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Includes 48 Steam Achievements
Title: Metro 2033
Release Date: 16 Mar, 2010
About This Game
Set in the shattered subway of a post apocalyptic Moscow, Metro 2033 is a story of intensive underground survival where the fate of mankind rests in your hands.
In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age.
The year is 2033. An entire generation has been born and raised underground, and their besieged Metro Station-Cities struggle for survival, with each other, and the mutant horrors that await outside.
You are Artyom, born in the last days before the fire, but raised Underground. Having never ventured beyond your Metro Station-City limits, one fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system, to warn the remnants of mankind of a terrible impending threat. Your journey takes you from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where your actions will determine the fate of mankind.
Metro 2033 is a gripping, atmospheric first person shooter experience powered by cutting edge technology, featuring full DX10 and NVIDIA PhysX support for high-end gaming PCs, to deliver incredible visuals
Witness the everyday horrors of a broken society living in constant fear
Brave the darkness of the tunnels, where mutants hunt their prey and ghostly spirits lurk
Explore the desolate city-surface, trusting your gas mask and rifle to protect you from a poisoned world and the creatures that roam there
Steel your nerve and prepare to face the terrors that await
Based on the internationally bestselling novel series by Dmitry Glukhovsky
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Processor: Dual core CPU (any Core 2 Duo or better)
Memory: 1GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9, Shader Model 3 compliant graphics cards (GeForce 8800, GeForce GT220 and above)
DirectX(R): DirectX 9.0c
Enabling 3D Vision:
Metro 2033 utilizes NVIDIA 3D Vision with compatible cards and hardware. To play Metro 2033 in 3D you will require:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 and above recommended
A 120Hz (or above) monitor
NVIDIA 3D Vision kit Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Any Quad Core or 3.0+ GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 260 and above)
DirectX(R): DirectX 10 or higher
Optimum Requirements:
Processor: Core i7 CPU
Memory: 8GB RAM or higher
Graphics: NVIDIA DirectX 11 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 480 and 470)
DirectX(R): DirectX 11
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harrowing, both in fear facttor and if you have an amd gpu
I'd just get the redux now, but if you want to save $5, you can get this version. Still a fantastic game, redux or not.
This game is to fun.
A storyline that you might not understand at first. It gives you that strange feeling that you did something wrong at the end, but you don't know what. But once you realize what you did, you realize you f**ked up. Just remember this, &Humanity fears what it does not understand.&
It's ok, but even after several years, it runs like ???? on modern hardware. The developers have released a finalized version of the game called redux and expect you to buy the game again just to have a properly working version of in the first place. ???? them.
Absolutely ???????t, like 70% of the pc gamers can't play this game and the developers don't give a ????, i dont even know how they developed it if it won't run...I tried everything but its still not working and steam won't refund me. I hope there'll be a patch some day but i doubt it.Would not recommend it, 0/10
Nice UA game!
Seriously this has to be one of the best storyline games I've played. LL does not even come close to scratching the glory that is 2033. I own the game on two consoles and have put so many hours in it to the point I can breeze through the game not being detected. I’ll come back to this beauty for many times over for for the atmosphere, the weapons and unforgiving nature of the npcs.
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Very good graphics for its time, good design, acceptable story, good fights, not to painfull &riddles&, good sound.All in all, if you want a solid FPS from a few years ago that is not surprising at all but very well done get it.If it is in a sale, get it for a rainy day.Nastrowje !
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????ing outstanding. Next one please.
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1 person found this review funny
its like skyrim with mole russians
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339 people found this review funny
&Playing on Ranger difficulty&Ten bullets left.&Over 10 monsters appear&Miss all ten shots. Freaked out&Started melee with the knife, screaming in terror&Killed them all with the last grasp of health&Started to relax as I walk to the next room&Forgot to put on the mask and died of radiationAnd I thought Far Cry 3 was intense and inmersive...10/10Now I know how life in my homeland is like. (My family was russian)
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????ing Watchdogs...
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3 people found this review funny
Metro 2033 is a FPS Survival and Action mix game set in a post-apocalyptic world where Russia is devastated by nukes and stuff which forces people live in the metro (Hence the name Metro 2033) but they are not the only one's there...The game is really good as the survival part is crucial as u need to keep track of your gas filters... There is also some parts where u can either go guns blazing or use stealth to get past. The latter option is recommended as ammo is not that common to find which adds some realism to the game as the city/country is turned into a piece of ruins.If u liked the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series or the F.E.A.R series then u will love this but Metro 2033 is more story-driven and has less open world elements but it adds some realism as there is nothing else to do in a nuked city with monster lurking around everywhere...I might add more to this as I am a lazy writer.EDIT: I did not see this coming how come I get over here... So I am going to add more stuff into this..WeaponsThe Weapon system is limited but has different playstyles so if u want to go stealthily u may want to take a VSV otherwise u can go a Kalash.In some levels where there are mostly monsters the shotguns come into play and u can either use a Double barreled duplet or go for a ubonyeg which has 6 shells but they are fired in some kind of a revolving method so reloading it might take some effort to get all 6 shells loaded..There is also your knife as the default melee weapon which can be used as a last hope for survival otherwise there are many other weapons like throwing knifes, grenades, sticky grenades and other pneumatic guns to choose from according to your playstyle.Stealth:Like I mentioned earlier this game can be played both with stealth or with action... Stealth can help u alot in saving your precious ammo.. The stealth system is pretty easy as u have to just be aware of traps, broken glass and don't go into well illuminated areas or create some light yourself by either using a lighter, headlamp or even lighting the fuse of a grenade can give your position away.The game has 3 levels of stealth. Green, Yellow and Red. Green means that u are completely hidden from them, Yellow means that someone have either noticed you or you made some noise, Red is pretty obvious they have spotted you and might be already shooting at you. U can see your stealth level by the LED Lights on your watch which can also be seen while holding some weapons. So you will not be putting your watch up all the time to check your stealth level.Currency:The currency used in Metro 2033 is Military Grade Ammo which is hard to find and can also be used as ammo for some of your guns. They are much better than the Home brewn ammo which does less damage and is also known as dirty bullets.The Military Grade Ammo(aka Golden Bullets) have a different look than the dirty bullets and since they are your only way to buy items & weapons u will have to really sure that u need to them in a battle or no since they can be easily wasted if u miss some shots.Conclusion:I can easily recommend this game as it is just too good to try it out.It was bundled in the past and even given away for free.. Its not available on the store as the redux version is out which is just like a graphics update and maybe abit of tweaks and stuff..The game is almost 4 years old now but the graphics is still good and there is rarely any bug that I encountered.. The game can keep u busy for around 50 hours or so even though the story is not that long but if u want to finish the game on Ranger Hardcore and get all the achievements it can easily take 3 complete playthroughs to get them.
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I can't believe this game is almost 4 years old.Metro 2033 is a stunningly beatufull, and frightfull game. I know i am incredibly late with reviewing this game, i finished it about 30 minutes ago, and was blown away by the ending (not going to spoil anythin though) I played Last Light before i played 2033, and actually think i like 2033 better. Last light is a brilliant game, but this game had such a great personality.In Metro 2033 you live in the (you guessed it) underground metro in Russia, the year 2033. You play as the very silent Artyom. Who barely remembers anything from before the nuclear war, which made the surface of the earth unhabitable. Artyom is a Ranger, who has sworn to protect his homeland from any threat out there in the tunnels of the Metro, and up on the surface. A grand threat has emerged from the distant areas of the surface. The so called &Dark Ones& start messing with peoples minds, and takes controll over Human controlled outposts and such. It is now up to Artyom, and the few Rangers to eliminate this threat. &If it's hostile, you kill it.&+The game is stunningly beatifull+Great game mechanics+Interesting (altough few) weapons and tools+Interesting and adaptive world+I Personally encountered no bugs+Terrifying monsters+Creepy enviroment-Bulky face animations-Not the greatest voice acting (and why does only Artyom speak in the loading screens?)Metro 2033 is a must have for anyone who enjoys somewhat scary games. You can probably pick it up really cheap on the christmas sale in a couple of days, i got it for about 3 euros last fall sale.Must have. 9,5/10
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The safest way for people to experience life in Russia
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Incredible action-horror game set in the underground metro of Moscow after an apocalypse in 2013. Amazing storytelling and an immersive atmosphere with some of the best visuals available even 3 years on. Offers a story driven easy mode to a hardcore ranger mode with deadly weapons and scarce ammuntion. Would wholeheartedly recommend for anyone with a taste for action, horror or a curiosity of alternate post-apocalyptic settings. The book this game is based on, &Metro 2033& by Dmitry Glukhovsky, is well worth a read if you enjoyed the game.
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