荒野大镖客救赎联机 救赎 如何拿到传说的坐骑 是否联机上网才能拿...

  小弟最近靠打猎破10000美金后终于有点腻了所以回到主线也顺便破解成就 找资料的过程中发现官方社群网站Rockstar Games
Social Club有提供部份成就的提示(Tips) 在这翻译给大家参考如果有翻译不周的地方还请大家指教 High
Roller Win over 2000 chips in a Hand of Poker 玩扑克牌游戏的时候赢2000分以上
Tips: Use the Gentleman's Attire and attend the High Stakes
poker room in Blackwater. Alternately, wear the Elegant Suit, get good
at cheating, and try it when the pot is large. 使用Gentleman's
Attire这套衣服去Blackwater的High Stakes玩牌 或是穿Elegant Suit(可以出老千的那套)
等赌注很大的时候*** No Dice Complete a game of Liar's Dice without
losing a single die 玩吹牛骰子的时候不可以输掉任何一颗骰子(就是手中必须要保留五颗) Tips: When
the chances are high that a bid is exact, try bidding spot on. Everyone
else will lose a die and you'll win faster. 当你的上家(bid)喊出来的骰子个数跟点数非常 有机会是真的时可以试试选spot on (就是猜他说的是对的) 如果你猜对的话所有的人都会输一颗骰子这样会赢的比较快 个人心 得: 1.当骰子个数超过1/3总数时电脑NPC一定会抓吹牛 EX:
台面有15颗骰子喊超过5颗以上一定会被抓吹牛台面10颗时喊超过3颗一定会被抓 2.NPC手上有五颗骰子的时候他第一次喊的个数通常都会比他 自己有的还多一颗所以你可以算一下加自己的一共有几颗耐心等第三轮再猜这样可以让电脑互咬第二轮对个数有把握的话就选spot on 当 NPC只剩下三颗以下时他第一次喊的个数几乎都是真的了而且你喊的个数超过1/3比利时他几乎都会猜你吹牛(bluff) 很快就可以终结掉他们 What
About Hand Grenades? Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes 丢马蹄铁的 游戏中成为套圈者(套中铁钉) Tips: Try doing the exact same throw motions
without worrying about winning the match. 不要去考虑游戏的输赢以相同的动作去试试看机会比较大 Fightin'
Around the World Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the
game in Single Player 单人模式中在每一间的酒吧混战中击倒一人(用拳头才算knock out) Tips: In
order to keep from losing, be sure there aren't too many people in the
saloon when you fight. 为了避免失败或死亡等酒吧内人比较少的时候再开打 Strange
Things are Afoot Complete a task for a Stranger 完成一个陌生人的任务 Tips:
Check your journal for remaining objectives in your active
Stranger's Tasks. Some of the quickest and easiest tasks are in or near
MacFarlane's Ranch and Armadillo. 可以按Start键暂停检查旅行日志(journal)中的 Stranger's Task尚未完成的条件 最简单跟最快速的任务都在一开始的MacFarlane's Ranch跟Armadillo
(在地图会出现白色问号) People are Still Strange Complete 15 tasks for
Strangers 完成15个陌生人任务 Tips: Revisit areas of the world as you
complete story missions. You may find a Stranger in need. 当完成游戏主线后仍 无法达成时重新拜访游戏世界中的所有区域可以找到需要帮助的陌生人 Buckin' Awesome Find and break
the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred and the Hungarian
Half-bred horses in Single Player 在单人模式中找到并驯服Kentucky Saddler, the
American Standardbred and the Hungarian Half-bred
这三匹马(这三匹都是3星马商店如果可以买到这三匹马的马证就代表马都驯服了) Tips: The American
Standardbred can only be found in the Great Plains and Tall Trees, while
Hungarian Half-bred's roam all over Mexico. American
Standardbred这匹只能在Great Plains and Tall Trees这两个地方找的到 Hungarian
Half-bred在墨西哥地区(第二区)都可以找的到 PS. Kentucky Saddler在主线任务进行时就可以解开了 Clemency
Pays Capture a bounty alive 执行任一通缉犯任务时要活捉犯人(红色骷髅头图示的那个) Tips:
Quickly shoot the target in the leg or foot so they have difficulty
getting away. Disarming them is also a good way to give yourself time
to use the lasso. 用***射他们的脚让他们无法逃走或是射他的手解除武装(用dead eye)
这样用套绳(Lasso)套犯人会比较容易(要把他hogtie挂在马背上送回警局任务成功才行) Dastardly Place a
hogtied woman on the train tracks and witness her death by train 把一 个捆绑住的女人丢在火车铁轨上并看着她被火车辗死 Tips: You can view the current location
of the trains on the pause map. 可以进入地图看火车现在在哪里(火车会在地图上用红色的标记显示) 个人心得:
如果不知道要绑哪个女的在执行任务的路上有时候会遇到一个女人站在一台马车旁他会先请你帮忙但是你一过去后旁边会冒出四个拿***的强匪先不要杀那个女的把强 匪干掉后再把那女的捆起来丢到铁轨上这样不会损失Fame值(因为他是坏人图示是红色的) Exquisite Taste Purchase
a Rare Weapon from a Gunsmith 在***店买到稀有武器 Tips: Be sure to
visit every town with a gun icon in it and purchase any weapon you don't
have yet. Some rare weapons do not unlock until specific moments in the
story. 去所有城镇的***店把你没有的武器通通都买齐稀有武器必须在故事模式中达到某些条件才能解开(EX: Hunter Master
等级五时可以解开一***打死熊的Buffalo Rifle) Bearly Legal Kill and skin
18 grizzly bears 杀死18只熊并剥了他们的皮 Tips: Travel to the northern
area of Tall Trees and be sure to stock up on health and dead eye items.
到最北边的Tall Trees地区可以找到很多熊去之前最好先补齐回血的药medicine 跟可以恢复Dead eye的物品(Snake
Oil 或MoonShine) He Cleans Up Well! Obtain the Elegant Suit 取 得Elegant Suit (出老千的衣服) Tips: Head to the Thieves Landing tailor
with some cash - the Elegant Suit can be yours. 去Thieves
Landing的裁缝店(衣架图示)购买即可 More than a Fistful Earn $10000 in
Single Player 单人模式中赚到$10000 Tips: Skinning animals can be a
lucrative business. Maximize your profits by selling exotic furs and
skins to merchants. 打猎剥皮有利可图(其他版友有提供吹牛骰子的支线任务快速赚钱法) 把特殊的皮草卖给商人会赚更多 个人心得: 打头上有角的鹿跟野狼赚比较多可以搭配快速剥皮的小技巧节省时间 Frontiersman Obtain
Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge 在单人模式中的 Ambient Challenge挑战中取得传奇的称号(Rank10) Tips: Purchase Survivalist
Maps from General Stores for those hard-to-find plants for Survivalist
challenges. 在Survivalist challenges采植物的任务可以去商店买Survivalist Maps
使用他可以在现实时间20min内显示地图上所有的植物位置 The Gunslinger Score a headshot on
any enemy using expert targeting mode 在专家模式爆任意敌人的头(Option=&
targeting mode调成Expert) Tips: Try to find enemies that are not
aware of your presence. When they are standing around, you will be able
to target them much easier. 挑敌人没有注意到你的时机偷袭他(蹲低慢慢走从他后面开***) 爆他的头比较容易 Man
of Honor / Chivalry's Dead Attain Highest Fame Rank and either
Highest Honor Rank or Lowest Honor Rank Fame等级达到最高的同时Honor等级也取得最高(或最 低) Tips: In most unique encounters, if you subdue your enemies
by crippling or hogtieing them you will receive a bonus to honor. For
instance, when you encounter the man getting robbed at the side of the
road, saving his life by killing the three gang members will net you a
modest honor increase. If you instead tie them all up, you will get a
large bonus to honor. 大部分的情况下把敌人打成重伤或是把他们捆起来可以拿到较高的Honor值举例来说如果在路边遇到 有人抢劫你如果救了人并且杀掉所有强匪只能得到一般的Honor值如果你把抢匪通通都把起来没有杀死可以得到大量的Honor值 (个人建议还是 把强匪杀掉比较好因为不是他死就是你死) Gold Medal Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a
combat mission in Single Player 在单人模式中任一个主线任务下取得金牌的成绩 Tips: Gold
Medals can be earned over multiple mission replays. For one replay,
focus on running the mission as quickly as possible - skip the
cutscenes, run ahead of friendlies to the mission objectives. On other
playthroughs, make sure every shot hits for accuracy, or take your time
lining up headshots. 在暂停选单中有Mission选项可以重新执行已完成的主线任务 其中达成金牌必须完成该任 务下方之条件EX:完成时间***的准确度爆头次数等条件 但这是可以分次完成的EX:
第一次重玩先选择在时间内完成任务第二次重玩以射击的准确率为主第三次重玩则专注在爆头上完成条件是可以累积的不用在任务内一次全部完成 Friends
in High Places Use a Pardon Letter with more than $5000 Bounty in
Single Player 在单人模式中用赦免信(Pardon Letter )去任意车站的电报室抵消$5000以上的悬赏金 Tips:
In need of a Pardon Letter? Complete a Gang Hideout. 每清除一次贼窝就可以 取得一封赦免信(Pardon Letter ) PS。贼窝会随主线任务解开之后可以再回去清理贼窝贼窝每经过一天(游戏内的时间)就会重生 贼 窝的地点(一共七处): Pike's Basin, Twin Rocks, Tumbleweed, Gaptooth
Breach, Fort Mercer, Tesoro Azul, Nosalida Mowing Them
Down Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode 用盖特 林机***(Gatling)或是布朗宁机***(Browning gun)解决500人 Tips: If you have
completed all of the story missions, there is a defensible location in
El Matadero with a Browning gun. 完成主线的所有任务后在El Matadero有座Browning
gun可以使用 In a Hail of Bullets Kill 500 enemies with any
Pistol or Revolver in any game mode. 任何游戏模式下用手***解决500人 Tips: Each
gang hideout can be played once a game day, providing lots of ready and
willing enemies. 贼窝(gang hideout)每过一天(游戏内时间)就会重生等着你来杀 ong
Arm of Marston Kill 500 enemies with any Rifle, Repeater, or
Shotgun in any game mode 任何游戏模式下用来福***或散弹***解决500人 Tips: Gang
hideouts are a great place to bring justice to large groups of enemies. 贼 窝(gang hideout)是个好地方让那些人知道什么叫做正义 Bullseye Get 250
Headshots in any game mode 任何游戏模式下爆头250颗 Tips: Use Dead Eye
to help guarantee headshots. 用Dead Eye 可以确保爆头的机会 Unnatural
Selection Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game
mode 任何游戏模式下杀过每一种动物(EX: 鹿就有两种没有角的Deer跟有角的Bulk) Tips: Use the
fold-out map that came with the game to identify areas with animals you
have not encountered and killed. 用游戏附赠的地图来判断哪些区域内的动物还没有遇到&原 文出处:
Copyright &
SINA Corporation, All Rights ReservedR星《荒野大镖客救赎》将有联机模式 _17173单机站
您当前所处的位置: >
&&& 我们从来都没想过,西部动作射击游戏《荒野大镖客》居然也有多人在线模式!今天Rockstar在官方网站发表公告称,这款PS3和Xbox360的西部游戏将包含多人游戏模式,虽然有关本模式的具体内容没有公开,不过Rockstar也表示,将在4月5日正式公开这个令人惊讶的多人模式细节。
&&& 《荒野大镖客》与《侠盗猎车手4》不同,游戏中玩家的坐骑没有钢铁般坚硬的身躯,难道在多人模式下,玩家之间对战的首要目标就是先将对手打下马?或者是经典西部电影中的拔***单挑?不管怎样,能与伙伴们一起骑马奔驰在广阔的西部草原上,也是一件十分舒服的事啊!
&&& PS3和Xbox360版《荒野大镖客救赎》将在5月发售。
梦幻之星P2 最终幻想:纷争 王国之心BBS
口袋妖怪 牧场物语 超级机器人大战W 符文工坊3
光环:致远星 暗黑血统 质量效应2 生化危机5
神秘海域2 最终幻想13 猎天使魔女
龙之子 Vs Capcom
 论坛推荐荒野大镖客救赎马证作用以及邦尼任务相关攻略 - 跑跑车主机频道
-> 荒野大镖客救赎马证作用以及邦尼任务相关攻略
荒野大镖客救赎马证作用以及邦尼任务相关攻略作者:佚名  来源:
17:16:02   (0)
邦尼的任务是跟我们使用马匹最相关的,所以这里在解释马证作用的同时一起说明一下邦尼的任务,特别是无法完成绑马任务的朋友一定要看看。马证有什么用?马证就是你的爱马死了以后,用马证再呼唤出你需要的马。商店的马证分为一星、二星和三星的马。按Y可以看见对应马证是呼唤什么马,马证可以无限使用。打个比方,我有黑王的马证,使用该马证就会出黑王。“邦妮”即B女的绑马任务为何过不了? 这是个主线剧情方式,一开始请按提示将马群赶入峡谷,会发生黄金马逃跑事件,追着黄金马出了山谷以后用绳索套住驯服即可。该黄金马捕捉后,解锁商店的马证,这是个三星马,速度SPEED。其实留意英文提示的话,这里不应该是个问题。坦白说,如此解答已经算是剧透了,不过鉴于不少玩家都关注这个,只好列举一下了。
大小:1.57G /
语言:英文《灵魂能力3》是灵魂能力系列十周年作品,故事一如以往,主要围绕邪剑(Soul Edge)及灵剑(Soul Calibur)之间的正邪争夺战,本作的CG动画质素及数量比前作大幅提升,而且加入丰富多样的游戏模式,可说是该系列中内容最宏大的作品。大小:1.57G /
语言:日文《灵魂能力3》为PS2独占作品,打着“系列十周年纪念作品”的名义推出,其故事一如以往,主要围绕邪剑(Soul Edge)及灵剑(Soul Calibur)之间的正邪争夺战,本作的CG动画质素及数量比前作大幅提升,而且加入丰富多样的游戏模式,可说是该系列中内容最宏大的作品。大小:140.0M /
语言:简体改编自漫画《暗杀教室》的动作游戏,玩家可以在游戏中自创角色。汉化版由I/O汉化组制作。大小:7.61G /
大小:2.22G /
《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用
发布时间: 15:28:16 条|
  (作者:a9vg &nuallen)
  These 13 outfits are available in all versions of the game.
  (一)Cowboy Outfit: This is Marston's main outfit, and the one he wears at the beginning of the game.
  Cowboy Outfit:牛仔服,初始服装,不作解释。
  (二)Duster Coat: Identical to the Cowboy Outfit, the player dons a dark-gray leather duster. This is achieved once the player receives the honor level &peacemaker&.
  Duster Coat:风衣,当honor荣誉等级达到peacemaker自动解锁。
  While wearing the Duster Coat, you will get a small discount(50%) at all stores and will be able to sell items for a larger amount of cash.
  (三)Elegant Suit: Bought from the tailor in Thieves' Landing. It is possible to cheat at poker while wearing this outfit. Obtaining this outfit will score the player the He Cleans Up Well! achievement.
  Elegant Suit:赌侠装,在完过一次扑克游戏后到Thieves' Landing的裁缝店tailor去买。
  穿上此服装打牌可以***。解锁后也会解开成就&He Cleans Up Well!&
  John Marston wearing the Elegant Suitedit Tips and Tricks Wearing the Elegant Suit allows the player to cheat in poker, by allowing them to stash an extra card. The player can stash a card every time its their turn to deal the cards, by pressing either the triangle or Y buttons. Stashing it initiates a mini game where the player must keep an arrow balanced. If the arrow becomes unbalanced, an NPC will find the player cheating. It should be warned that if caught cheating they might challenge the player to a duel. Some players use this as a way to control when they duel in order to practice dueling, if the player is caught cheating they do not get their money back, so it, in effect, is like paying $25 per duel.
  (四)Legend of the West Outfit: When wearing this outfit, Marston has more Dead Eye than usual.
  Legend of the West Outfit:西部传奇装,穿上此服装会死眼槽(子弹时间)加倍。
  To unlock the Legend of the West outfit, the player has to attain rank 10 in all challenges. With this outfit the Dead-Eye Targeting meter will double it's capacity.
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