HTC u盘g2和g3有什么区别哪个好?功能怎么样?

请问HTC G1G2G3是不是都可以刷到最新系统啊 G1G2好用吗??建议买什么好呢首先纠正一下,g2并不是真g2,现在我们认为并给它取名为g2的的型号是“HTCMagic”,真正的g2现在还没有上市;好吧不管它叫什么,先来解答下它们能不能升级到“最新系统”吧,我的回答是:不能!因为目前谷歌机器人的“最新系统是3.0”,虽然没上市但是3.0才是机器人最新的系统;2.2并不是最新系统哦,这个必须知道!那如果你htc g1刷什么系统问的是它们能不能升级到2.2?***是,g1应该不能〃假g2应该能〃g3好像能;现在明确能够升级到2.2的是机器人自己的机型Nexus One和摩托罗拉的里程碑,可能这个***无法让你满意,但是没关系…… 首先纠正一下,g2并不是真g2,现在我们认为并给它取名为g2的的型号是“HTCMagic”,真正的g2现在还没有上市;好吧不管它叫什么,先来解答下它们能不能升级到“最新系统”吧,我的回答是:不能!因为htc g1刷什么系统目前谷歌机器人的“最新系统是3.0”,虽然没上市但是3.0才是机器人最新的系统;2.2并不是最新系统哦,这个必须知道!那如果你问的是它们能不能升级到2.2?***是,g1应该不能〃假g2应该能〃g3好像能;现在明确能够升级到2.2的是机器人自己的机型Nexus One和摩托罗拉的里程碑,可能这个***无法让你满意,但是没关系……
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昨天下午刚买的,才几个小时,我记得就动了一下现在显示为Custom Locale的地方,现在全成英文了,设置里面的语言选项也只有英文可选
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LG G3与G2的真机对比图
上个星期,LG正式推出了本年度首款旗舰手机--LG G3,除了强悍的硬件之外,独特的机身也备受关注。与上代旗舰LG G2一样,LG G3依旧采用了背后按键设计,创造了另类之余,更多的是大大方便了单手操作型,毕竟LG G3拥有5.5英寸的大屏。接下来,一起看下外媒为我们带来的LG G3/G2的对比图赏。
LG G3采用了5.5英寸2K(像素)屏幕,PPI高达538,显示效果极其清晰细腻;LG G2采用的是5.2英寸&1080像素)屏幕,PPI仅为424。相比较而言,LG G3的屏幕清晰度要高很多。
这两款手机在屏占比方面都有较高的水准。与大多数手机不同的是,LG G3/G2的屏幕上方所剩空间并不多,仅被听筒、传感器、前置镜头所占据。
LG G3的机身线条简约圆润,并拥有金色、黑色、白色、紫色以及红色五种机身颜色可选。此外,这两款手机背后还都采用了拉丝纹理的设计,能够有效地避免沾染指 纹和污垢。值得一提的是,LG G3背壳材质是金属加塑料的结合,官方称其为&金属皮肤&,也就是在聚碳酸酯机壳上覆盖了薄薄的金属涂层。
虽然LG G3的像素值没有得到提升(依旧为1300万像素),但是激光对焦的运用还是颇为让人惊喜。据官方介绍,这种新技术能够提高弱光条件下的对焦速度和准确度。
LG G3并没有同LG G2一样将扬声器设计在机身下方。
机身厚度方面,LG G3三围:146.3mm&74.6mm&8.9mm,160g。LG G3三围:138.5mm&70.9mm&8.9mm ,143g。由于两款手机的电源键以及音量控制键这些机身常见按键纷纷放置在了机身背部,以至于该机机身左右两侧相比其它Android智能手机更加简 约、清爽。
总体而言,就机身外观来看,LG G3与前代产品LG G2并无太大改变,虚拟按键和背后按键的设计依旧得到延续。不过在系统层面上,LG G3却得到了本质的提升,之前凌乱的用户界面得以改善,取而代之的是靓丽的扁平化图标。此外,LG G3的系统字体也有了显著地改善,看起来更加锐利了。就我个人而言,LG G3是一部值得入手的智能手机,不过这我们还是继续等待国行版的正式发售吧。
如果你想知道当你不在家或遛狗时自家的狗狗都在做些什么,那么这款名叫Whistle的宠物专用可穿戴设备就可以告诉你。Whistle 是一款被设计成项圈形式的追踪装置,使用起来也非常容易,可以通过专用的Android或iOS应用程序进行连接和控制。很多宠物的主人,因为太忙而无法 陪伴宠物。而通过这款Whistle装置,可以给宠物主人一种心理的安慰,让他们感觉跟自己的宠物接触更多。所以这个产品的心理学属性,其实跟婴儿监视设 备有些类似。
随着可穿戴技术的走热,越来越多的人开始把这类产品绑在自己的身上,并通过它们追踪各种类型的健康数据。虽然“量化自我”运动主要扎根于 Fitbit、Nike FuelBand等运动追踪类设备,但织物设计和基于纺织品的传感器可能会很快改变这一点。Sensoria Fitness就是这样一家希望打破可穿戴技术市场现有模式的技术公司,他们最近就推出了一款内含追踪传感器的运动文胸。
华为互联网品牌荣耀最近推出了首款面向可穿戴设备领域的硬件产品荣耀手环Talkband B1,与智能家居领域的荣耀立方一样,这款产品主打多功能于一身,在市场竞争中可以提供足够的差异化。HTC&G1&G2&G3&G4&G5&G6&G7&G8&G9&各型号硬件对比
液晶& 分辨率
Qualcomm MSM
QSD8250 1GMHz&
高通QSD 8250
Qualcomm MSMMHz processor&
高通 MSM7227
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。LG G3 Review Addendum: 2 Months Later
Total Shares105
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just about two months ago, and at the time, I really enjoyed it. While the model I was provided was designed for Korea, it worked on AT&T's LTE network and generally provided a steady wireless experience. I found Wi-Fi connectivity was a bit spotty, though, and there were occasional network hiccups that are to be expected of a piece of hardware not specifically certified for a particular carrier.
Shortly after our review, I received an AT&T-branded LG G3 to try out, and I've been using it as my daily driver for around a month now. Given that this phone is certified to run on AT&T's network and for use in the US generally, I'm writing this piece as both an update and a sort of "more thoughts" post now that I've had a lot of time with the G3.
The screen really is not very good.
The largest proverbial thorn in the G3's side is undoubtedly the QHD display. In the race to be the first major OEM to release a QHD smartphone, LG shipped a panel that is, frankly, not very good. Viewing angles are poor, brightness in sunlight (especially with fingerprint buildup) is lamentable, and colors are flat-out flat.
However, that LG managed to cram a 5.5" ultra high-res display into such a comparatively small package remains impressive. I love having 5.5" of screen when I'm reading an article or thumbing through dozens of emails, because I'm able to accommodate more information without sacrificing readability. A big screen is also simply easier to type accurately on - banging out a quick reply to a text or even a few sentences in an email is noticeably less difficult than on my Galaxy S5.
Still, the dimness of the display rears its ugly head too often. Living in sunny Southern California, I find using the G3 outdoors to be a real chore, especially when the auto-brightness doesn't want to ramp up far or quickly enough to counteract those substantial solar forces. Combined with its propensity for showing fingerprints, mediocre contrast, and the aforementioned lackluster viewing angles, the G3's screen is an obvious and sad case of technology for technology's sake. QHD screens aren't completely without merit, but the benefits the G3's provides in no way come close to outweighing the drawbacks.
Side by side with the Galaxy S5, the G3 simply can't compete - Samsung's Super AMOLED is a window into a brighter, more vivid, more enjoyable world.
While HTC has mimicked KnockOn on its own devices of late, LG was the first major OEM to the double-tap power-on party, and KnockOn seems to have noticeably improved from the implementation on the G3. I'm always using it - both to turn the display on and off. In my review, I still felt burned by last year's version on the G2, and had a hard time seeing the light.
Going to the lockscreen, LG's standard Knock-On wake-up feature is still here, and I don't find it works much more reliably than it did on the G2. Given the easier access to the power button on the G3, I've taken to using than more often than not, because Knock-On just isn't there in terms of 100% reliability, which is kind of something you need for a feature like that.
That was a stupid and wrong thing to say and I feel stupid and wrong for saying it. KnockOn has become all but indispensible to me, and every time I pick up the Galaxy S5 it seems like I'm trying to double-tap it awake. KnockOn is awesome and I can only hope LG continues to refine it.
Battery life is kind of sucky.
My Korean G3 review unit seemed to get pretty great battery life, though I'm fully aware many reviews at the time stated otherwise. When I received my AT&T G3, things suddenly seemed to change for me - I regularly find myself struggling to make it through a day with the G3, especially if I'm turning the screen on a lot. That is to say, in-use power consumption seems abnormally high.
No less than 5 times in the last two weeks have I found myself under 10% by early evening, and then struggling to conserve that remaining power until I make it back to the wall-mounted electron teat. Even more frustrating is the fact that the G3 doesn't support Qualcomm's QuickCharge 2.0 technology, though it's still reasonably quick at 9W max with the included 2A charger (vs 18W with QuickCharge 2.0 and 10.6W on an American Galaxy S5).
That said, your mileage may vary - battery life is an incredibly subjective experience and I really can't be definitive about what's making my G3 drain so quickly (nothing in the usage stats stands out). I will say my Galaxy S5 gets noticeably better battery life, though, and I do miss that.
Rear control buttons are for winners.
The G3's rear-mounted power and volume buttons have been greatly improved compared to those on the G2, with much more tactile feel and clicky-ness. Honestly, I don't hate side-mounted power buttons and volume rockers, I just find LG's idea a bit more natural when I consider how I hold my phone (eg, with my index finger against the back). I think they're also easier to reach on a large phone, making a drop less likely.
I doubt we'll be seeing many OEMs following LG's lead here, though - it's such a distinct design decision that anyone who dared mimic it would be deemed a copycat of the highest order, not that I'd mind particularly.
It's fast.
While not quite Nexus 5-fast all the time, the G3 is basically as quick as the One M8 and, therefore, very noticeably faster than the Galaxy S5. Using the S5 feels like taking a trip in the performance time machine, while the G3 happily zips along through most anything I throw at it. Homescreen responsiveness is still a bit lower than I'd like sometimes, and navigating the settings menus can be sluggish, however, overall the G3 is a fast phone, following in footsteps of the G2.
With Snapdragon 805 devices on the horizon, it's entirely possible, even likely, our definition of "fast" will again get thrown out the window. After all, the Snapdragon 801 is really just an 800 in a fancy suit, and that chip's been around over a year at this point. Still, the G3 is plenty quick in today's smartphone market, and easily stands up to the competition.
Note 4 comparisons are inevitable.
The G3, from an enthusiast's perspective, is a phone that competes with the Galaxy S5 and HTC One M8. However, it's wider than those devices, heavier than one, and has a significant screen size advantage over both. 5.5" is closer to 5.7" than it is to 5.1". With the Note 4 allegedly
and some fairly narrow-looking bezels, comparisons are all but guaranteed.
While a G Pro 3 may pop up at some point, the G Pro 2 was only unveiled , so it seems unlikely LG will be fielding a more direct supersized competitor to go up against the Note series, apart from its .
I know that for me, as a consumer, the Note 4 and G3 are basically phones I would cross-shop. Given Samsung's industry-leading display technology and a solid chance it will feature an updated Snapdragon 805 chipset, the G3 simply may not stand up to the Note 4. Granted, for many customers, these phones won't be direct competitors, if only because cost will set them apart considerably. In the US, the Note 3 generally retailed for $700 off-contract - expect the Note 4 to go for at least that much - while the G3 hit the streets at under $600. By the time the Note 4 is available, the G3's price will likely fall a bit further yet.
Among the "big three" Android OEMs, this is still the phone to get.
Samsung and HTC are LG's primary competitors in the high-end Android phone space at this point. And I'd say between the S5, M8, and G3, LG comes out on top. The G3 has speed, a great camera, a big screen, and doesn't even give up the microSD card or removable battery to get to a very competitive price point. Its powerful speaker, handy rear control buttons, and KnockOn are icing on the cake.
If you're looking outside those big three, the answer, I'd argue, is still pretty clear. OnePlus is having growing pains on the hardware and software side (despite making a great first product), Sony seems a bit lost right now, and Motorola hasn't unveiled any truly new hardware since its Lenovo acquisition.
Like many of you, I imagine, I'm personally waiting to pull the trigger on my next smartphone until the holiday season, and frankly, am holding out hope for what seems like an . The Note 4, too, has my interest thoroughly piqued, and who knows what HTC's working on for its Q4 plans.
In the here and now, though, I think LG has the class-leading product from a holistic perspective, and that's legitimately impressive for a company that started with phones .
Which will you buy: Pixel or Pixel XL?
Undecided/don't know
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