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时间: 21:12:29&酷娱网
内容简介:  永恒之塔win7修改注册表方法介绍  第一步:开启  MicrosoftMessageQueue(MSMQ)服务步骤:  1、控制面板:  2、程序:  3、打开或关闭Windows功能  4、找到MSMQ服务器,勾选,确定***,重新启动  第二步:修改
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)服务步骤:
4.开注册表编辑器(开始-运行-输入REGEDIT),在其中 找到
在右边键值区中,找到或新建一个名为 &GlobalmaxTcp WindowSize&的DWORD(64位系统下是REG_QWORD)键值项,
将其数据值数据设为&256960&(十进制),关闭注册表编 辑器,
这个更改的原理是:通常情况下, TCP/IP默认的数据传输单元接受缓冲区的大小为576字节,
QoS是什么呢?QoS(Quality of Service)服务质量,是网络的一种安全机制,
小贴士:家庭普通版和家庭高级版Windows 7是无法使用组策略功能的
发布时间: 15:11:43
作者:Dmitry Nozhnin
我们使用的是两个Dual Xeon E5630 blades,它们都运行MS SQL 2008R2,其中一者作为数据仓库使用,另一个作为MS Analysis Services。我们只使用标准的微软BI软件栈。
Data Mining Lift Chart(from gamasutra)
以上图表底部直线是一个简单的随机猜测。上方飙升的线段命名为The Transcendent One,它代表未来情况。这两者间有一个波动线段,代表我们的数据挖掘模型。我们的线段越接近The One,就说明预测结果越准确。这个图表主要针对第7级用户,但对第2至9级的玩家来说并无差别。
Data Mining Lift Chart (from gamasutra)
第一个也是最简单的数据挖掘算法就是Naive Bayes(朴素贝叶斯分类器),它极具人性化并且通俗易懂。但它表明原先的假设参数无法与真实的流失用户对应。第二种方法是Decision Trees(决策树),它指出我的一些想法确实很管用,但并不足以最大化提升预测准确率。
数据挖掘算法知识:Naive Bayes在初步数据集分析以及指出参数之间关联性这方面作用很大,Decision Trees则擅长将数据集归纳为不同的子集,有利于区分流失用户及满意用户。这些方法都易于理解,但它们内部的数学原理及实用价值却极为不同。Neural Network(神经网络)本质上是一个能够计算复杂变量关系的黑盒,它可以产生更准确的预测结果,但却不易为开发者所理解。
precision & recall per level(from gamasutra)
Decision Tree表明一般活动参数正是关键的预测考虑因素。在这种情况 下,每级的游戏时间、每级杀敌数和每级完成任务等参数组成了我们预测模型的核心。其他参数对整体准确率的贡献率不足5%。另外,Decision Tree很简短,只有两三个分枝,这意味着它缺乏相关参数。我仍然无法理解为何这三个算法在不同等级的准确/召回率会如此不同。
第2阶段结果:我们通过一般活动参数取得了相当进展,虽然准确率仍然有待改进,但我们找到了正确的分析方法,即先使用Naive Bayes,之后再使用Decision Tree。
这些参数极大提升了召回率(因此降低了误报率),Decision Tree最终开始尽情扩散出分枝。我们也看到不同数据挖掘算法针对所有等级的一致性,这表明预测过程已经趋于稳定,降低了随机性。Navie Byes在准确性上比Tree和Neural算法相差了足足10%。
下一步就是参考《Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008》这本书,从中查找使用分析服务的决窍。这本书很有助于解释Decision Tree微调的复杂原理,它还让我认识到了正确数据离散化的重要性。
在以上例子中,我们通过手动操作实现了自动攻击参数的离散化。我刚开始处理这些数据时,就发现SQL Server的自动离散化是可以并且应该进行微调。手动调整数据会极大影响Tree的形状和精确度(对其他模型也同样会有影响,但是对Tree的影响更明显)。
微调之后的结果极大减少了误报率,将Tree的数据提升至与Neural Network相当的水平:
precision & recall per level (from gamasutra)
坦白说,我认为我们已经到达到准确预测的极限。新参数和假设并没有再度提升精确度,这些模型已经稳定。78%的精确度 VS 16%的误报率已经足以展开预测流失用户的工作。
precision & recall per level(from gamasutra)
但针对第1级的情况,我们确实无能为力。正如网络分析大师Avinash Kaushik所言,“我来,我吐,我闪”(I came, I puked, I left)。这些玩家创建了自己的角色之后就退出了游戏,我们针对他们的行动记录也非常之少。
以上所有数字均出自历史数据以及我们挖掘模型的一个学习数据集。但我是一个非常多疑的人,我还想要战斗测试结果。所以我们采用了新玩家(今天才注册的用 户)数据,将其引进预测模型,并保存结果。7天之后,我们对比了一周前的预测流失用户以及他们真实的行为,获得了如下结果:
prediciton results(from gamasutra)
Predicting Churn: Data-Mining Your Game
by Dmitry Nozhnin
The sad truth about all online services and games? The most significant churn occurs right the first minutes and hours of gameplay. The issue has been already explored in a numerous ways, with many profound hypothesizes related to usability and simplicity of interface, availability of a free trial, learning curve, and tutorial quality. All of these factors are considered to be very important.
We set a goal to investigate why new players depart so early and to try to predict which players are about to churn out. For our case study, we used the MMORPG Aion, but surprisingly, the results appear to be applicable to a wide array of services and games. Although Aion, at the time this study was undertaken, was a purely subscription-based game with a seven-day free trial capped at level 20, the vast majority of churners left long before they had to pay to keep playing. Our research was about in-game triggers for churn.
Behavioral studies show that casual players have a limited attention span. They might leave the game today, and tomorrow won’t even recall that it was ever installed and played. If a player left the game, we have to act immediately to get her back.
But how can we differentiate players who churned out of the game from casual players who just have plans for an evening and won’t log in for a while? The ideal way would be predicting the churn probability when the player is still in the game — even before she actually thinks about quitting the game.
Our goal was more realistic: to predict new players’ churn the day they logged in for the last time. We define churn as inactivity for 7 days, and the goal was not to wait for a whole week to be sure the player has left the game and won’t return, but instead to predict the churn right on their last day of play. We’d like to predict the future!
The Tech Side
We had tons of data. Fortunately, Aion has the best logging system I’ve ever seen in a Korean game: it traces literally every step and every action of the player. Data was queried for the first 10 levels, or about 10 gameplay hours, capturing more than 50 percent of all early churners.
It took two Dual Xeon E5630 blades with 32GB RAM, 10TB cold and 3TB hot storage RAID10 SAS units. Both blades were running MS SQL 2008R2 — one as a data warehouse and the other for MS Analysis Services. Only the standard Microsoft BI software stack was used.
Phase 1. I Know Everything!
Having vast experience as a game designer, with over 100 playtests under my belt, I was confident that my expertise would yield all the answers about churn. A player fails to learn how to teleport around the world — he quits. The first mob encountered delivers the fatal blow — she quits. Missed the “Missions” tab and wondered what to do next — a possible quit, also. Aion is visually stunning and has superb technology, but it’s not the friendliest game for new players.
So I put on my “average player” hat and played Aion’s trial period for both races with several classes, meticulously noting gameplay issues, forming a preliminary hypothesis list explaining the roots of churn:
oRace and Class. I assumed it would be the main factor, as the gameplay for the support-oriented priest radically differs from the powerful mage, influencing player enjoyment.
oHas the player tried any other Innova games? (We have a single account)
oHow many characters of what races and classes have been tried?
oDeaths, both per level and total, during the trial
oGrouping with other players (high level and low level)
oMail received and guilds joined (signs of a “twink” account run by a seasoned player)
oQuests completed, per level and total
oVariety of skills used in combat
The list was impressive and detailed, describing numerous many ways to divert the player from the game.
So let’s start the party. The first hypothesis went to data mining models. The idea is very simple: we predict the Boolean flag is leaver, which tells whether the player will leave today or keep enjoying the game at least for a while:
Lift Chart 101: The bottom straight line is a simple random guess. The upper skyrocketing line is The Transcendent One, who definitely knows the future. Between them is the pulsing thin line, representing our data-mining model. The closer our line is to The One, the better the prediction power is. This particular chart is for level 7 players, but the picture was the same for levels 2 to 9.
Fatality! Our first model barely beasts a coin toss as a method of predicting the future. Now it’s time to pump other hypotheses into the mining structure, process them, and cross our fingers:
Well, it looks better, but still, precision is just a bit over 50 percent, and the false positives rate is enormous, at 28 percent.
Precision and Recall 101: The higher the precision, the more true leavers the model detects. False positives are those players predicted as churners, when in reality they aren’t.
Phase 1 Result: All my initial ideas failed. Total disaster!
Phase 2. I Am a Total Noob
The first and simplest data-mining algorithm is naive Bayes, which is extremely human-friendly and comprehensible. It showed that the hypothesis metrics do not correlate with real churners. The second method, Decision Trees, revealed that a few of my ideas were actually quite useful, but not enough to boost the prediction precision to the top.
Data Mining algorithms 101: Naive Bayes is great at preliminary dataset analysis and highlighting correlations between variables. Decision Tree reduces the dataset into distinct subsets, separating the churners from happy players. These methods are both human-readable, but quite different in their underlying math and practical value. Neural Network is essentially a black box capable of taking complex variable relations into account, and producing better predictions, at the cost of being completely opaque for the developer.
I brainstormed with the Aion team, and we had a great time discussing our newbie players — who they are, how they play, and their distinct traits. We remembered how our friends and relatives first stepped into the game and how their experience was.
The result of this brainstorming session was a revised list of in-game factors affecting newbie gameplay (had she expanded the inventory size, bound the resurrection point, and used the speed movement scrolls?) and also the brilliant idea of measuring the general in-game activity of players.
We used the following metrics:
oMobs killed per level
oQuests completed per level
oPlaytime in minutes per level
By that time, we had also completely revamped the ETL part (extraction, transformation, and loading of data) and our SQL engineer made a sophisticated SSIS-based game log processor, focused on scalability and the addition of new game events from logs. Given the gigabytes of logs available, it was essential that we be able to add a new hypothesis easily.
New data was loaded and processed, models examined and verified, and results analyzed. For the sake of simplicity, I won’t post more lift charts, but instead only the refined results:
Level 9′s anomalous high precision was game-related at the time of research, so disregard that data.
At this stage, our models improved their prediction power — especially levels 2 to 4 — but 6 to 8 are still way too bad. Such imprecise results are barely usable.
Decision Tree proves that general activity metrics are the key prediction factors. In a sense, playtime per level, mobs killed per level, and quests completed per level metrics comprised the core prediction power of our models. Other metrics contributed less than 5 percent to overall precision. Also, the Decision Tree was rather short, with only two or three branches, which means it lacked the relevant metrics. It was also a mystery to me why all three algorithms have variable precision/recall rates from level to level.
Phase 2 Result: We’ve achieved considerable success with general activity metrics, as opposed to specific game content-related ones. While precision is still not acceptable, we’ve found the right method for analysis, using Bayes first and Tree afterwards.
Phase 3. On the Right Track
Inspired by visible improvements in the data mining results, I set up three development vectors: more general activity metrics, more game-specific metrics, and a deeper learning of the Microsoft BI tools.
Experimenting with general activity, we finally settled on the silver bullets:
oPlaytime at current level, previous level, and total during lifetime
oMobs killed per minute (current/previous/lifetime)
oQuests completed per minute (same)
oAverage playtime per play day
oDays of play
oAbsenteeism rate (number of days skipped during the seven day free trial)
Those metrics accounted for massive increase in recall rate (thus fewer false positives, which is great news!) Decision Tree finally started branching like there is no tomorrow. We also saw the unification of different data-mining algorithms for all levels, a good sign that the prediction process was stabilizing, and becoming less random. Naive Bayes was lagging behind the Tree and Neural by a whopping 10 percent in precision.
New individual metrics actually were quite a pain to manage. Manual segmentation for auto-attack use involved some math, and things like 75th percentile calculation in SQL queries. But we normalized the data, allowing us to compare the di the data mining models received category index data instead of just raw data. Normalized and indexed new individual metrics added a solid 3 to 4 percent to overall prediction power.
Combat 101: In online games, characters fight with skills and abilities. Auto-attack is the most basic, free action. Experienced players use all skills available and their auto-attack percentage will be lower — although game and class mechanics heavily influence this metric. In Aion, the median for mage is at 5 percent while the fighter is at 70 percent, and even within a single class, the standard deviation is still high.
The next move was reading the book Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 in search of tips and tricks for working with analysis services. The book itself was helpful for explaining the intricacies of Decision Tree fine-tuning, but it also led me to realize the importance of correct data discretization.
In the example above, we’ve manually achieved discretization of the auto-attack metric. The moment I started tinkering with the data, it became obvious that SQL Server’s automated discretization could and should be fine-tuned. Manually tuning the number of buckets heavily affects the Tree’s shape and precision (and that of other models too, for sure — but for the Tree, changes are most visible).
I’ve spent a whole week of my life tuning each of the 30+ dimensions for each of the nine mining structures (one stru nine levels total). Experimenting with the buckets revealed some interesting patterns, and the difference between seven and eight buckets could easily be a whopping 2 percent precision increase. For example, the mobs killed bucket count was settled at 20, total playtime at 12, and playtime per level at 7.
Fine-tuning yielded a great decrease in false positives, and boosted the Tree up to the numbers for Neural Net:
Phase 3 Result: Finally, we’ve got some decent figures, and we’ve also gathered a lot of interesting data about our players.
Phase 4. For the Win!
Frankly, I thought we’d hit the ceiling for accurate prediction. New metrics and hypotheses do not con the models are stable. 78 percent precision / 16 percent false positives is enough to start working on churn prediction.
Motivating these players with free subscriptions or valuable items probably won’t be efficient (taking into account the VAT tax associated with such gifts in Russia) but emailing these players couldn’t hurt, right?
An unexpected gift: As we were in our third month of the data-mining project, we realized the data might become outdated, as the game received several patches during that time.
Reloading the new, larger dataset for all three months, I noticed some changes in the lift charts. The data was behaving slightly differently, although the precision/recall stayed the same.
ETL procedures were rewritten from scratch again, and the whole three-month dataset was fed to the hungry data-mining monster.
At that time, processing time per level was less than a minute, so an increased dataset resulted in an acceptable 5 minute wait time. Unfortunately, all manual fine-tuning had to be redone, but look at the picture:
Increasing the dataset, we’ve hugely boosted the efficiency of the models!
For the first level, unfortunately, we can’t really do anything. As Avinash Kaushik would say, “I came, I puked, I left”. Those players left the game right after creating their character and we have few, if any, actions logged for them.
All those numbers above were historical data and a learning dataset for our precious mining models. But as I’m a v I want the battle-tested results! So we take fresh users, just registered today, and put them into the prediction model, saving the results. After seven days, we compare the week ago predicted churners with their real life behavior. Did they actually leave the game or not?
Our original goal — to predict players about to churn out of the game — was successfully achieved. With such high precision/recall we can be confident in our motivation and loyalty actions. And I remind you that these are just-in- at 5:30 am, models get processed, new churners are detected, and they’re ready to be incentivized the moment we come into the office in the morning.
Have we achieved our second goal, determining why players churn out? Nope. And that’s the most amusing outcome for me — knowing with very high accuracy when a player will leave, I still don’t have a clue why she will leave. I started this article listing hypothesizes about causes of players leaving the game early:
oRace and Class
oHas the player tried any other Innova games (We have a single account)
oHow many characters of what races and classes have been tried
oDeaths, both per level and total during the trial
oAnd many others
We have tested over 60 individual and game-specific metrics. None of them are critical enough to cause churn. None of them! We haven’t found a silver bullet — that magic barrier preventing players from enjoying the game.
The key metric in this research appears to be the number of levels gained during the first day of the trial. Fewer than seven levels — which represents about three hours of play — means a very high chance to churn out. The next metrics with high churn prediction powers are overall activity ones:
oMobs killed per levels
oQuests completed per levels
oPlaytime in minutes per levels
oPlaytime per day
It took us three months, two books, and a great deal of passion to build a data-mining project from scratch. Nobody on the team had ever touched the topic. On top of our robust but passive analytics system at Innova, we’ve made a proactive future predicting tool. We receive timely information on potential churners and we can give them highly personalized and relevant tips on improving their gameplay experience (all of those 60+ metrics provide us with loads of data).
The project was made for a specific MMORPG, Aion, but as you can see, a major contribution came from generic metrics approaches applicable to other games, and even general web services.
This was our very first data-mining project, finished in September 2011, and it has been rewritten completely since then, based on our current experiences with predicting the churn of experienced players, clustering and segmentation analysis, and a deeper understanding of our player base. So the data mining adventures are to be continued…()
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