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Quality Assurance Process - Special Education (CA Dept of Education)
Quality Assurance Process
Quality Assurance Process
Resources to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities while ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
(DOC; 1MB; Updated 01-Jun-2010)
Reflecting approved changes to initial submission of December 2, 2005
California State Performance Plan (SPP)
(DOC; 2MB; Posted 02-Jan-2013)
Seven year plan for special education required by IDEA 04
(DOC; 2MB; Revised 07-May-2012) Revisions to Indicator 4 (Suspension and Expulsion), Indicator 9 (Disproportionality Overall), and Indicator 10 (Disproportionality by Disability)
(DOC; Posted 21-Oct-2009) Revisions to Indicator #7 (Preschool Assessment)
(DOC; Posted 01-Feb 2008)
Revisions to Indicator #7 (Preschool Assessment) and Indicator #14 (Post School Outcomes)
(DOC; Revised 01-Feb-2007)
Six year plan for special education required by IDEA 04
California Annual Performance Report (APR)
Describes the State's progress or slippage in meeting the measurable and rigorous targets established in the SPP; and any revisions to the State's targets, improvement activities or resources in the SPP and justifications for the revisions.
A link to the GRADS 360 Web application maintained by the Office of Special Education Programs. Select California from the Choose Profile pull-down menu or from the image map. Find the document named &APR-2014B-CA.pdf& and click the download icon.
A link to the GRADS 360 Web application maintained by the Office of Special Education Programs. Select &FFY13 Part B Profiles& then either select California from the Choose Profile pull-down menu or from the image map. Select the download arrow next to the document named &APR-2013B-CA.pdf.&
(DOC; Posted 30-Nov-2015)
Contains APR FFY 2013 data in an easier to read format.
(DOC; Posted 07-Aug-2014)
(DOC; Posted 07-Aug-2014)
Contains APR FFY 2012 data in an easier to read format.
Posted 29-Apr-2014)
(DOC; Posted 07-May-2012)
(DOC; 21MB; Posted 07-May-2012)
(DOC; 1MB; Posted 22-Nov-2011)
(DOC; 1MB; Posted 29-Apr-2010)
(DOC; 3MB; Posted 21-Oct-2009)
(DOC; 2MB; Posted 01-Feb-2008)
(DOC; 1MB; Posted 01-Feb-2007)
(DOC; Posted 15-Jun-2007)
(DOC; Posted 15-Jun-2007)
(Updated 12-Aug-2016)
Special Education Division consultants assignments by County
Impacts on Special Education including information and resources on disproportionate representation by race and ethnicity of students receiving special education services.
(Updated 13-Aug-2015)
Information and guidance on the activities required to remedy identified high rates of student suspension and expulsion, and disproportionality.
Procedural Safeguards and Referral Services
Provides technical assistance information and resources for
parents, school districts, advocates, agencies and others of procedural
safeguards regarding students between ages 3 and 21 with disabilities
and their educational rights.
Toll-free Help Line: 800-926-0648; Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Videophone Line: 916-374-7182 (deaf/hard of hearing); Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
FAX: 916-327-3704
Rights of Parents and Children
(Updated 22-Jan-2009)
This document complies with the final federal regulations, effective October 13, 2006, implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as amended in 2004.
(Updated 02-Feb-2009)
(Updated 25-Nov-2015)
A brief summary of Procedural Safeguards for students with disabilities receiving special education services.
Procedural Safeguards Resources
(Revised 01-Sep-2015)
List of California agencies providing resources for families of
children with disabilities.
Complaint Filing, Investigation and Resolution
(Posted 25-Nov-2014)
The special education complaint process with federal and state law resource links.
(Revised 25-Nov-2014)
(DOC; Revised Nov-2006)
Form for filing compliance complaint that alleges violation of state or federal special education laws.
Questions: Special Education Division |
| 916-445-4613&
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 12, 2016
& California Department of EducationQuality Control & Quality Assurance
Quality Control & Quality Assurance
Quality is an important factor when it comes to any product or service. With the high market competition, quality has become the market differentiator for almost all products and services.
Therefore, all manufacturers and service providers out there constantly look for enhancing their product or the service quality.
In order to maintain or enhance the quality of the offerings, manufacturers use two techniques, quality control and quality assurance. These two practices make sure that the end product or the service meets the quality requirements and standards defined for the product or the service.
There are many methods followed by organizations to achieve and maintain required level of quality. Some organizations believe in the concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) and some others believe in internal and external standards.
The standards usually define the processes and procedures for organizational activities and assist to maintain the quality in every aspect of organizational functioning.
When it comes to standards for quality, there are many. ISO (International Standards Organization) is one of the prominent bodies for defining quality standards for different industries.
Therefore, many organizations try to adhere to the quality requirements of ISO. In addition to that, there are many other standards that are specific to various industries.
As an example, SEI-CMMi is one such standard followed in the field of software development.
Since standards have become a symbol for products and service quality, the customers are now keen on buying their product or the service from a certified manufacturer or a service provider.
Therefore, complying with standards such as ISO has become a necessity when it comes to attracting the customers.
Quality Control
Many people get confused between quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA). Let's take a look at quality control function in high-level.
As we have already discussed, organizations can define their own internal quality standards, proc the organization will develop these over time and then relevant stakeholders will be required to adhere by them.
The process of making sure that the stakeholders are adhered to the defined standards and procedures is called quality control. In quality control, a verification process takes place.
Certain activities and products are verified against a defined set of rules or standards.
Every organization that practices QC needs to have a Quality Manual. The quality manual outlines the quality focus and the objectives in the organization.
The quality manual gives the quality guidance to different departments and functions. Therefore, everyone in the organization needs to be aware of his or her responsibilities mentioned in the quality manual.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is a broad practice used for assuring the quality of products or services. There are many differences between quality control and quality assurance.
In quality assurance, a constant effort is made to enhance the quality practices in the organization.
Therefore, continuous improvements are expected in quality functions in the company. For this, there is a dedicated quality assurance team commissioned.
Sometimes, in larger organizations, a 'Process' team is also allocated for enhancing the processes and procedures in addition to the quality assurance team.
Quality assurance team of the organization has many responsibilities. First and foremost responsibility is to define a process for achieving and improving quality.
Some organizations come up with their own process and others adopt a standard processes such as ISO or CMMi. Processes such as CMMi allow the organizations to define their own internal processes and adhere by them.
Quality assurance function of an organization uses a number of tools for enhancing the quality practices. These tools vary from simple techniques to sophisticated software systems.
The quality assurance professionals also should go through formal industrial trainings and get them certified. This is especially applicable for quality assurance functions in software development houses.
Since quality is a relative term, there is plenty of opportunity to enhance the quality of products and services.
The quality assurance teams of organizations constantly work to enhance the existing quality of products and services by optimizing the existing production processes and introducing new processes.
When it comes to our focus, we understand that quality control is a product-oriented process. When it comes to quality assurance, it is a process-oriented practice.
When quality control makes sure the end product meets the quality requirements, quality assurance makes sure that the process of manufacturing the product does adhere to standards.
Therefore, quality assurance can be identified as a proactive process, while quality control can be noted as a reactive process.
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Quality assurance (QA) is the application of planned, systematic
quality activities to ensure that the project will employ all
processes needed to meet
A quality assurance department, or similar organization, often
oversees quality assurance activities. QA support, regardless of
the unit’s title, may be provided to the project team, the
management of the performing organization, the customer or sponsor,
as well as other stakeholders not actively involved in the
of the project.
also provides an umbrella for another important quality activity,
continuous process improvement. Continuous process improvement
provides an iterative means for improving the quality of all
process improvement reduces waste and non-value-added activities,
which allows processes to operate at increased levels of efficiency
and effectiveness. Process improvement is distinguished by its
identification and review of organizational business processes. It
may be applied to other processes within an organization as well,
from micro processes, such as the coding of modules within a
software program, to macro processes, such as the opening of new
Performing quality control (QC) involves monitoring specific
project results to determine whether they comply with relevant
quality standards and identifying
ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results. It should be
performed throughout the project. Quality standards include project
processes and product goals. Project results include deliverables
and project management results, such as cost and schedule
performance. QC is often performed by a quality control
department or similarly titled organizational unit. QC can include
taking action to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory project
The project management team should have a working knowledge of
statistical quality control, especially sampling and probability,
to help evaluate QC outputs. Among other subjects, the team may
find it useful to know the differences between the following pairs
of terms:
& Prevention (keeping errors out of the process) and inspection
(keeping errors out of the hands of the
& Attribute sampling (the result conforms, or it does not) and
variables sampling (the result is rated on a continuous scale that
measures the degree of
& Special causes (unusual events) and common causes (normal process
variation). Common causes are also called random
& Tolerances (the result is acceptable if it falls within the range
specified by the tolerance) and control limits (the process is in
control if the result falls within the control
Quality control measurements represent the results of QC
activities that are fed back to QA (Section 8.2) to reevaluate and
analyze the quality standards and
processes of the performing


