "D3D11"SET gxWindow "0"SET gxMaximize "0"SET mouseSpeed "0.86"SET Gamma "1."SET readTOS "1"SET readEULA "1"SET accounttype "MP"SET ChatMusicVolume "0.61"SET ChatSoundVolume "0.14"SET ChatAmbienceVolume "0.61"SET VoiceActivationSensitivity "0.14"SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.46"SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.86"SET farclip "200"SET particleDensity "10"SET reflectionMode "0"SET environmentDetail "50"SET terrainLodDist "200"SET wmoLodDist "100"SET terrainTextureLod "1"SET terrainMipLevel "1"SET worldBaseMip "2"SET weatherDensity "0"SET realmName "?╅???SET gameTip "95"SET uiScale "1"SET useUiScale "1"SET repositionfrequency "0"SET readScanning "-1"SET readContest "-1"SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "-1"SET checkAddonVersion "0"SET lastCharacterIndex "1"SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"SET textureFilteringMode "0"----------------------------------------Installation settings:----------------------------------------UID: wow_zhcnExpansion Level: 4PTR: 0Beta: 0PatchURL: 'http://zhCN.patch.battle.net:1119/patch'ProductCode: 'WoW'---------------------------------------- GxInfo----------------------------------------GxApi: D3D11Shader Model: 5_0 Vertex: vs_5_0 Hull: hs_5_0 Domain: ds_5_0 Geometry: gs_5_0 Pixel: ps_5_0 Compute: cs_5_0Adapter 0: Description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M
PCI Identifier: VID=0x10DE,DID=0x1050,REV=0xA1,SSID=0x Vid Mem: 993 MB Sys Mem: 0 MB Shared Mem: 756 MB Flags: 0x UMD Version: 8.17.Installed DX11 Version:File Version: 6.1.NV Gpu 0: Clocks: Levels=2, Domains=3, PerfLevel=1, PerfFlags=0x3 Clock Level: Level=0, Level Flags=0x2 Domain: Id=4, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=405000 KHz () Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=270000 KHz (500, 540000) Domain: Id=7, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=540000 KHz (0) Clock Level: Level=0, Level Flags=0x0 Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=0 KHz (0, 0, 0) Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=0 KHz (0, 0, 0) Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=0 KHz (0, 0, 0) Thermals: Target = 1, Temp cur (min, max)= 72 (0, 127) CNV SLI State: Max Groups: 1: Num AFR Groups: 1 AFR Frame Indexes (prev, cur, next):0, 0, 0 AFR Group New?: FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x64 Registers----------------------------------------RAX=0001 RCX=0000 RDX=068D RBX=FF6C0RSP=FF648 RBP=0000 RSI=A97D0 RDI=068DR8 =C29C0 R9 =FF6C0 R10=CFA7R12=C29C0 R13=0 R15=0000RIP=CF1620 CSR=00001FAA FLG=CS =0033 DS =002B ES =002B SS =002B FS =0053 GS =002B---------------------------------------- Stack Trace (Manual)----------------------------------------Address Frame Logical addr ModuleShowing 49/49 threads...--- Thread ID: 3368 [Current Thread] ---CF00: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeE5BF FF650 BF D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeF0D9 FF6A0 D9 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe2A00 FF6F0 A00 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe1AC5 FF750 AC5 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeFC0EFCF FF780 DFCF D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeC460D FF7B0 D D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe6DDF FF7E0 DDF D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe01: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe356F FF870 F D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe48BC FF8A0 BC D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe52FC FF8F0 FC D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeCBE39 FF960 AE39 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeD2B29 FFAA0 B29 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeFC00001FFAD0 8 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeA00001FFB80 D C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dllBAC521 FFBB0 1 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
90 人类 牧师
==============================================================================World of WarCraft: Retail Build (build 16309)Exe: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeTime: Dec 6, :21.489 PMUser: asusComputer: ASUS-PC------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application has encountered a critical error:ERROR #132 (0x) Fatal exception!Program: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeProcessID: 4292Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 196CF1620The instruction at "0xCF1620" referenced memory at "0xCF1620".The memory could not be "executed".WoWBuild: 16309Version: 5.1.0Type: WoWPlatform: X64Session Time(hh:mm:ss): 00:05:01Time in World(hh:mm:ss): 00:04:21Number of Char Logins: 1Realm: ?╅???( Zone: ?℃???タ缁存?, ???搴?? (area id = 6315)Local Player: 寮??姹? A43E1, (870, 267.85, 4.501)Interact Target: ???, F1DB, (870, 271.01, 4.559)Total lua memory: 37077KBCurrent Addon: (null)Current Addon function: UNKNOWNCurrent Addon object: (null)Add Ons: Auctionator !!!163UI!!! !BaudErrorFrame !tdDropDown 163UI_Buff 163UI_Chat 163UI_Quest _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay Accountant_Classic AtlasLootReverse AutoTabard Bagnon CastDelayBar ChannelClean DeathAnnounce DuowanChat DynRepBar EN_UnitFrames EnhancedTradeSkillUI EventAlertMod FriendsMenuXP GearManagerEx GridClickSets IDQuery JPack LearningAid LibBabble-3.0 LibStatLogic-1.2 LiteBuff Mapster MerchantEx Postal RangeDisplay RatingSummary SwingBar TargetButton tdCooldown2 tekability TheBurningTrade TinyTip TradeLog TradeTabs UndressButton WarbabyTradeLink XLoot Settings: SET locale "zhCN"SET installLocale "enUS"SET enterWorld "1"SET hwDetect "0"SET videoOptionsVersion "5"SET gxApi "D3D11"SET gxWindow "0"SET gxMaximize "0"SET mouseSpeed "0.86"SET Gamma "1."SET readTOS "1"SET readEULA "1"SET accounttype "MP"SET ChatMusicVolume "0.61"SET ChatSoundVolume "0.14"SET ChatAmbienceVolume "0.61"SET VoiceActivationSensitivity "0.14"SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.46"SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.86"SET farclip "200"SET particleDensity "10"SET reflectionMode "0"SET environmentDetail "50"SET terrainLodDist "200"SET wmoLodDist "100"SET terrainTextureLod "1"SET terrainMipLevel "1"SET worldBaseMip "2"SET weatherDensity "0"SET realmName "?╅???SET gameTip "95"SET uiScale "1"SET useUiScale "1"SET repositionfrequency "0"SET readScanning "-1"SET readContest "-1"SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "-1"SET checkAddonVersion "0"SET lastCharacterIndex "1"SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"SET textureFilteringMode "0"----------------------------------------Installation settings:----------------------------------------UID: wow_zhcnExpansion Level: 4PTR: 0Beta: 0PatchURL: 'http://zhCN.patch.battle.net:1119/patch'ProductCode: 'WoW'----------------------------------------GxInfo----------------------------------------GxApi: D3D11Shader Model: 5_0Vertex: vs_5_0Hull: hs_5_0Domain: ds_5_0Geometry: gs_5_0Pixel: ps_5_0Compute: cs_5_0Adapter 0:Description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M PCI Identifier: VID=0x10DE,DID=0x1050,REV=0xA1,SSID=0xVid Mem: 993 MBSys Mem: 0 MBShared Mem: 756 MBFlags: 0xUMD Version: 8.17.Installed DX11 Version:File Version: 6.1.NV Gpu 0:Clocks: Levels=2, Domains=3, PerfLevel=1, PerfFlags=0x3Clock Level: Level=0, Level Flags=0x2Domain: Id=4, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=405000 KHz ()Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=270000 KHz (500, 540000)Domain: Id=7, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=540000 KHz (0)Clock Level: Level=0, Level Flags=0x0Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=0 KHz (0, 0, 0)Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=0 KHz (0, 0, 0)Domain: Id=0, Domain Flags=0x0, Freq (def,min,max)=0 KHz (0, 0, 0)Thermals: Target = 1, Temp cur (min, max)= 72 (0, 127) CNV SLI State:Max Groups: 1:Num AFR Groups: 1AFR Frame Indexes (prev, cur, next):0, 0, 0AFR Group New?: FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x64 Registers----------------------------------------RAX=0001 RCX=0000 RDX=068D RBX=FF6C0RSP=FF648 RBP=0000 RSI=A97D0 RDI=068DR8 =C29C0 R9 =FF6C0 R10=CFA7R12=C29C0 R13=0 R15=0000RIP=CF1620 CSR=00001FAA FLG=CS =0033 DS =002B ES =002B SS =002B FS =0053 GS =002B----------------------------------------Stack Trace (Manual)----------------------------------------Address Frame Logical addr ModuleShowing 49/49 threads...--- Thread ID: 3368 [Current Thread] ---CF00: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeE5BF FF650 BF D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeF0D9 FF6A0 D9 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe2A00 FF6F0 A00 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe1AC5 FF750 AC5 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeFC0EFCF FF780 DFCF D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeC460D FF7B0 D D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe6DDF FF7E0 DDF D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe01: D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe356F FF870 F D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe48BC FF8A0 BC D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe52FC FF8F0 FC D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeCBE39 FF960 AE39 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeD2B29 FFAA0 B29 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeFC00001FFAD0 8 D:\魔兽世界\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exeA00001FFB80 D C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dllBAC521 FFBB0 1 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
90 人类 牧师
90 人类 圣骑士
90 人类 牧师
90 人类 牧师
建议您关闭客户端后删除客户端文件夹下的【Cache】、【WTF】及【Interface】文件夹,删除Data下的Cache、CacheNew、CacheOld 类文件,再把客户端文件夹重命名后,launcher.exe,注意launcher.exe提示【已为最新】再登录
90 人类 牧师
建议您关闭客户端后删除客户端文件夹下的【Cache】、【WTF】及【Interface】文件夹,删除Data下的Cache、CacheNew、CacheOld 类文件,再把客户端文件夹重命名后,管 理员权限运行launcher.exe,注意launcher.exe提示【已为最新】再登录客户端文件夹重命名成什么?魔兽世界?


