
Welcome to this place. I hope that I could help you!The place is also for the people who like to help others.  Be frankly, my English also needs to be improved. But I will try my best to translate anything.  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  My work is a free one. My work time is 9:00- 17:30.  I will answer your questions during my worktime.
  你的下班时间是几点? 这句译下,谢谢!
  When do you usually leave your office? Translate it, thank you.
  When are you usually off/over your work in the afternoon?
  See you tommorrow! I'll off the work and go home.
  Why are you divorced?
  Why does the title become red? I'm puzzled.  (I am fresh here and not familiar with the rules. )  
  你们是怎么分手的?  How did you guys break up?  &Why are you divorced?& is too formal
  Thank you! I got it.
  hello,你昨天帮我翻的没翻译完。今天帮我翻完好不好?谢啦  改革开放20年来,伴随着国民经济持续快速增长,我国产业结构调整取得了显著成就。我国通过优先发展轻工业,扩大高档耐用消费品进口,加强基础产业、基础设施建设,大力发展第三产业第一系列政策和措施,使我国的产业结构逐渐趋于协调,并向优化和升级的方向发展。  Since the 20 years reform and opening up, with the rapid increase of national economy, the adjustment of industrial structure in our country has achieved great success. Through the policies and measures of giving the priority to the light industry, expanding the import of high level and durable consumables, enhancing the construction of the basic industries and ....
  舞泠风  正解!
  呵呵楼主帮帮忙哦`翻译论文都快癫掉了`!    研究证明,***依恋类型对其人格特质、亲密关系都有着影响。      
  Since the 20 years reform and opening up, with the rapid increase of national economy, the adjustment of industrial structure in our country has achieved great success. Through the policies and measures of giving the priority to the light industry, expanding the import of high level and durable consumables, enhancing the construction of the basic industries and infrastrctures and focusing on the development of the third industry, the industrial structures become more stable,optimized and upgraded.
  ***依恋 adult attachment   人格特质 personality trait  急~!谢谢
  Research shows the type too much relying on adults(***依恋型)exerts an influence on one's characteristics and the relationship with others.
  楼主好人!帮我翻译一下下面这段摘要,好不好??急用,在线等,谢谢了!!!!    根据天涯社区的现状,针对其现有功能模块中的不足,整理出以下3点想法。首先是采用将论坛帖子存为静态文件从硬盘直接读取的方式,来代替现有的数据库读取记录的方式,进而达到提高阅读帖子速度的改进;其次是在论坛引入图形验证码,来取代目前所实施的封IP的方式,来限制天涯灌水机对论坛的破坏;最后是通过对现有互联网即时聊天工具的分析,结合天涯社区的具体情况,提出开发天涯即时聊天工具的想法。
  Research shows adult attachment exerts an influence on personality trait and the relationship with others.  
  楼主,实在感谢了!!  这是我毕业论文的摘要,要求有中英文版本;我英语实在好差,麻烦你了!
  哦~~~楼主真高效啊!!非常感谢!!  还有一些
万分感谢~~    不同***依恋类型的个体在某 些人格特征上也有差异,并会持续一生。在***亲密行为系统中,依恋行为系统扮演了一个非常特殊的角色,它将终生左右着个体在亲密关系中的行为,不同的依恋类型在亲密关系中的表现行为有所差异,并且与爱情关系相关。      
  Be frankly,my English is also very limited. My translation is just for your information. Welcome the friends just like (舞冷风). Welcome everyone to point out my mistakes.    个人资料:05届上海理工 国贸系毕业生;大二通过cet 6,大三 获得中级口译资格***,以及高级口译(笔试)***。此后,英文水平直线下降。以前一直混迹于天涯鬼话,近日突然醒悟,希望能够和“英语杂谈”的朋友们一起努力。
  新马甲新,静态文件从硬盘直接读取,数据库读取记录,图形验证码,限制天涯灌水机,即时聊天工具    sorry, give me some words for infomation first.  I'll try it later.
  Love has its own time,season and reason!You can't ask it to stay,you can only embrace it as it comes and be glad that for a moment in you life it was yours  我女朋友叫我翻译的,说翻译不出就分手  汗啊``  求楼主大哥帮忙!!
  静态文件:static file (应该吧)  读取:就是读出数据或是取出数据  数据库:database  记录:record吧  验证码和灌水机,我就完全不知道怎么翻译了,楼主如果不清楚可以先用中文代替这两个词吧。    即时聊天工具:IM    谢谢楼主,继续等待。
  楼主好忙啊  继续等待 谢啦~
  thanks to cherry0792!    If need,I will leave msg!    Hope u remember my name and help me !:)    Wish u enjoy u here and get ur goal!    See u!  
  楼主实在感谢你!  因为中午就要交了,所以迫不及待的请你帮忙!    
  在***亲密行为系统中,依恋行为系统扮演了一个非常特殊的角色,它将终生左右着个体在亲密关系中的行为,不同的依恋类型在亲密关系中的表现行为有所差异,并且与爱情关系相关。        In the adult intimate behavior system, the attachment behavior system has acted an extremely special role, it life-long about individual in intimate relational behavior, different attachment style has a difference in the intimate relational performance behavior, and love relations correlation.        这是电脑翻译的 好怪异啊 真帮忙改正一下咯 ~  
  读取 = retrieve
  cherry0792这个账号居然一天只能发10贴。  不同***依恋类型的个体在某 些人格特征上也有差异,并会持续一生。  The influence of adult attachment is different according to the different condition of each person. And the influence will last for one’s life.  在***亲密行为系统中,依恋行为系统扮演了一个非常特殊的角色,它将终生左右着个体在亲密关系中的行为  In the adult intimate behavior system, the attachment behavior system plays an extremely important role and influences the behavior of each person in intimate relationship for one's life.  不同的依恋类型在亲密关系中的表现行为有所差异,并且与爱情关系相关。  The influence of different attachment styles on intimate relationship is different, but related with love.    
      作者:孤云断 回复日期: 10:40:25 
    Love has its own time,season and reason!You can't ask it to stay,you can only embrace it as it comes and be glad that for a moment in you life it was yours    我女朋友叫我翻译的,说翻译不出就分手    汗啊``    求楼主大哥帮忙!!  
  本公司拥有对本活动的最终解释权  Our company maintains the right of final explanation.
  Love has its own time,season and reason!You can't ask it to stay,you can only embrace it as it comes and be glad that for a moment in you life it was yours    爱情是有时间,季节和理由的。你不可能让爱停留,你只能在爱到来的时候,拥抱它。在你生命里的那个瞬间,你拥有了爱情,为此而高兴吧!
  楼主,现状可以帮我翻译吗??  急用,谢谢!!!!
  sorry!      根据天涯社区的现状,针对其现有功能模块中的不足,整理出以下3点想法。  The following three aspects are according to the shortages of functional module in current TianYa Suppositional Society.  首先是采用将论坛帖子存为静态文件从硬盘直接读取的方式,来代替现有的数据库读取记录的方式,进而达到提高阅读帖子速度的改进;  Firstly, in order to speed up the article reading, it’s better to save the articles as static file and retrieve them directly from HD(hard disk), instead of saving the articles as records and retrieving them from database.  
  非常感谢楼主!!  回头我给你送红包了……    在线等。
  不同***依恋类型的个体在某 些人格特征上也有差异,并会持续一生。  The influence of adult attachment style is different according to the different personality trait, and the influence will last for one’s whole life.     这样可以吗  再次多谢楼主~ :)
  『英语杂谈』 [翻译]请帮助翻译----天津市知识产权局 副局长      作者:要海的感觉 提交日期: 10:36:00     ??用于名片。用英文习惯用法。谢谢了。    作者:要海的感觉 回复日期: 10:39:48 
    谢谢了。     作者:要海的感觉 回复日期: 10:52:51 
    Intellectual Property Bureau, Deputy director general    还是;    ShangHai Intellectual Property Administration, Deputy Director General        ????    作者:要海的感觉 回复日期: 10:58:01 
    Intellectual Property Administration, Deputy Director General   作者:要海的感觉 回复日期: 12:01:07 
  吃饭去了  再来感谢下楼主~:)
  非常感谢楼主!!!    希望楼主可以帮我尽快翻译完成,那我就可以彻底完成我的毕业论文了。非常感谢楼主!!
  其次是在论坛引入图形验证码,来取代目前所实施的封IP的方式,来限制天涯灌水机对论坛的破坏;  Secondly, the introduction of the graphic inspection codes will be more effective than the current IP inspection style to decrease the damage of forum by (Tianya Inspection System).什么叫灌水机  啊?  最后是通过对现有互联网即时聊天工具的分析,结合天涯社区的具体情况,提出开发天涯即时聊天工具的想法。  Thirdly, put forward to develop the Tianya IM(instant messaging), which is on the basis of the current situation and the analysis of the existing internet IMs.      To 蓝草草, 我觉得可以的。比我翻得好!
  天津市知识产权局 副局长   Intellectual Property Bureau 我到google上查,两个都可以,但是这个用得频率高。  
  作者:一次性waistcoat 回复日期: 13:20:43    
    支持楼主。        现在上网速度太慢,从登陆天涯到成功打开这个帖子,足足用了25分钟。      如果你愿意的话,我转手给你一个ID,发帖无极限的那种。哈哈...      一会儿出去,即使你不嫌弃,想要的话,也只有晚上给你,下周一你拿到了.
  请帮忙译下这个单词“Polybag&  急用  谢谢!
  一次性waistcoat: 谢谢你,呵呵。我要那个id    Polybag: Poly polyethylene(聚乙烯缩写)  
  Love has its own time,season and reason!You can't ask it to stay,you can only embrace it as it comes and be glad that for a moment in you life it was yours    我女朋友叫我翻译的,说翻译不出就分手    汗啊``    求楼主大哥帮忙!!  Love has its own time,season and reason!You can't ask it to stay,爱,她轻轻的来拉,就象春天的风.    you can only embrace it as it comes 揉碎在你的怀里,    and be glad that for a moment in you life it was yours     沉淀在你的彩虹似的梦里.  Love has its own time,season and reason!爱是什么?    You can't ask it to stay,当你的哀求都换不回她的片刻的停留时,    NND    你必须死皮赖脸,    you can only embrace it as it comes 把她拥在怀里,抱到床上.    it was yours搞定以后.    and be glad that for a moment in you life 你就可以享受人生中的片刻快乐.             
  大侠,帮我看看这句话又该怎么翻译好不?谢啦谢啦谢啦  当前我国众多小型企业在产品成本、技术开发、市场促销等方面,难与具备规模经济效应的大企业抗衡,经过优胜劣汰,这种形势在家电行业中已十分明显。今后随着我国经济的全面工业化进程,市场自发改善资源配置、促使企业实现规模经济的趋势,会在更多行业中显现出来。
  当前我国众多小型企业在产品成本、技术开发、市场促销等方面,难与具备规模经济效应的大企业抗衡,经过优胜劣汰,这种形势在家电行业中已十分明显。今后随着我国经济的全面工业化进程,市场自发改善资源配置、促使企业实现规模经济的趋势,会在更多行业中显现出来.  At present, compared with the large corporations with scale advantages, the mass small enterprises in our countries are in very passive conditions in the aspects of product costs, technology upgrade, market promotion and so on. The above problem is obviously in the field of electrical appliances. In future, such problem will be obviously in more fields with the development of our economical industrialization and resources optimized relocation and the realization of the strengths of scale advantages.
  The user &comewithfriends& is also be prohibited today.  Maybe I am crazy today.    我要控诉:为了发帖,我居然在一天之内又注册了两个号码!有比这更聪明的方法吗?    我家没电脑,所以今天下班以后,我大概周一下午,或周二上来,因为周一通常较忙。我还欠着一份公司的简介(英译中)没翻。呵呵!没兴趣翻!下星期可能会忙一点,因为老板在!    希望大家一起来尝试翻译,互相学习吧!其实我的英文也不行!汗!
  Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing in India: A Human Resources Management Perspective    其中的Offshore Outsourcing 怎么翻译?
  Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing in India: A Human Resources Management Perspective      其中的Offshore Outsourcing 怎么翻译?    外包。100%正确。因为我翻不来,请教高手的。    
  What a jollification place! It seems Cherry founds herself here.
  Have a brief introduction: jacque_wr is my classmate and roommate in College.    As a white-collar, she is always busy.    Therefore,welcome her!    :D    
  即时通信系统软件可以说是目前我国上网用户使用率最高的软件,从新浪和网易为首的门户网站到阿里巴巴为代表的专业网站,从国内三大电信运营商到微软、雅虎、AOL等国外IM巨头,从一家独大的腾讯QQ到新兴的朗玛UC,都不约而同地汇聚即时通信市场。即时通信系统在如火如荼地发展壮大,本设计就是基于如此现状而提出。本设计主要用到了Windows Sockets 技术规范和客户机/服务器应用程序运行模型,以及采用Microsoft Visual C++应用程序开发平台。当用户凭借用户ID和密码登录系统时,系统首先检查用户是否存在。若不存在,则提供注册界面;若存在,则读入用户数据登录。登录成功后,则用户就可以使用系统拥有的功能,完成即时通信。若用户下线,则用户信息被保存下来,备用户下次登录使用。    制作本系统首先要实现服务器侦听和连接功能,服务器侦听到客户端的链接请求,然后和客户端建立连接。通过制定通信协议和通信信息结构,实现服务器和客户端通信通畅。然后是系统资源文件网络功能的实现,建立一个良好的系统用户交互界面。以便用户可以通过简单的操作实现系统的网络功能。   不好意思!搂主!   请你帮帮忙哦!
  不好意思,下星期吧!马上下班了!汗!希望其他朋友帮帮忙!    warm-hearted
  楼主好人!帮忙把我的论文摘要翻译以下! 谢谢!  【摘 要】:管理会计从二十世纪初开始产生,到七十年代从传统的会计系统中脱离出来,形成一门独立的学科,随着经济的发展在西方国家企业中得到了推广应用和发展。近十几年,西方管理会计学科又提出了许多新的管理会计理论和方法,从而使管理会计的研究领域和应用范围进一步扩大。我国学者于二十世纪八十年代初,在引进西方管理会计理论的基础上,开始对管理会计理论进行研究并取得了一定的成果,但与西方国家相比理论研究成果不多,其方法在国内企业中的应用较少,理论与实际差距较大,西方管理会计理论不能完全适应于我国企业。为此有必要加强我国管理会计理论研究与应用的对策,提高企业经济效益和社会效益。
  The origin of management accounting can be traced to early Twenty century.
By 1970s, economic developments and unprecedented management practices in the western countries led to the emergence of management accounting as an independent discipline from the conventional accounting systems.
Many recent innovative proposals of management accounting methods and theories expanded further in many research areas and applications. Studies of management accounting theories began twenty years ago in our country based on the imported western managmenent theories.
Limited progress and scarce enterprise applications have be accomplished so far compared to the leading industrial countries. It was suggested that western managmenet accounting was not suitable to Chinese industry and huge gap existed between theories and practices.
It is important to rejuvenate the strategies of research and development of management accounting to enhance the economic and social benefits.
  其中的Offshore Outsourcing 怎么翻译?  资源外流?
  &My work is a free one.&  cherry0792, I'm jealous of your job!
  飘过。。。    对翻译的准确性不作评论。
  作者:舞泠风 回复日期: 5:44:21 
    &My work is a free one.&    cherry0792, I'm jealous of your job!     ----------------------------------  ME TOO
  作者:舞泠风 回复日期: 5:43:22 
    其中的Offshore Outsourcing 怎么翻译?    资源外流?  --------  上面楼主说的比你的对,“境外外包”。
  请问 "需要一段过渡期"怎么翻译,先谢了
  楼主大人,敢问你是江西人??  请帮忙翻译一段,谢谢了  非常谢谢!!    
       “三农”问题之浅析    内容摘要:
“三农”问题即农业、农村和农民问题。20世纪90年代以来,“三农”问题被归纳到一起,作为一个整体问题提了出来,引起了政府和和社会各界的广泛关注;“三农”问题能否顺利解决直接影响到中国农业发展与社会经济的全面进步。本文从“三农”问题的由来入手,系统探讨了中国“三农”问题的五大成因:即制度原因---- 二元经济结构的转换迟滞与历史惯性;自身原因----农业弱质、农民弱势与农村弱位的三重制约;国情原因----人多地少的现实约束;政策原因----国民经济运行中的政府行为偏向;认识原因----对“三农”问题重要性缺乏战略认识和对农民认识存在偏颇,进而分析了“三农”问题的现状,从而为“三农”问题的解决提供了基本的理论前提和现实基础。最后寻找到一条解决“三农”问题的新思路----分而治之,统分结合,推行三化:即农业产业化,农村城镇化,农民非农化,三化并举,互动发展,加速“三农”问题的解决。   关键词;“三农”问题;二元结构;农业产业化;农村城镇化;农民非农化.      
  天涯的大虾也可以帮忙啊  非常谢谢了
  亲爱的楼主,帮我翻译一下着段吧,非常非常的感谢了 ,急用 ~    摘要     有史以?,竹子之于亚洲文化,有竹子自然分布的地方,都会把竹子的特性发挥的淋漓尽致。从日常生活的篮、?,到巨型结构的屋、船,甚至婚丧礼仪都与竹子扣上了紧密的关系。竹子是一种易降解可再生的绿色环保材料。本文客观分析了竹材的材料、结构、工艺及视知觉特征,并以新产品开发设计的角度,对竹材酒包装设计的设计可行性、设计基本属性、设计要点进行探讨,指出了竹材酒包装设计的方向。 就是着段 ~    谢谢,谢谢,谢谢你~!
  我修改下 ,是着段
,上段作废~辛苦了 。  LZ~    有史以?,竹材作为亚洲独有的资源具有明显的东方民族特征,有竹子自然分布的地方,都会把竹子的特性发挥的淋漓尽致。从日常生活的篮、?,到巨型结构的屋、船,甚至婚丧礼仪都与竹子扣上了紧密的关系。竹子是一种易降解可再生的绿色环保材料。本文客观分析了竹材的材料、结构、工艺及视知觉特征,并以新产品开发设计的角度,对竹材酒包装设计的设计可行性、设计基本属性、设计要点进行探讨,指出了竹材酒包装设计的方向
  & 请问 "需要一段过渡期"怎么翻译,先谢了&  need a transition period?
  thank you very much
  It's so generous of you!
  英语水平有限,实在翻译不下去了。请高手帮帮忙,不胜感激!  以下是正文内容,自己翻了一部分,有些牵强,有不合适的地方也请高手指出,最好能整段给翻译一下,先行谢过!!!    时至今日,公司的财务报表在经济社会中扮演的角色越来越重要,一个公司的生存经营状况往往可以从他的财务报表里得到反映,因此财务报表就成为了外界-公司的利益相关者了解公司的窗户,财务报表分析于是便成了了解公司并做出适当决策的重要手段.本文以万科企业股份有限公司为对象,按照财务分析的一般思路,利用其近五年财务报表所提供的信息,主要采用比率分析法和比较分析法对其财务状况和经营成果做出分析,具体说来就是从财务结构、偿债能力、盈利能力、经营能力、成长能力几个角度通过图表和文字解释较清晰的反映了万科公司的现有生存状况.  the financial statement of the company plays more and more important role in the economic society today, the existence condition of a company usually can reflect from his financial statement,so the financial statement become the way from which the external world- the benefits related can appreciate the company, the analysis of the financial statement hence become an important mean that make people understand company and then
make appropriate decision. According to the general way of thinking of the financial statement analysis, This text takes ten CHINA VANKE CORPORATION.LTMITTED as object, making use of the information provide by financial statement of rencent five years,
  14.2 下列情况下,本合同可以解除  14.2.1 甲、乙双方协议解除。  14.2.2 因不可抗力致使本合同目的无法实现或致使一方延迟履行义务达30天。  14.2.3 本合同一方有严重违约行为时,另一方有权提前三十天书面通知违约方终止本合同。  14.3 本合同终止时,甲方应按乙方的要求和本合同的规定完成已确认的订单的工作。  14.4 本合同的终止不影响有关加工费的结算、违约责任的追偿等条款的效力。  14.5 合同未期满而需提前终止合同的,应提前6个月以书面通知对方。  第十五条  不可抗力  15.1 本合同有效期内,乙方提供的原材料已交付给甲方后,如因不可抗力致使原材料或加工后的产品毁损、灭失的,甲方在取得该不可抗力为甲方不能预见、不能控制、不可避免的合法证明后,可免予承担责任。  15.2 由于不可抗力致使的原材料或加工后的产品的毁损、灭失发生于乙方迟延接受或无故拒收期间的,乙方应当承担责任,并赔偿甲方由此遭受的损失。    我没翻完的合同,对楼主来说应该是小菜一叠啦,多谢多谢!
  请楼主检查邮件,上周五下午已经给你发出。    另外,善意提醒一句:各位逮到热心人、活雷锋也不要一点也不心疼啊,楼主虽说工作不太忙,但想必也有自己的时间安排。拿到这儿的求译内容能尽量短还是短点吧。再者,帮你干完了,好好说声谢谢!
  看来我这部分挺难的,难倒了天涯高手了吧 !窃喜一下!  另外支持下楼上的,言之有理!楼上和楼主都是好人阿,赞一个!
  核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance),是指具有磁矩的原子核在静磁场中,受电磁波(通常为射频电磁振荡波RF)激发,而产生的共振跃迁现象,它在许多领域得到广泛应用。  目前多有介绍核磁共振的文章,但多限于基本原理式的科普文章,本文对其作进一步深化。核磁共振在我们的生活中常见应用医疗方面,故本文从对人体的核磁共振应用介绍了其物理学原理。  本文第一章介绍了在外磁场中氢核遵守拉莫尔方程而产生共振信号的核磁共振原理。第二章介绍了弛豫过程和弛豫时间。不同的氢核密度具有不同的弛豫过程和弛豫时间的,在实际应用中可以区分不同物质的种类。随后介绍了利用不同点的共振信号与位置坐标对应建立核磁共振成像的方法和核磁共振的一些应用。最后本文介绍了核磁共振在实际中的一些应用并对其前景展望。  核磁共振成像技术正在得到越来越多的应用,它甚至有助于揭开一些科学之迷,只有知道其基本原理才能知道怎样对其应用,这就是本文要做的。      
  It is really a good place!   i need your help!   4) From here, the machines start automatic actions and the mixed material is sent from Blend Feeder to Tower Chuter on top of Forming Machine.
When the upper section of Tower Chuter is full of material, feeding is automatically suspended and the machines wait until the forming process machines are started.
When the upper section of the tower gets empty of material, feeding from Blend Feeder starts again.    5) Under automatic operation, the machines will repeat actions described in Step 4) above.    
  This is about the operation manul of the equipment!
  This place is flooded.
  ?请问如果用在服装上面下面这段话应该怎么解释呢?    A-top,inerlock/drop needle    bollmer,interolck    B-top,interlock    short,interlock    上面这段好像是说A/B款衣服的面料要求    french terry-240gm/mz    white-220gm/mz    pointelle-220gm/mz    popcorn-220gm/mz    pique-220gm/mz    interlock-220gm/mz    这一段好像是说面料的克数要求,但是布的名字我不知道怎么叫。    谢谢大家帮忙!
  核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance),是指具有磁矩的原子核在静磁场中,受电磁波(通常为射频电磁振荡波RF)激发,而产生的共振跃迁现象,    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a physical phenomenon which resonance transition occurs when nuclei with magnetic induction are immersed in a static magnetic field and exposed to a second (radio-frequency) oscillating field.
One of the most common application of NMR is in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for medical diagnosis.     本文第一章介绍了在外磁场中氢核遵守拉莫尔方程而产生共振信号的核磁共振原理。    In Section I, the Larmor equation was introduced to elaborate the relationship between the angular frequency of a processing proton and the strength of the applied magnetic field.    第二章介绍了弛豫过程和弛豫时间。不同的氢核密度具有不同的弛豫过程和弛豫时间的,在实际应用中可以区分不同物质的种类。    In Section II, relaxation processes and relaxation time in resonance were introduced. The contrast of proton density is one of the techniques to characterize different tissues.    随后介绍了利用不同点的共振信号与位置坐标对应建立核磁共振成像的方法和核磁共振的一些应用。    The methods of systematic coordination of multiple resonance signals in MRI was presented, as well as their applications.      最后本文介绍了核磁共振在实际中的一些应用并对其前景展望。    Uses of nuclear magnetic resonance and its outlook was discussed in the last section.
  sorry, i am busy today.  Therefore, I choose something easy to do first.  Thanks to 一次性waistcoat.    4) From here, the machines start automatic actions and the mixed material is sent from Blend Feeder to Tower Chuter on top of Forming Machine. 从这儿开始,机器开始自动运行,混合好的原料从原料混合供应机里运送到位于成型机(forming machine)顶端的输入斜槽。  When the upper section of Tower Chuter is full of material, feeding is automatically suspended and the machines wait until the forming process machines are started. When the upper section of the tower gets empty of material, feeding from Blend Feeder starts again.当顶端的原料输入槽堆满了原料,原料供应机自动停止运行。此时,成型处理机开始运行,消耗原料。当顶端的原料槽里没有原料了,原料混合供应机又开始运行,输送原料。      5) Under automatic operation, the machines will repeat actions described in Step 4) above.  在自动操作下,机器会重复上述第4步所描述的整个运行过程  
  Tetu    You are my idol.
  i will wait for you alone.
  sorry cissy170! Your question is beyond my capability!  But I will try to find it on google tomorrow.    I also want to ask a question:    &Our position in supply channels of leading overseas semiconductor(半导体) maker! &  我司依靠全球半导体生产巨头的供货比例!    怎么翻更好?我翻的好像不通啊!
  “joykiller”有上下文吗?字面是&快乐杀手&。 也是一个乐队组合的名字(google 上搜的)
  he is a joykiller.he doesn`t like and can not bear entertainment...
  摘要    极限存在性问题是研究一切极限的前提,而极限的定义、单调有界数列必有极限、柯西收敛准则是极限存在性的重要依据.本文就讨论它们在此发面的应用以及其相互之间的联系.    关键词:收敛,柯西收敛准则,单调函数,有界.            1引言    极限是分析数学最基本的内容之一,极限存在性问题是研究一切极限问题的前提.本文通过极限的定义,柯西收敛准则,单调有界数列必有极限等定理讨论数列,函数,级数广义积分等基本数学问题的敛散性,并推广单调有界数列必有极限至函数领域,并探讨其与柯西收敛准则的联系    楼主这个怎么翻译  帮忙帮忙
  joykiller, 缺乏乐趣的人,没有幽默感的人    不喜欢也不能忍受享乐    下班!


