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What will be the Cavaliers' weaknesses (self.nba)的弱点是什么?What do you guys think will be the weaknesses in the Cavaliers game this year. I'm looking for on the court, basketball related stuff. Not off the court or media stuff. I want to know what you all think about the way all these new players will mesh and what parts of the game they don't have covered as well as others.My opinion is that they don't have enough inside presence on defense / rim protection大伙认为这个赛季的弱点会是什么呢,我说的是场上,和篮球相关的方面,不包括场外和媒体。我想全面的了解一下新组成的球队该怎样磨合,以及还有哪些方面是他们做的不够好的。我个人认为骑士主要在于没有强有力的内线/禁区防守。[–]Canadamissing404 119 指標 2 天 前&Faulty air conditioners.缺少空调指挥官[–]SpursImMeltingNow 26 指標 2 天 前&I remember the post game interview with spo and someone asked him if the spurs planned out lebron cramping up. Spo's facial cdth and the way he said "that would take an incredible mind to plan" looked like he's talking to a bunch of retards/reporters.我记得那场比赛赛后媒体采访斯帅时,有人问他觉得是不是故意弄坏空调好让勒布朗下场时,斯波一脸黑线,他这样说道:“那这是个很难想到的办法”的口气让人觉得他是和一群*河蟹*在说话。[–][WAS] Bernard Kingspiiierce 6 指標 2 天 前&Are you saying reporters are retards?! Not cool man. Not cool.你的意思是说记者是*河蟹*吗,哦,哥们,你这样说可太没品了啊[–]LakersMaxwellSlice 37 指標 2 天 前&That's insulting to retards everywhere!他的意思是说*河蟹*无处不在[–]CelticsIrishbasketball 98 指標 2 天 前&It's pretty clearly defense/rim protection. Lebron is obviously Lebron, and if they start Varejao he's a solid defender though not a rim protector. The rest of the starting line-up is pretty much average-below average at defense. Love and Irving especially are going to have to step up. Their offense might get them through the regular season as a 1 seed, but it's defense that wins championships.说的太对了,就是内线防守。毫无疑问,勒布朗无可挑剔,如果他们将提上首发,他也是一名可靠的防守人,但他护不了框。而其他几位首发的防守都低于联盟平均水准,尤其是欧文和,他们的防守亟待提高。也许他们的进攻能让他们拿下常规赛冠军,但只有防守才能让他们赢得总冠军。[–]Lakersrunescapesucks 58 指標 2 天 前&This is why Bulls-Cavs is going to be interesting. Cavs offence vs Bulls defense will make for great matches. It's like the unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.这就是为什么战骑士能让人热血沸腾的原因了。骑士的进攻对上的防守一定是场伟大的比赛。就像最利之矛对上最坚之盾。[–]Celticsgrisam 132 指標 2 天 前&It'd almost be like the Broncos meeting the Seahawks in the Super Bowl.这不就是超级碗里的野马队碰到了海鹰队嘛[–]WarriorsTheGreatHarzoo 72 指標 2 天 前&I hope it'll be exactly like that.希望如此吧[–]Warriorsguppyfighter 4 指標 1 天 前&Except the Seahawks were 12th in offense as well.可是海鹰队的进攻也排在了第12啊[–][CHI] Scottie PippenB3L0W_Z3R0 3 指標 1 天 前&We've never had a below 12th place offense with Rose on the team, and this is our most shooter-stacked team of the Rose era. I think we might be able to get up to around 12th again, if not higher.只要有罗斯在公牛的进攻就不会低于12位,我们的射手群都围在罗斯身边,等待发炮。就算没有罗斯我们的进攻也会在12名上下浮动,不会再低了。[–]Lakersrunescapesucks 3 指標 2 天 前&Hoping the outcome is same, as well. Defense destroys the offense.希望结果如此吧,防守打败进攻。——————[–]Celticsw3bCraw1er 1 指標 2 天 前&I believe Cavs offense will win. Bulls really have to develop good offense or they are going to have tough time scoring.我认为骑士的进攻能摧毁公牛的防守,公牛真的需要改善一下进攻了,应该多分配一点精力在进攻端。[–][CHI] Scottie PippenB3L0W_Z3R0 2 指標 1 天 前&Last time we had Rose for a whole season we had the 5th best offense in the league and the team we have now is far superior to that one in terms of offensive weapons公牛密:在有健康的罗斯的时候公牛有着联盟前5的进攻,而现在失去了罗斯这个进攻机器我们已经渐行渐远了。[–]CelticsAWalker17 6 指標 3 天 前&Let's give them back Zeller.凯蜜:把泰勒-泽勒给他们吧[–]Cavaliersfalconfan13 1 指標 3 天 前&Sure, we'll give you Joe Harris.骑士蜜:好,作为回报我们将乔-哈里斯送给你们[–]CelticsFillmoe 7 指標 3 天 前&Dellavedova is actually a pretty good defender, and Shawn Marion, though far from what he once was, is still competent.德拉维多瓦是很不错的防守人,马里昂也是,虽然已不复当年之勇,但瘦死的骆驼比马大,还是有一定功力的。[–]Lakersslayinbzs 9 指標 3 天 前&neither of them help with rim protection. but very few teams in the league have rim protection these days.很遗憾,俩人对骑士的内线防守都没有实质性的帮助,但同样联盟里也没有几只球队有着像样的内线防守。[–]CelticsFillmoe 2 指標 3 天 前&I agree, I was just responding to the lineThe rest of the starting line-up is pretty much average-below average at defense.非常赞同,剩余的先发人员的防守功力撑死中下水平。[–]Lakersslayinbzs 8 指標 3 天 前&Well if I'm gonna nitpick even further, Dellevadova and Marion aren't gonna be in the starting lineup. hahah如果更挑剔一点的话,德拉维多瓦和马里昂俩人甚至根本够不上首发,哈哈[–]Pistonssocoamaretto[??] 4 指標 3 天 前&Well neither of them are starting.他们俩都不是合格的首发[–]CelticsFillmoe 1 指標 2 天 前&Well...uh.. maybe Dellavedova is gonna steal the job from Kyrie...额,,或许德拉维多瓦可以挤掉欧文,,[–]grandeheimer 2 指標 3 天 前&Varejao is a rim protector, just not, the athletic, shot-blocking type. He gets to his spot and cuts off driving lanes and takes charges on penetrating guards. The problem will be when he's off the floor. Kyrie and Dion will have to step up at the point of attack, especially since the other guys getting minutes in the backcourt have lost a step out two.可以算得上是一名护框者,只不过他不是那种善于盖帽的运动型内线。但他会提前站好位来阻止对方后卫的运球路线。但问题就在于他一旦他下场的时候,欧文和维特斯必须要疯狂的加强进攻,其他的后场球员会因此损失不少上场时间。[–]Bullsdrock_davis -1 指標 3 天 前&Also bench bro板凳不行[–]CavaliersKancer86 12 指標 3 天 前&Delly/Miller/Marion/TT/Haywood and possibly Ray Allen. We also have a 6 million dollar trade exception, and and an 8 million dollar expiring next year to add pieces. That's not even mentioning guys like James Jones, and the rookies. I'm not worried about our bench at all德拉维多瓦、米勒、马里昂、汤普森、海伍德,或许还有,同时我们还有600万的交易特例,明天还能腾出800万的薪金空间再添一块拼图。这还没算上-琼斯和那些新秀。我一点都不担心骑士的板凳问题。[–]HeatMelGibsonDerp 64 指標 3 天 前&Irvings health (last 3 years he's played only 8 more games than Wade and that includes Wade's playoff rest plan)Defense.Bench play.New players abilities to adapt to new role.New head coach.Playoff inexperience.欧文的健康(过去三年他只比多打了8场比赛,这还包括了为了季后赛而轮休的计划)防守板凳球员新球员的适应能力新教练季后赛经验的匮乏[–]MavericksMaxyMax 20 指標 3 天 前&I think this guy has had a lot of time to think about this. I trust your opinion.我认为他们有足够的时间来考虑这些问题,不过还是要顶你[–][BOS] Larry BirdVickBear 3 指標 3 天 前&Well Irving had a couple fluke injuries (like slapping the cushion on the wall during Olympic select-team play).欧文已经有过两次意外伤病了(比如在奥运会大名单选拔比赛中弄伤了手)[–]CavaliersWolfAtYourDoor 2 指標 2 天 前&Also, most people believe, especially in his first two seasons, that he was held out of games he could have very easily played in to further our tanking efforts.大多数人觉得在欧文在他的头两个赛季总是在收着打,这样他就更容易帮助我们的摆烂大业。[–][MIL] Larry Sandersaccidentallymean 12 指標 3 天 前&Rim protection will be a weakness. Also, I think it will take some time for for the entire team to mesh with the new coach/players.They will still be very very good. I just think it will take time to mesh.内线防守确实是一大弱点。他们需要花一些时间来进行新球员和主帅之间的磨合。但骑士仍然是一支很棒的球队,只是他们需要时间来磨合。[–]Puerto RicoPiffington 3 指標 3 天 前&I do. If the Bulls don't take out the Cavs this year, the spurs/OKC definitely will我同意,如果公牛不能击败骑士,那和雷霆也绝不会袖手旁观的。[–]Vancouver GrizzliesGavman3 6 指標 3 天 前&I hope the Heat do...我希望能爆了骑士..[–]spoonbenderTP 3 指標 3 天 前&Maybe the west could all take a dive so dirk gets a chance to steal another ring away from lebron或许西部可以集体放水让司机进总决赛,然后再从勒布朗手里抢一枚总冠军戒指。[–][MIL] Larry Sandersaccidentallymean 2 指標 3 天 前&No, depending on roster moves. I think it will take until All Star break for them to be firing on all cylinders. Maybe longer if Blatt's offense is as intricate as it is made out to be.要不了一个赛季,这主要取决于人员变动。全明星赛后他们应该就能完全融入体系了。当然了如果布拉特的战术比较难掌握的话需要的时间可能就要长一点了。[–]fastballaway 6 指標 3 天 前&Defense.People are going to realize a big a role defense in Miami's past success and how deficient Love and Irving are in that area.必须是防守大家应该看到了过去几个赛季强有力的防守所带来的成就了,你也知道欧文和俩人的防守是多么让人不忍直视。[–]Knicksegn56 10 指標 3 天 前&ITT: People failing to read any comments and saying "rim protection/defense" for the 90th time. Upvote people, upvote.大伙都没有仔细想想就不停的说缺少内线防守,一群随大流的人。[–]Heatparadoxofchoice 10 指標 3 天 前&Even worse, their short term memory prevents them from remembering the last 4 years of a Lebron team with no rim protection/inside presence. I agree it's important but we just saw a team lacking those as well as among the worst rebounding teams in the league make it to the finals 4 straight times.不只是这样,这些脑袋放空的家伙已经忘了过去四年里热火队就没有过内线防守。我知道内线防守很重要,但就是这样一支全联盟篮板倒数第一的球队却连续四年都挺进了总决赛。[–]theohaiguy 2 指標 2 天 前&Those teams had fantastic perimeter d though. Which was allowed through bosh's quickness letting them blitz pick and rolls. I dont see KLove doing that这支球队有着非常棒的外线防守,同时还能利用博士的速度进行挡拆,我认为这点乐福做不到。[–]Cavalierschocolatebutterr 0 指標 2 天 前&And thus is the magic of having LeBron James.这才是拥有的神奇所在[–]Thundercaptmorgan50 4 指標 3 天 前&Youth and lack of playoff experience.年轻球员缺乏季后赛经验[–]Heatgg_tfti 2 指標 3 天 前&LeBron, Marion, and Miller (James Jones?) are enough championship experience to take em there.詹姆斯、马里昂和米勒(还有詹姆斯-琼斯?)都有着丰富的夺冠经验[–]CavaliersStig101 2 指標 3 天 前&Honestly, can't count out Varejao. He's been deep in the playoffs before. He started the ECF. He's not won any championships but he's played in some big games before.你还忘了瓦莱乔。他以前打过很多次的季后赛,进过东部决赛,虽然没拿过总冠军,但见过很多大场面。[–]Kingsmlzr 6 指標 3 天 前&Kevin Love's brain. Physically he's about a perfect basketball player. But there's potentially a hidden weakness for a player with that much ability and skill to never be a winner.凯文-乐福的心智。从身体条件来看他是一名完美的球员,但如果他不能变得更成熟的话那他永远成为不了一名赢家。[–]RaptorsSoulplanter 3 指標 3 天 前&He's the Thanos of the NBA他是联盟里的灭霸(漫威动漫里的大反派)[–]Charlotte Hornetspaulz0rs 4 指標 3 天 前&I believe that their makeup will warrant them as a great defensive rebounding team with more depth in the middle than people think. The ability to get defensive rebounds and run into an open court setting will have flashes of Miami. So this will allow them to rack up points quickly and effectively.I wouldn't worry too much about their rim defense though. They will allow points against superior post players and slashers, but I think their offense will operate so well that they can compensate.Of course, I worry what will happen during the playoffs when other teams force them into half court sets, letting Lebron freedom, but stopping the role players like the Spurs did to Miami. However, I do believe that this Cavs team has better players with younger legs that can effectively create their own shots even if that scenario arises.我觉得骑士现有的球员能组成一支有篮板有防守且阵容深厚的强队。他们的防守篮板和攻守转换的能力能让他们打出像迈阿密一样的闪电战。得分对于他们来说就会更快更有效。至于他们的内线防守,我倒不是很担心,虽然对手可能会得比较高的分,但同样骑士的进攻完全可以将犯下的错弥补回来。其实我担心的主要是在季后赛时其他球队会限制住其他球员,放空勒布朗,从而切断勒布朗和球队的联系,就像过去几年马刺对热火所做的那样。但即便对手升级了,但我相信这支球队的年轻球员仍然可以通过他们的速度来获得投篮机会。[–]RaptorsDreamCatcher24 3 指標 5 天 前&The ability to get defensive reboundsMiami was not good at defensive rebounding. They created a lot of Turnovers though.热火的防守篮板是一坨翔,他们主要靠攻守转换来得分。[–]Charlotte Hornetspaulz0rs 3 指標 5 天 前&Sorry for the lack of clarity. I was referring to exploiting the open court and attributing that to more of Miami's earlier style in . The defensive rebounding and pushing the ball will bear closely to that kind of style.不好意思我没说清楚,我指的是赛季那时候的热火的防守篮板和攻守转换。那时候的风格就是这样的。[–]76ersmarksills 2 指標 5 天 前&i dont worry about their rim protection too much but i would worry about their depth. Varajao gets hurt a lot. If he's hurt, youre starting TT/Love as your bigs. neither of them are centers. I know Bron can play 4, but balancing 2 4's and a 3 who is good at 4 for your 2 big man slots isnt ideal内线防守我不会过多担心,阵容深度才是他们的主要问题。瓦莱乔已经受过很多次伤了,如果他再受伤,骑士就只有两个大个子——汤普森和乐福了,他们俩都不是中锋,我知道勒布朗能打4号位,但队里已经有两个4号位的球员了,再让勒布朗打4号位就有点不划算了。&&[ 此帖被猜猜我是不是科比在 19:57修改 ]
引用1楼 @ 发表的:
这位总结的 很好, 看好又一个王朝
[ 此帖被lianjieziluo在 20:06修改 ]
纯印象流了...(FIBA和NCAA还是不一样的,谢谢后面指正)[ 此帖被Suiseiseki-10-25 23:26修改 ]
最大的弱点是仇恨 詹姆斯宇宙第一坦
最大的弱点是仇恨 詹姆斯宇宙第一坦
[–]Bullstrahimi6 1 指標 1 天 前
小弱点不少,但最大的弱点只有一个,那就是还未形成良好的全队默契。[ 此帖被NBA关系者在 20:04修改 ]
球的分配选择 和化学反应&
引用10楼 @ 发表的:
—I‘m proud of who i am.
——Even if it sounds corny,
don't ever let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful.
引用9楼 @ 发表的:
—I‘m proud of who i am.
——Even if it sounds corny,
don't ever let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful.
引用11楼 @ 发表的:
引用13楼 @ 发表的:
—I‘m proud of who i am.
——Even if it sounds corny,
don't ever let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful.
这位总结的 很好, 看好又一个王朝
[ 此帖被lianjieziluo在 20:06修改 ]
纯印象流了...(FIBA和NCAA还是不一样的,谢谢后面指正)[ 此帖被Suiseiseki-10-25 23:26修改 ]
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