求汉化版school days汉化版和summ...

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Weekender Girl!
=2000){window.open('/mypoco/myphoto//7.jpg');}" onload="if(this.width>2000){this.width=2000;this.style.cursor='pointer';}if(this.height>400){this.height=400;this.style.cursor='pointer';}" onmousewheel="return show_img(event,this)" />=2000){window.open('/mypoco/myphoto//_000.jpg');}" onload="if(this.width>2000){this.width=2000;this.style.cursor='pointer';}if(this.height>400){this.height=400;this.style.cursor='pointer';}" onmousewheel="return show_img(event,this)" />
8主题 74存在感 237活跃日
1主题 16存在感 0活跃日
引用第4楼lisjiang于 14:14发表的“”:我汗,速度不上20K,3G多的东东,下到何年何月啊!不过我忍...其实这个东西去年我就下好了~不过刚刚看到N天前就求这个东西的朋友还在找~所以就翻了一下箱底啦~ftp的下载速度还是不错的,最低也有50K~BT我就没测试啦~不要抱太大希望~
9主题 71存在感 128活跃日
谢谢LZ了~以前收过SUMMER DAYS的,今天把这个也给补完了~
=2000){window.open('/albums/k505/gelimiou/4dbccd50.jpg');}" onload="if(this.width>2000){this.width=2000;this.style.cursor='pointer';}if(this.height>400){this.height=400;this.style.cursor='pointer';}" onmousewheel="return show_img(event,this)" />スフィア俺の嫁
3主题 157存在感 98活跃日
69主题 314存在感 142活跃日
151主题 129存在感 5活跃日
引用第6楼gelimiou于 14:18发表的“”:谢谢LZ了~以前收过SUMMER DAYS的,今天把这个也给补完了~SUMMER DAYS和SCHOOL DAYS不一样的吗?没玩过游戏希望LZ弄个网盘下载,BT下载慢了!!!!!
=2000){window.open('http://s8.hk/5u11');}" onload="if(this.width>2000){this.width=2000;this.style.cursor='pointer';}if(this.height>400){this.height=400;this.style.cursor='pointer';}" onmousewheel="return show_img(event,this)" />=2000){window.open('http://s8.hk/5u12');}" onload="if(this.width>2000){this.width=2000;this.style.cursor='pointer';}if(this.height>400){this.height=400;this.style.cursor='pointer';}" onmousewheel="return show_img(event,this)" />=2000){window.open('http://s8.hk/5u14');}" onload="if(this.width>2000){this.width=2000;this.style.cursor='pointer';}if(this.height>400){this.height=400;this.style.cursor='pointer';}" onmousewheel="return show_img(event,this)" />
1主题 16存在感 0活跃日
引用第10楼taylorcarl于 14:30发表的“”:SUMMER DAYS和SCHOOL DAYS不一样的吗?没玩过游戏.......Summer days和School days当然不一样啦~我也想弄网盘,可是我家ADSL上网,上传速度最高64K。。。
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Copyright &
Based on phpwind, SOSG code.2017& “第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分第一节任...”习题详情
第四部分&写作(共两节,满分35分第一节&任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词,请将***写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。President Barack Obama shouldn’t be surprised if his approval rating among students has plummeted( 陡然变差 ). In a recent speech about US education, he called for extending the school day and year. "The challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom. Why more time? Because US students are falling behind students in other countries," he said.More schoolUS schools need to lengthen school days and the school year. If we intend to stay competitive with the rest of the world on test scores and in the job market, we need to add classroom hours and get rid of summer break almost entirely. As President Obama said. South Korean students spend mere than a month longer in school -- and achieve better results than us.The current two-term school year and the school days that form it were developed based on an old system of agriculture. The long summer break allowed children to be home to help tend the fields. It is not necessary anymore. It may not be popular to cut summer break or extend school days, but that’s the only way to improve US education and get back the American jobs lost to foreign countries.Home TimeAdding school hours won’t solve the problems with our school system. The USA is different from other countries. US families have full schedules, with participation in sports, community groups, and other interests. In places such as South Korea, where only several hours of a day aren't spent on school work, children don t have time to participate in many of those activities.Giving kids time outside of school allows them to grow in other areas. That’s just as important as learning fractions (分数). Fingers shouldn't be pointed at the school year for being too short, but at teachers and schools that don't challenge their students and just pass kids along to the next grade. We do need to hold ourselves accountable for an education system falling behind other countries, but we also need a solution that actually works.Title:&&&&&&Should school hours
be& 76&& ?Barack Obama's ideas
arouse a& 77US students
need& 78& time to keep up with students in other countries.Different opinions79& views★A To
keep&& 80 in the world a★A The long summer
break is& 81 ;★A Adding school
hours is the only& 82&& to improve US education.Objectors’ views★A Adding school
hours isn't a& 83& to the problems wi★A Giving kids enough&&
84 time allows them to★A What actually
needs to be done is to&& 85 the current education system76. lengthened / extended 77. debate / discussion 78. more 79. Supporters' 80. competitive 81. unnecessary 82. way 83. solution 84. after-school 85. change&
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词,请将***写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。President Barack Obama shouldn’t be surprised if his approval rating among students has plummeted( 陡然变差 ). In a recent speech about US education, he called for extending the school day and year. "The challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom. Why more time? Because US students are falling behind students in other countries," he said.More schoolUS schools need to lengthen school days and the school year. If we intend to stay competitive with the rest of the world on test scores and in the job market, we need to add classroom hours and get rid of summer break almost entirely. As President Obama said. South Korean students spend mere than a month longer in school -- and achieve better results than us.The current two-term school year and the school days that form it were developed based on an old system of agriculture. The long summer break allowed children to be home to help tend the fields. It is not necessary anymore. It may not be popular to cut summer break or extend school days, but that’s the only way to improve US education and get back the American jobs lost to foreign countries.Home TimeAdding school hours won’t solve the problems with our school system. The USA is different from other countries. US families have full schedules, with participation in sports, community groups, and other interests. In places such as South Korea, where only several hours of a day aren't spent on school work, children don t have time to participate in many of those activities.Giving kids time outside of school allows them to grow in other areas. That’s just as important as learning fractions (分数). Fingers shouldn't be pointed at the school year for being too short, but at teachers and schools that don't challenge their students and just pass kids along to the next grade. We do need to hold ourselves accountable for an education system falling behind other countries, but we also need a solution that actually works.Title:Should school hours
be 76 ?Barack Obama's ideas
arouse a 77US students
need 78 time to keep up with students in other countries.Different opinions79 views★A To
keep 80 in the world a★A The long summer
break is 81 ;★A Adding school
hours is the only 82 to improve US education.Objectors’ views★A Adding school
hours isn't a 83 to the problems wi★A Giving kids enough
84 time allows them to★A What actually
needs to be done is to 85 the current education system”的***、考点梳理,并查找与习题“第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词,请将***写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。President Barack Obama shouldn’t be surprised if his approval rating among students has plummeted( 陡然变差 ). In a recent speech about US education, he called for extending the school day and year. "The challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom. Why more time? Because US students are falling behind students in other countries," he said.More schoolUS schools need to lengthen school days and the school year. If we intend to stay competitive with the rest of the world on test scores and in the job market, we need to add classroom hours and get rid of summer break almost entirely. As President Obama said. South Korean students spend mere than a month longer in school -- and achieve better results than us.The current two-term school year and the school days that form it were developed based on an old system of agriculture. The long summer break allowed children to be home to help tend the fields. It is not necessary anymore. It may not be popular to cut summer break or extend school days, but that’s the only way to improve US education and get back the American jobs lost to foreign countries.Home TimeAdding school hours won’t solve the problems with our school system. The USA is different from other countries. US families have full schedules, with participation in sports, community groups, and other interests. In places such as South Korea, where only several hours of a day aren't spent on school work, children don t have time to participate in many of those activities.Giving kids time outside of school allows them to grow in other areas. That’s just as important as learning fractions (分数). Fingers shouldn't be pointed at the school year for being too short, but at teachers and schools that don't challenge their students and just pass kids along to the next grade. We do need to hold ourselves accountable for an education system falling behind other countries, but we also need a solution that actually works.Title:Should school hours
be 76 ?Barack Obama's ideas
arouse a 77US students
need 78 time to keep up with students in other countries.Different opinions79 views★A To
keep 80 in the world a★A The long summer
break is 81 ;★A Adding school
hours is the only 82 to improve US education.Objectors’ views★A Adding school
hours isn't a 83 to the problems wi★A Giving kids enough
84 time allows them to★A What actually
needs to be done is to 85 the current education system”相似的习题。


