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Includes 27 Steam Achievements
Title: The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Release Date: 29 Jul, 2014
Buy The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
About This Game
Modern society owes much to a mystical technology known as “orbal energy.” Fifty years ago, during what’s come to be known as the “Orbal Revolution,” the invention of this technology and the “orbments” developed from it led to a period of rapid human advancement, birthing innovations of all shapes and sizes -- not the least of which was the airliner, or “orbalship” industry. Although the positive impact of this revolution is obvious, every for every beneficial device developed with these new materials, so too were advanced weapons and other implements of war. Thus, the land became mired with turmoil, and remains in such a state even now.
Enter, the bracers: an organization established to serve as police and intermediaries alike, holding above all else the peace and safety of the lands under their jurisdiction. Whenever a citizen is in need of assistance, he or she may place a request at the local Bracer Guild -- and be it monster extermination, crime prevention or even peace talks among warring nations, the bracers will do whatever they can to resolve the matter cleanly and efficiently.
Some matters require a gentler touch than others, however. When an orbalship transporting a legendary &S-rank& bracer named Cassius Bright suddenly goes missing, said bracer's daughter, Estelle, and adoptive son, Joshua, must join forces in search of him across the entire Kingdom of Liberl.
And what they find along the way could change both of their lives forever...
Hailed as one of the largest, longest and most meticulously detailed turn-based JRPG series of all time, this first chapter in the ongoing Trails saga sets the stage for what's quickly become Ys developer Nihon Falcom's most popular and best-selling franchise in their entire 30+ year history. Introducing people, places, ideas, events and lore that rival in complexity those of even the most highly-regarded fantasy epics in literature, the care and attention given to each and every NPC, location and historical in-game event is what sets The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky apart from its contemporaries.
Come join Estelle, Joshua, Scherazard, Olivier and the rest of the cast as they uncover the secret underbelly of Liberl in their first 50+ hour masterpiece, and see what Japanese gamers have been raving about for over ten years.
The original version of the first chapter in this historical series, featuring strategic turn-based combat with unmatched customization.
Over 50 hours of gameplay on average, with countless side-quests, collectibles and secrets to encourage replay.
A vast world where every NPC has a name and personality, every town has its own unique politics and economic concerns, and no detail is ever trivial.
Support for a wide variety of fullscreen and widescreen resolutions, including true 1080p HD.
Fully adjustable controls supporting virtually any USB gamepad, as well as a standard keyboard and mouse setup.
Over two dozen unique Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud support and Steam Trading Cards featuring gorgeous anime-style art from the franchise's original artists.
Numerous updates previously seen only in the handheld version, including:
- Selectable difficulty level and new game+ features on subsequent playthroughs
- Full voice-acting during combat
- &Retry Offset& feature to lower the difficulty of battle with each attempt if desired
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Pentium III 550 MHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 32 MB VRAM, 3D accelerator compatible w/ DirectX 9.0c
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c
OS: Windows Vista, 7 or 8 (64-bit supported)
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 64 MB VRAM, 3D accelerator compatible w/ DirectX 9.0c
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 4 GB available space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c
(c) Nihon Falcom Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed to and published by XSEED Games / Marvelous USA, Inc.
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Very Positive
(51 reviews)
Very Positive
(2,280 reviews)
This game is perfect for those trying to scratch that JRPG itch. It's not too difficult (even on Hard mode), has wonderful story telling, and the graphics have aged...wellish. The combat is tons of fun as well, utilizing tactics in simple encounters and even in boss fights. I think there are times that it can be a little &busy& with all the sidequesting and hidden secrets to find, but that's part of the charm for these kinds of games. Can't wait to play SC!
This game consumed my life for weeks.Fun magic/combat system.
Some actually difficult boss fights.
Decent difficulty curve. Story takes a while to gear up but it becomes very interesting.In games like this they have a tendency to stick you with different characters at different points for story purposes and usually that's a drag but each character is strong and unique enough it never felt annoying to have to use anyone.
If anything by the end of the game I had a hard time choosing who to bring with me because I liked everyone so much.The only real weakness to this game that I noticed while playing it was how small the game world and towns can feel at times.
This is what a RPG game should be!Really great story, gameplay and music. Not to mention the NPC is really liveable in the game.But if you like me dont have much time playing, you can use Cheat Engine to speed up the game. I speed the game up usually in battle and when walking around.I've completed the game, ingame my total time is 47 hours but my real total time is 31 hours.
If you like your JRPGs packed with story and excellent world building, just buy the game right now. If just want to slay some monsters and go on a bit of an adventure, look elsewhere. I personally love the Trails sub-series and recommend it to anyone who likes JRPGs. The continent of Zemuria is one I'll be returning to on a regular basis for as long as they keep the story going.
This game took me by surprise, and then kept me occupied for -- according to Steam -- over 90 hours of playtime. Geez.It is very, very heavy on dialogue and story in general. I used to think Suikoden V had a slow start, where it took maybe 6 hours for the story Trails in the Sky FC easily doubled that time (for me, anyway). But oh man, was it worth it. Character customization for combat is fairly satisfying and gets more interesting as the game progresses, but the actual combat is somewhat slow-paced. This goes from being hard to get used to in the beginning (and adding to the slowness of the intro...), to feeling just right towards the middle and end -- where playing strategically and planning your moves really starts to matter.Ultimately though, where this game shines the brightest is in its likable cast of characters and its world building and overall story-telling. If you're the sort that loves seeing literally every single NPC in the whole chapter update their dialogue after every. single. change in the story... this game is for you! If you enjoy delving into the social interactions of the townspeople and watching them progress as your main story does, you'll likely love this. The only downside to this is, of course, that you'll probably end up doing a LOT of running around and talking to people every time something significant happens. But technically this isn't at all necessary to actually progress the main story.If you're a completionist, you'll absolutely WANT to do the extra running around and exploring, though: the game is extremely sneaky about hiding items, dialogue and entire side quest chains. On the one hand this could be seen as ann I certainly did miss a few quests and was bummed about that. But on the other hand, it is immensely rewarding to just accidentally stumble onto an interesting side story or mystery or monster extermination quest when you aren't expecting to.The game does an amazing job of familiarizing you with its setting -- be it its lore and ancient history, or the current political, social and militaristic state of your country (Liberl) and its surrounding nations. The only thing that I've played that comes close to doing this as well as Trails in the Sky is, well, the Suikoden series. ...Speaking of which, a lot of the music in this game reminds me of Suikoden. And aside from maybe a couple somewhat repetitive town tracks, the soundtrack is really, really good. I just wish it was purchaseable DLC on Steam. TL;DR: Very, very long game. Lots of dialogue. Story is the focus, combat is secondary. Many hidden things. Great music. Very likable characters. Super duper highly recommend! ...Oh and it ends in such a way that you're going to really, badly want more of it. Thankfully the second chapter is on Steam already. :)
This game is by far one of the better JRPG's I have played in a long time. The build and structure of this game reminds me of the good old Grandia and Lunar games. Battle system is solid, story is phenomenal, and the fact that there are two more games that come after this one that ONLY improve everything is fan????ingtastic. Falcom seems to be pushing the JRPG genre forward, and I foresee myself and countless others playing their games instead of Square Enix's AAA garbage that is the modern Final Fantasy series.10/10Can't wait to play Trails in the Sky 2nd Chapter!
Very good story & characters. I enjoyed hunting down random NPCs just to talk to them. If that's what you're interested in, go for it. I personally decided to try not being a complete achivement hunter for probably the first time and I think it was a good decision. Gameplay isn't bad, though I wouldn't call it amazing.
Alright, here goes. After two and a half hours, I really enjoy this game. It looks great, the combat is fun, the story is decent (if not exactly original), and i really love the characters. In many ways, it should be easy to recommend to everyone. In a perfect world, this would be a well-known classic.However... as I said, I'm two and a half hours in. About twenty minutes of this has been actual gameplay, and that includes walking around in a town and learning about the skill system. That's really not a whole lot of &gameplay&. I have heard a lot of people defend it by saying the story matters and so on, but I don't really agree. Final Fantasy XIII got a lot of hate for being a corridor the first 30+ hours, yet the same people like Trails in the Sky even if it's yet another corridor? That doesn't make sense to me. Why hate one game and praise another for the exact same reason? And yes, I did enjoy FFXIII a lot. But I think it had a nice ratio of cutscenes vs gameplay. Some cutscenes, some gameplay, some cutscenes, some gameplay etc. Trails in the Sky has very long cutscenes, then some brief, extremely linear gameplay, then yet another looooong cutscene. Again, two and a half hours in, and have played around 20 minutes. If that.Also, I love games like &999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors& (though I always get the door, person, hour order wrong), and those games are 90% cutscenes. But they are *intended* to be cutscenes. I knew what I was getting myself into right away. Trails in the Sky is intended to be a JRPG with strategy-RPG elements (move around the battlefield etc), and the story isn't really anything new. So why this endless focus on cutscenes?But if you can get past that, I recommend this game. It looks great, the characters are awesome and the combat fun. And who knows? Maybe it opens up later. Fingers crossed. :)
This is the most JRPGish JRPG you'll ever play.In a good way.In the best of ways, actually.
Took me awhile to get into this game. But after a few hours of playing it, I relized this is truly an immersive and wonderful RPG.
One of the best JRPG I've ever played for its gameplay, music, story, heck, every single aspect of it!If you fancy yourself JRPG game, absolutely get this!Worth every cent of its price!Oh, have I mentioned that there are 3 parts of the game?Yes, there are 3 parts: First Chapter, Second Chapter, and the last Third Chapter.As I'm writing this review, currently 2 parts are already released on Steam: First Chapter and Second Chapter.And I'm telling you now as I've finished both of them, the story is just brilliant!Can't wait for the Third Chapter to be released!--BAH, enough babbling, just buy it, no regrets!
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Classic RPG feel. The combat system is unique, fun, and not too difficult to get the hang of. The customization of the characters is pretty good. The characters themselves are wonderful, and the dialouge and story are the best things about the game. Definitely sets up the next game, feels more like a long prologue to a much more over-arching story. One of the best RPGs I've played.
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This game is worth your time if your wondering to buy it or not
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Great game took me 48 hours to beat on hard mode first playthrough, probably coming back to get the perfect achievement since I really liked the story.
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Great story+ Soundtrack...Definitely worth playing
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It's very 90th japanese anime oriented storyline. There's a lot of text & very well optimized for today PC. The battle difficulty is a bit harder than the popular JRPG.The battle system is very slow, but require common sense & proper strategy.
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One of the best linear RPGs I have ever played: great and unpredictable story that constantly shifts between funny and sad, awesome soundtrack and amazing characters/dialogues &3Only bad thing about the game is its somewhat slow gameplay=)
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I'm a huge JRPG fan and grew up during that golden age, SNES & PS1 era. I've played a ton since then. Some were good, some were meh, but Trails in the Sky is one of the only JRPGs that I REALLY enjoyed since the SNES-PS1 era. It actually feels like a PS1 game, but with crisper graphics. It has everything that I miss about JRPGs, a good slow burning story, great character development, turn based combat, and an amazing soundtrack.
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one of the best JRPG on steam. can't say enough how good this game is. just buy the bloody game and play it for yourself!
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What a great jrpg... can't believe it was in my list unplayed for so long.. but at least that means i can play the second one right away :)Pros:storymusicbattle systemcharacterscons...that one boss song you hear mostly fighting lesser bosses.... it's just out of place lol
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