
小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Xuanwu lake park is located in the nanjing city.it is surround by the mountain and is facing the city. The zhongshan mountain is raising at the east side of the lake and the city is near the southeast side of the lake.At the south side of the lake ,the fugui mountain ,fuzhou mountain and jilong mountain stand side by side.which reflect the xiufeng tower between the city.At the north side of the lake ,the zhaoyang mountain and the mufu mountain is strecting&&away from the lake.along the lake ,there is dotted with the historic and scienic attractions,such as the towering city wall of ming dynasty,the beautiful jiuhua mountain and the antique jiming temple.
Xuanwu lake has many alternative names at the ancient time,like sangbo,moling lake ,houhu and kunming lake and so on.At the jing dynasty ,it was called beihu ,where it was used to train the marine.it was said that during the song dynasty of Southern and Northern Dynasties,a black dragon has been sawn in the lake,so the lake is called xuanwu lake.At the northen song dynasty ,the prime minister wanganshi carried out the new policies and the xuanwu lake was filled up to become the land,since then ,the xuanwu lake has dissappered.At the ming dynasty,emperor zhuyuanzhang built high city wall ,so the xuanwu lake was dredged as the natural moat.In 1911,the xuanwu lake is opened to the public as the park,since 1954,large-scale construction in xuanwu lake has began.
The area of the xuanwu lake is 476 hectares,over 70 percent is water,in the middle of the lake ,there are five little islands which called huanzhou,yingzhou ,liangzhou ,cuizhou and lingzhou.In the park,the pavilions, terraces and open halls are well arranged.The clouds and the mountains are reflected in the water.At the surface of the lake,the fish is diving in the water,the waterbirds are flying arcross the water face and the boats are curising on the lake. Each island has it’s own features,such as the willow in the huanzhou,the flower sea in the yingzhou,the Garcinia cowa in the cuizhou ,the autumn chrysanthemum in the liangzhou and the mountains in the lingzhou.
  玄武湖中分布有五块绿洲,形成五处景区。一为环洲,步入环洲,碧波拍浪。细柳依依,微风拂来,宛如烟云舒卷,故有“环洲烟柳”之称。其中,假山瀑布尽显江南园林之美,其中宋代花石纲的遗物太湖石组成的“童子拜观音”景点尤为壮观。二是樱洲,樱洲在环洲怀抱之中,是四面环水的洲中洲。洲上遍植樱花,早春花开,繁花似锦,人称“樱洲花海”。三为菱洲,洲东濒临钟山,有“千云非一状”的钟山云霞,故有“菱洲山岚”的美名。四为梁洲,梁洲为五洲中开辟最早、风景最胜的一洲。一年一度的菊展,传统而壮观,故有“梁洲秋菊”的美誉。五为翠洲,翠洲风光幽静,别具一格。长堤卧波 ,绿带燎绕。苍松、翠柏、嫩柳、淡竹,构成“翠洲云树”特色。
There are five little islands in the xuanwu lake ,so that forms five scenic spots.one is the huanzhou.when you walk into it,you can see the bluish wave laps on the rocks and the slight willows are around you.when the gentle breeze is stirring the leves,the willow’s long ,soft leaves are dancing follow the breeze ,It looks like the smoke are rising up from the ground,so the willows in huanzhou has gained the fame “the somking willow around huanzhou”.when you are walking in the huanzhou ,you can see the rock and the waterfall which represent the beauty of the garden on the Yangtze Delta.the spot ,”a boy is saluting to goddess kwan-in”,which is made of strange taihu stones since song dynasty,is most spectacular.The next is the yingzhou.yingzhou is encircled by huanzhou,it is surrounded by water.the Japanese oriental cherry tree(sacura) are spreaded all over the island.when the flower is blooming in the spring ,it looks like a piece of brocade.So the sacura in yingzhou is called “the yingzhou flower sea”.The third island is lingzhou.the east side of the island is on the verge of the zhongshang mountain. The clouds above the zhongshan mountain have various shapes,so it has the fame of lingzhou mountains. The fourth island is liangzhou . liang zhou is the earlist island to be developed. It also has the most beautiful scenery among the five islands. Once a year ,ther is hold a chrysanthemum exhibition. The exhibition is tranditional and sublime,so it gains the fame of the autumn chrysanthemum in the liang zhou. The fifth island is the cuizhou. The quiet scenery of cuizhou has a special scene. The long dike lies across the lake, the green belt wreathe the island. Green pines,verdant cypresses,green willows&&and phyllostachys glauca has formed the scenery of the Garcinia cowa in the cuizhou.
Among the five islands. There are bridges and dikes to connect them .each has it’s own characteristic. In xuanwu lake park,to visit the island on the water,on the pavements or in the air is avilable. You can travel across the water by speedboat,little rowboat and luxurious ferry.On the land ,you can travel across the park by Frenchy trainset.Sitting in the trainset ,you can enjoy youself comfortably and have a good view. In the air ,there is tour train that can circles the lake.Sitting in it ,you can enjoy the beauty of xuanwu lake by an air view.
Main scenic sopts
From xuanwu gate ,there is a land which is like jade belt. It extend thorough the lake from south and north sides. This is huanzhou. when you walk into it,you can see the bluish wave laps on the rocks and the slight willows are around you.when the gentle breeze is stirring the leves,the willow’s long ,soft leaves are dancing follow the breeze ,It looks like the smoke are rising up from the ground,so the willows in huanzhou has gained the fame “the somking willow around huanzhou”。At the south side of the island ,there are rocks and waterfall,which represent the beauty of the garden on the Yangtze Delta.Among the stones,there is a stone looks like goddess kwan-in.The stone is the relics of&&Huashigang in song dynasty.walking pass the kwan-in stone,you can see a cenopath of the writer guopui in east jing dynasty. At the northerly shore of the island,there is a port called lotus port.Near the lotus port,there is a lamasery and nouna tower.The beautiful scenery of lake and tower give people special nostalgic feelings.On the lake ,there are many recreation facilities such as china rose garden,Kiddies playground,children’s friendship playground,lunar rocket,and so on.
The east side of lingzhou is near the zhongshan mountain. It is at the centre of xuanwulake.As the zhongshan mountain is lingering the island,you can feel the fresh wind and saw the lake water poppling. In the past,lingzhou was wealthy in water caltrop.The clouds above the zhongshan mountain has various shapes,so it has the fame of lingzhou mountains.It owns the largest bird ecological garden in the country which has over two hundreds species of rarely birds and the total number of birds in the garden is ove ten thousands. Among them , dozens of bird species are under the first and second class of state protection .The bird ecological garden also has dozens species of oversea pricious birds.In the ecological garden,you can find many scenic points such as the bird talent show theatre,the peacock show pitch,large artificial waterfall,swan lake,madarin duck stream,ostrich garden,raptor garden,songbird garden and Kiddies’playing ground.When you walking around the ecological garden ,you can not only enjoy the beautiful rarely birds in nature and open the mind,but can enjoy the humor bird&&show in the bird talent show theatre.In the ecological garden ,there is a large three dimensonal patterre,two dragon play with a peal.one of the most interesting thing among the tourists is to feed the bird by their own hands. At the front gate of the bird ecological garden,you can see the clouds above the zhongshan mountain in the east. The scene of wumiao watergate near the liberation gate is quiet and beautiful,walking around there,you can feel pleasant.
Liangzhou locate at the northword of huanzhou . you can reach there by walking through the sweet bridge. Liang zhou is the earlist island to be developed among the five islands. It is also has the most beautiful scenery. Once a year ,ther is hold a chrysanthemum exhibition. The exhibition is tranditional and sublime,so it gains the fame of the autumn chrysanthemum in the liang zhou.In the island,there are many attractions such as baiyuan restruant,fishes enjoying pool,bonsai house,scenic spot visiting staircase,military reviewing platform,friendship hall,peony garden,wenji pavilion,lake god temple,brone hook well. There also have many recreation facilities in the island,like crazy mouse,bumper cars and autodorm.
Yingzhou is encircled by huanzhou,it has the fame of “yingzhou flower sea”. On the island,the cherry looks like fire and sunglow. When the gentle breeze blowing ,the sacura&&are flying in the sky.long corridor is zigzag and winding. The squre is covered with verdant grass. When the tourist is strolling&&in the verdant grass and the flower sea,he can feel carefree and happy,just like he would be walking into the fairyland. However ,who can imagine that the xuanwu lake has disappeared for several times in the history。At northen song dynasty,the prieme minister wanganshi filled the xuanwu lake to become the land,since then ,the xuanwu lake has dissappered for over two hundreds years.At early ming dynasty,xuanwu lake has became the royal forbidden area-the yellow book repository to storage the national census register and the recorders of all taxes.Though the yellow book repository was the miracle of world archive history,it made the xuanwu lake to become the forbidden area. It waw isolated with the outside world for over 260 years. After the sui and tang dynasty,the xuanwu lake gradually declined and once changed its name.“At the spring ,the only remains in the xuathe xanadu is buried under the hills,I lament the former prosperious of xuanwu lake on the boat.
Walking along the long dike ,and pass through the green bridge,you can reach the cuizhou.There are open-air music platform,cuihong hall,the former young’s home,water village club in the island. The quiet scenery of cuizhou has a special scene. The long dike lies across the lake, the green belt wreathe the island. Green pines,verdant cypresses,green willows&&and phyllostachys glauca has formed the scenery of the Garcinia cowa in the cuizhou.
篇一:游玄武湖星期四,我们春游玄武湖,这天,阳光灿烂,蔚蓝的天空中飘着朵朵白云,小鸟在树枝上叽叽喳喳地唱歌儿。进公园大门,玄武湖就出现在我们面前了,远处高高的紫金山和耸立在九华山上的宝塔,全都倒映在湖水里,好像一幅山水画,美极了。踏上堤岸,柳丝轻轻拂着我们的脸蛋,好像春姑娘在逗我们玩耍。我们拨弄着柳枝往前走,一片绿绿荫荫的树映在湖中。一艘快艇从湖那面疾驶而来,带起一股股浪花,快艇的前头像开放着一朵白色的菊花,后面形成了一条长长的水道。开快艇的叔叔穿着一身红衣服。那红红的人影刹那间就成了一个红点,速度快极了。太阳照在水面上,闪烁着点点金光。白鹅一样的脚踏船飘飘荡荡地从拱型桥洞里浮过来,我们向船上的叔叔阿姨招手,他们也向我们摆手微笑。在动物园门前的草地上。有一座神气活现的双龙戏珠的塑像。两条挺胸昂首的龙全身青青的,原来它们是用花草堆砌而成的,不是说龙有鳞片吗?像鱼一样。老师笑着说,是春姑娘给它们穿上了绿衣裳的。动物园的猴山上,许多猴子在玩耍嬉戏。一个穿夹克衫的叔叔用香烟壳做成了花扔到它们那里,一只机灵的小猴子拾起来举在手里对我们挥舞着,那样子可有意思呢。春天到了,玄武湖也脱去冬装,换上了绿色的衣裳。它真美啊!篇二:春天的玄武湖_900字烂漫的春光阳光明媚,百花盛开,白云悠悠,鸟语花香。冬爷爷刚迈着蹒跚的步伐离去,春姑娘就迫不及待的来和大家见面了。今天我游览了如仙镜一般的玄武湖。(中国中小学教学网 )春天里的玄武湖显得格外秀美。刚进入玄武湖公园,映入眼帘的便是别有情意的玄武湖。岸边游人如织,但在湖里划船的并不多,似乎大家都想看轻舟荡漾在湖水上的那番诗情画意吧!这时我对湖上情景有了兴趣。放眼望去,湖面上没有一丝风,证实了“潭面无风镜未磨”这首古诗,它平的可以在上面溜冰;一阵风吹过,湖面漾起了涟漪,像老婆婆头上的皱纹一般,凹凸不平;这时飞来了一只调皮的燕子,拂过湖面,轻点尾翼,好似在显示自己的飞速,一碰上湖面,湖面又漾起了一圈又一圈的波纹,“轰隆隆”一阵马达的声音进入我的耳朵,我寻声望去:一位熟练的驾驶员,在湖面上展示自己的水平,在发动机后面,溅起的水花在阳光的照耀下,照映出让人陶醉的彩虹。看到这里,一股暖流钻进了我的心房,使我全身充满了享受!我也坐上船,驶向湖心,在行驶过程中,我扭头向湖水看去,看着看着让我有一种如痴如醉之感。湖水清澈见底,瞧,水里的游鱼、水草,可以看得一清二楚。鱼儿在茂密的水草之间自由自在地游来游去。看到这,我不禁想起了汉乐府的《江南》:“鱼戏水草间,鱼戏水草东,鱼戏水草西,鱼戏水草南,鱼戏水草北。”大家可能会想不是“莲叶”吗?其实这是我改编的。看,那几只顽皮的鱼儿竟对我吐了几个泡泡,也许,它们是看到我脸上的惊讶表情开心的游走了,也许,它们是在窃喜吧;那边,一只水鸟带着它的孩子在湖中觅食,可能打大水鸟是长者,先觅到一条肥鱼,便个自己的孩子们吃,孩子们吃到了肥鱼,个个扑棱着翅膀,飞出水面,还不时发出叫声。我的脑海里显现出一幅温馨的母爱图片,母爱的温暖久久包裹着我。我对玄武湖湖边有着更高的快慰。空地上有几棵遒劲的柳树,千百条柔柳在春风中舒展出嫩绿的柳叶,那长长的柳枝犹如新疆姑娘的小辫子,显得婀娜多姿。树旁几只蝴蝶翩翩起舞,尽情的挥洒着自己的欢乐……虽然玄武湖没有庐山的云雾缭绕,没有戈壁滩的飞沙走石,也没有北京故宫的红墙碧瓦,但它有与众不同的格调清雅。这次在玄武湖,可让我大饱眼福了一番。啊!生气盎然的春天让人***。篇三:秋天的玄武湖知了的叫声渐渐远去了,秋天的脚步正向我们走来。迎着凉爽的秋风,我来到了美丽的玄武湖公园。一进玄武湖公园,我看见人们已经换下了单薄的衣服,换上了暖和的秋装。忽然,我闻到了一阵阵香味,我随着香味来到了美丽的花坛。一朵朵、一簇簇的菊花都向我张开了笑脸。有的含苞欲放、有的初放、还有的怒放。菊花的颜色各不相同,有金灿灿、有红彤彤的、有白花花、还有晶莹剔透。近看菊花,像毛线球一样,花瓣可以说是数不胜数,它们就像兄弟姐妹一样拥抱在一起,围着一个害羞的小姑娘??花心。我发现外面的花瓣是卷着的,而里面的花瓣是展开的。外面的花瓣好像是护卫,里面像女神。我轻轻地摘下一片花瓣,拿到眼前仔细观察起来,只见花瓣上面是尖尖的,中间是鼓鼓的,最下面同样是尖尖的。再看看它的叶子像人的手掌,不过只有三个指头。叶子周围没有锯齿,摸起来毛茸茸的。再往前走,我就到了玄武湖的湖边。秋风吹来,为湖水穿上了百褶裙。清澈的湖水中有一群群鱼儿自由自在地畅游着。它们有的三五成群,追逐嬉戏,好像顽皮的孩童;有的二鱼结伴,碰碰头再碰碰尾,好像一对对情侣卿卿我我;有的独自一人,好像遇到了什么伤心事……秋天是迷人的,让我们丢掉烦恼,丢掉忧愁,放松一下,漫步秋天的公园去享受吧!篇四:玄武湖游玩记星期天上午,我和爸爸妈妈一起来到玄武湖看荷花!从中央门入口进入,首先映入眼前的是一大片荷花,粉的、玫红的、白色的,一朵朵,一片片争相开放,美不胜收!我和妈妈直喊,今天来对了,虽然天气闷热,我们三人个个满头大汗,可此时看到这一大片荷花,全然忘记了天气的炎热,和妈妈一起拍着这美丽的景色!我们沿着湖边一边走,一边拍,兴致高涨!妈妈说:&荷花是出淤泥而不染。”我问妈妈是什么意思。妈妈说:“你看这荷花的根是长在淤泥里,而不被淤泥污染,冰清玉洁,芳香四溢,所以说是出淤泥而不染。”噢,原来是这个意思呀!我懂了!和爸爸妈在一起玩真得很开心!
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玄武湖的春夏秋冬 杨成 600字
位于东北城墙外有一个景色宜人的地方———闻名中外的玄武湖。 我非常喜欢玄武湖的景色,它的一年四季都是那么的美,各有一番不同的韵味。 春天的玄武湖别有一番景色。二月的时候,春风轻轻地吹拂着,吹长了玄武湖岸边的柳条,吹开了色彩鲜艳的花朵的笑脸,也吹破了玄武湖平静的湖面,荡荡起层层的涟漪,连草宝宝也钻出了地面伸起了懒腰。小鸟先生站在岸边的柳树上叽叽喳喳的唱着,似乎在一展它的歌喉,蝴蝶姐姐也在花丛中为它的歌声翩翩起舞。这美丽和谐的画面全都融进了玄武湖的春景里。 烈日炎炎的夏天,玄武湖的湖面上却送来阵阵凉风,舒服极了。那时的荷花都开成了粉红色,在阳光的照耀下显得特别娇艳美丽,好看极了,就像一幅美丽的画卷展开在玄武湖的湖面上。 秋天来了,玄武湖岸边的树叶也变色了,风姑娘走过的时候带走了一片片的落叶。树叶纷纷落了下来,像一只只蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞,有的落在湖面上轻轻地摇曳着,像是在和玄武湖嬉戏的顽皮孩子,为玄武湖增添了另一番色彩。 冬天的玄武湖显得特别的安静,湖面上了结了一层厚厚的冰,好像一面银光闪闪的镜子。雪花纷纷落下的时候,仿佛是在给玄武湖穿了一件白色的外套。 风景如画的玄武湖,不愧为南京的一大风景名胜!
玄武湖的春夏秋冬 杨成 600字
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