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over-the-counter drug是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释百科解释非处方药:&&&& This hat cost over £5. ...:&&&&n. 1.反对物,反面。 2.(鞋底的)后跟。 3.马的 ...:&&&&n. 1.药,药品,药物,药剂。 2.〔俚语〕麻醉药品, ...:&&&&自买药物,非处方药物:&&&&不经过交易所卖出的:&&&&场外的; 超过计数器; 店头市超柜台交易市场; 非处方药 ...:&&&&adj. (银行等)不经过交易所而卖出的(指证券等)。 :&&&&adj. 1.***双方直接交易的;(证券等)不通过交易所 ...:&&&&自行到邮政局柜位领取:&&&&门市商品详细百科解释
例句与用法You don ' t need a doctor ' s prescription to buy over - the - counter drugs你不需要医生的处方就可以买成药Use of over - the - counter drugs使用非处方药物心得Over - the - counter drugs非处方药" over - the - counter drugs " ( or otc drugs ) are drugs that can be sold without doctor s prescription无需经过医生处方而出售的药物,称为非处方药物。 Will they take the time to make sure you understand how to take the medicine and what over - the - counter drugs you should not take with it他们是否会花时间让你?解如何使用这些药且有哪些药是不能一起用的? Overall , forty - nine percent of the over - the - counter drugs had been recommended by a doctor or pharmacist , as had 19 percent of the natural products总计病患服用的49 %非处方药物、 19 %天然产品,是经过医师或药剂师的建议。 Over - the - counter drugs , herbal medicines and other natural products can be particularly risky in patients with poorly functioning kidneys , the researchers note研究人员指出,非处方药物、草药与其他天然产品,对肾功能不佳的病患可能特别危险。 " unlike prescription and over - the - counter drugs , the law does not require nutritional supplements to undergo pre - market approval for safety and efficacy , " the researchers wrote与处方及非处方药不同,法律并没有要求营养补品在上市前通过安全和有效性检验。 “研究者们写道。 The fda said over - the - counter drugs remain safe and effective when used as directed . however , acetaminophen taken with alcohol or in large doses can cause serious liver damageFda说,在指导下使用非处方药仍然是安全有效的。但是,扑热息痛若与酒精同服,或大量使用可导致严重的肝损害。 The findings could cause confusion among australia ' s 3 . 4 million arthritis sufferers , who have previously been encouraged to use over - the - counter drugs because some prescription drugs can cause heart problems该发现给澳大利亚三百四十万关节炎患者带来困惑,之前他们被鼓励用这种非处方药,因为处方药会带来心脏问题。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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