impactspeak now world tourr什么意思

Let’s face it. You are a business badass. You have been doing your thing for at least 3 years and you are a BEAST!&Except--your money doesn’t match&the HOURS of effort you pour into your speaking, coaching or service-based business.
They’re “living the dream”: buying million dollar homes, traveling the globe to delicious vacation spots, and making the world a better place with their philanthropic contributions.&But you? You have stalled at the multiple 6-figure glass ceiling for YEARS growing at a snails pace or worse: going no where fast.
You know “how” to make money.
But the truth is the “way” you do it is burning you out. And you feel left behind. Your peers are running million, and in some cases multimillion dollar, businesses and living the good life.&
Imagine being able to be part of the elite 2% of women of all races to break the million-dollar mark in one annual year!Imagine impacting the financial legacy of your bloodline so your children’s children are born into affluence, and you are hailed as a living legend!&Imagine finally being able to live the lifestyle you deserve with the kind of impact and affluence that we normally see reserved only White people. #HollaAndPreach
Get ready for 4-hours of fun, deep connection, and mind-blowing business training that is custom designed for multiple 6-figure earning Black Women entrepreneurs who are ready to learn to leverage their already proven business model to the million dollar mark in one calendar year!
And just to sweeten the pot, you will enjoy our signature “Money Mogul(TM) Networking Reception” at the start of the training, with delicious appetizers and soft drinks so you walk away with at least 2 qualified leads!
The REAL reason why you are trapped in a 6-figure reality--and how to get the hell out! (It’s not your fault--but it is you problem. And once you find out why you haven’t hit the 7-figure mark by now, it’s going to blow your MIND!)&Discover EXACTLY what you are doing WRONG that keeps you slavin’, stuck, and stalled in a 6-figure business that undermines your parenting, kills your self care and even sabotages your sex life #GrownWomanTalkHere&The ONE word that will have you making more money in half the time!
(When I implanted this word with full passion, I quantum leaped from $ 400k to 1.2 million working part time hours from home in 10 months! #HollaAndPreach)&The one thing you as a Black woman MUST give-up to become a millionaire. (This will go against EVERYTHING you have been taught but until you do it, your shot at being a 7-figure sister is in the toilet.)&The 3 hidden drivers you MUST master to effortlessly have the sort of impact on the world like Oprah, Dr. King, or even Michelle Obama!&And most crucial of all: The #1 secret to fast-tracking it to 7-figure success. (This secret generated $1.7 million for one of my clients in ONE conversation. It’s a game-changer!)
We will wrap up this session with YOU receiving an awesome opportunity to learn a PROVEN path to fast track it to 7-figure success-- in the lap of luxury!!
Truth be told, you know you should have BEEN a Sister Millionaire by now. Look sis, you aint getting any younger. #JustSayin
I only have 4 tour stops this year and when the spots are gone-- they are gone.&We are not selling tickets at the door so please don’t wait to get your seat.&I am not adding more tour stops.&My TV show is in the works as well as me writing my NY Times Best Seller. I simply can’t add more to my plate without going cray-cray. This is the ONLY time I can tour and may even be the last time.&So please, don’t sleep on it.&Grab your early bird seat for just $97 before the price goes up and before all the seats are gone (Pay attention to this price point. If you’re serious about reaching that seemingly elusive 7-figure goal and you “CAN’T” afford $97 to join me…then it’s time to re-think being in business girl!)!
Her business, Defy Impossible, grossed $4 million in five years after launching. Learn more and claim your free gift at &Book Dr. Venus for your next motivational keynote, leadership training, or women’s conference at
Dr. Venus, The Black Women Millionaires Mentor(TM), is an acclaimed i CEO Mindset, Messaging and Marketing M and entrepreneur coach with a sweet spot for teaching primarily black women in business how to break the million-dollar mark--on their own terms.&Dr. Venus went from living on the streets and eating out of trashcans to obtaining two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. She worked as a university professor before investing in herself by testing her entrepreneurial skills.&
I can’t wait to hug you, to love on you and lift the curtain on EXACTLY what it takes to become part of that elite 2% of women around the world who shatter that million-dollar glass ceiling!&
See you soon!&Dr. Venus旅游概论之旅游专业术语_百度文库


