
访问量:600发布日期:14年04月17日 13时19分
如果你需要一个理由让自己沉浸在《:天下变》,那我们就给你一个理由! 我们强烈希望创建更真实的武侠世界,所以引入了动态天气效果。降雪、降雨和沙尘暴都会影响景观、建筑、敌人和玩家角色。实际上还不止于此。不同天气条件下也会引发各种各样的神秘事件。
混乱的风暴正在洛阳酝酿。在晚上,如果侠士孤身一人在城市或在野外行走,他很可能遇到手里拿着神秘暗器的刺客。打败他,你可以得到杀手的线索。收集三个,邢君可会授予你一项任务,完成任务你就可以得到在前排观看邢君可和木道人之间斗争的机会。专业玩家比价器为担保比价和担保交易。原文Weather Effects and Dynamic Events Preview
If you need a reason to get immersed in Age of Wushu: Tempest of Strife, here it is! With a resounding desire for making the martial arts world more realistic, we will introduce dynamic weather effects. Snowfall, rain and sandstorms will affect the landscape, buildings, mobs and player characters. Actually it&s more than that. Different weather conditions will also trigger a variety of mysterious events.
Great Fog & School Assassination
A thickened shroud has des the guards could not make out the assassins that infiltrated the school. All disciples are in danger, and even the headmaster must sleep with one eye open.
Players can elect to play as assassins or school disciples. Disciple's levels affect the difficulty level of the invading assailants. If the disciples are able to defeat the assassins, they can join the event to rescue the headmaster.
The assassins are well organized and have their sights set on the headmaster. Kill enough assassins and the mastermind behind this treacherous plot will emerge.
Sandstorm & Treasure Hunt in the Desert
When tornadoes swirl, the treasures of the Loulan Ruins reveal themselves and heroes and villains alike are attracted like moths to flame. And just like those unfortunate moths, the tornadoes of the Loulan Ruins will separate the foolhardy from the wise.
When players open a treasure box or discover antiques, bandits will appear and try to steal the treasure. Defeat them to not only protect your own stash, but also to seize theirs! If the looted item is an antique, take it to an Antique Merchant to identify it, bandits can steal it en route! You can exchange it for all sorts of goodies.
Eclipse & Siege of the Merciless
A solar eclipse always throws society into chaos and with it comes a whiff of insurrection. The Prince of a Thousand Sentiments has been ordered to assassinate the Emperor, threatening the foundation of Ming Dynasty itself. The Prince begins with a howling speech against the Emperor, the citizens of Jinling struggle to avoid the conflict as the rebel army manifests itself in a struggle against the imperial guards.
The marching route of the Prince of a Thousand Sentiments is separated into several stages, including the city exterior, inner cloisters and the imperial palace. In each stage, the rebel army has different leaders. After slaying a certain number of rebel leaders, the Prince himself will be vulnerable, and imperial guards will help heroes block his way at the same time. Just before the Wu
of the palace, heroes can trigger the last wave of NPCs by killing the leader and initiate the last stand. If you can defeat Prince of a Thousand Sentiments before he reaches the Five Dragons Bridge, you win. S the Prince will leap from his grand palanquin and decapitate the Emperor.
Thunderstorm & King of Hidden Blades
A chaotic tempest is brewing over Luoyang. In the evening, if a hero walks in the city or in the wild alone, he may come across an assassin holding a mysterious hidden weapon. By defeating him, you can get the Assassin&s Clue. Collect three and Xing Junke will grant you an opportunity to complete a task which will bring you to the front row of the fight between Xing Junke and Taoist Mu.获取游戏工作室 最新赚钱方法、出金思路、内部项目。收听


