
&&DotA v6.68c AI Plus CN
DotA v6.68c AI Plus CN
文件大小:6.1 MB
1. 添加精灵守卫,矮人直升机,预言者,暗影恶魔
2. 修改了术士的地狱火
3. 可以使用-il查看召唤师技能列表了,-invokelist依然有效
4. 增加防偷塔机制的防御塔回血速率
5. 提高25%的日夜循环速率
- Flesh Heap is now retroactive (Meaning it keeps track of your kills and is always updating your str based on your current level of flesh heap)
- Reduced Flesh Heap aoe from 525 to 450
- Meat Hook damage type changed from physical to pure
- Meet Hook damage adjusted from 100/200/300/400 to 90/180/270/360
7. Fixed Slayer`s skill build.
8. Added Arcane Boots and Venom`s orb to she shop
9. Added Eul`s func for double clicking.
10. Added the new 5 skills upgraded by Scepter and the 5 new scepters to the map.
11. Heroes with modified ultimates upgraded by Scepter: Viper, Obsidian Destroyer, Warlock, Razor
12. AI Heroes with modified ultimates to use the Aghanim`s Scepter: Viper, Obsidian Destroyer
13. Added death animation for Throne.
14. Fixed another bug with Diabolic Edict. It should hit towers now.
15. Blade Mail - Damage Return's duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds.
16. Ethereal Blade
- Removed Wraith Band from recipe (same bonuses still though)
- You can now target yourself
17. Leoric`s Hellfire Blast reworked.
18. Added Magic Wand to items usages and item builds.
19. Dagon usage refining.
20. Mekansm - AoE of Restore increased from 450 to 750
21. Urn of Shadows
- Heal no longer dispels from neutral creep damage
- Added a team notice when someone buys Urn of Shadows recipe
22. Eye of Skadi
- Orb of Venom added as a component. Final bonuses are the same as before.
- Recipe price decreased from 750 to 300
23. Alchemist
- Unstable Concoction manacost from 90 to 120
- Unstable Concoction damage rescaled from 150/200/250/300 to 120/180/240/300
24. Jakiro
- Macropyre travel range from 600/750/900 to 900
- Eclipse now turns day into night for 10 seconds
26. Priestess of the Moon
- Moonlight Shadow's cooldown rescaled from 160 to 180/160/140
- Moonlight Shadow's duration rescaled from 7/9/11 to 11.
27. Added Hook and Arrow Accuracy information to replay data
28. Fixed Invoke from triggering last word
29. Fixed X Marks The Spot when used on an ally carrying Linken Sphere
30. Added -ad (AllDagons mode). In -ad mode AI gets random level Dagon (if hero level 20-24 the Dagon is 4th or 5th level, if hero level is 25th the Dagon is 5th level).
The hero gets a Dagon every time when there is no cooldown of the item and there is an enemy to attack. It gets it only for one attack and it vanishes.
If there was an item on that slot it gets switched temporarily. If there is no attack there are conditions to change back to the switched item or keep the dagon until a use on enemy hero.
31. Added a visual effect for the int stealing event on Silencer's Last Word (9993)
32. Fixed a bug with Curse of the Silent
33. Tauren Chieftain
- Natural Order aoe from 250 to 275 (old value was 275 now it is 300 in the 6.68c latest, prolly a typo)
34. Furion
- Teleport now has a tp scroll style indicator displayed for your allies
35. Added an extra visual effect for Nether Swap
36. Lanaya
- Psi Blades spill range from 320 to 320/340/360/380
- Battle Hunger now slows the target by 8% until it runs out or kills another unit
38. Treant`s -aid behavior refined
39. Spectre
- Desolate damage increased from 15/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50
- Dispersion reflection increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/14/18/22
40. Fixed a bug with the interaction of Ion Shell and Focus Fire
41. Added Aghanim's Scepter to Tiny and WarClub usage count from 6.69 (Lasts for 6 strikes). WarClub also adds an extra level of upgrade to your toss damage that your ultimate normally does.
42. Added new mode (Low Dodge Mode). It affects Pudge`s MeatHook, Nerubian Assassin's Impale, Demon Witch's Impale, Fissure, and Ice Path. It is activated during the game from the hoster player. Write -old to enable or disable it and you`ll see a message with current status of the mode.
43. Major item builds overhaul (all of them). Thanx to Deel.
44. Fixed issues with Kaldr`s IceBlast usage.
45. Added basic AI for Razor.
46. Added basic AI for Thrall (needs more work).
47. Added a TP scroll system from &air& when bots try to return to the fountain. That way we don`t have to edit all the item builds as the bots must have an open space for TP scrolls most of the time.
48. Improved Viper`s 'Viper strike' usage.
And many other little things i changed and forgot to add to that list.
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→ DotA v6.68c 官方中英文互通版
DotA v6.68c 官方中英文互通版
软件类别:免费软件 / 游戏地图
运行环境:WinAll, WinXP
Dota6.68新地图已经发布,而经过测试后,Icefrog以及中文汉化团队开始修正了玩家们发现的Bug并做出了DotA6.68b地图。今天,他们再次修正一些被揪出的Bug并发布了DotA6.68c中英文互通版地图!DotA6.68c修正漏洞与Bug如下:修正了佣兽(死灵飞龙)的工具栏提示。修正了熔炉精灵(召唤师)的工具栏提示。修正了静默诅咒(沉默术士)的一个Bug。修正了暗影冲刺(裂魂人)的一个Bug。修正了元素召唤(召唤师)触发最后遗言(沉默术士)。修正了腐烂(屠夫)解除静默诅咒(沉默术士)。DotA6.68b修正漏洞与Bug如下:*修正了地精工程师遥控炸弹的一个大BUG;*修正了地卜师的克隆可以使用秘法鞋来回复魔法的问题;*精灵守卫不再可以通过守卫降临传送至对方泉水位置;*修正了高射火炮攻击建筑物(英雄攻击力非常低时)的一个小BUG;*修正了在超出范围限制时,精灵守卫释放闪电之链使得英雄位置变动时产生的一个BUG;*修正了一个关于幻象与高射火炮的问题;*修正了其他的一些小细节。DotA6.68系列研究导航:生命终结者——DotA6.68暗影恶魔攻略 DotA6.68攻略第三弹——预言者萨尔DotA6.68攻略第二弹——精灵守卫 DotA6.68预言者攻略——天生的领导者DotA6.68攻略第一弹——矮人直升机 DotA6.68新英雄矮人直升机的法球研究DotA6.68新英雄萨尔教学视频 海涛解说 每周精彩镜头Top10 DotA6.68特辑DotA6.68新增A杖英雄效果 ES闪光巨棒 超玩水友原创6.68四大新英雄全面解读
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DotA v6.68c 官方中英文互通版
10.01 .02 8.53 7.54 5.05 8.86 5.07 10.08 10.09 10.010 5.011 10.012 10.013 10.014 10.015


