bob男性男性暴露狂j/j勃起图片 暴露

>> Int.&J&Impot.&Res.:开心果可增强男性勃起功能
据报道,ED(勃起功能障碍Erectile Dysfunction)男子每天中午服用100克开心果,正常饮食不变,3周后国际勃起功能指数(IIEF)明显增高,具有非常显著的临床意义,而且血脂参数没有任何改变,所以既能增强勃起功能,也没有任何不良反应。此项研究成果发表在《国际阳痿研究杂志》(International Journal of Impotence Research)上。
我国古代医家对开心果的食疗保健功效早有认识,如元代太医忽思慧认为开心果具有“调中顺气”的功效,即可以理气开郁,让人保持心情愉快。明代医家李时珍认为开心果可以“去冷气、令人肥健”,“治腰冷”,“房中术多用之”,提示开心果具有很好的补肾壮阳功能。清代医家赵学敏认为开心果可“滋肺金、定喘急、久食利人”。可见,开心果不仅可以理气开郁,让人保持心情愉快,而且还具有很好的补益肺肾的作用。(生物谷 )
Pistachio diet improves erectile function parameters and serum lipid profiles in patients with erectile dysfunction
M Aldemir, E Okulu, S Neşelioğlu, O Erel and &O Kayıgil
We investigated the effects of Antep pistachio on International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores, penile color Doppler ultrasound (PCDU) parameters and serum lipid levels in patients with ED. A total of 17 married male patients with ED for at least 12 months were included in this prospective study. Patients were put on a 100 g pistachio nuts diet for 3 weeks. IIEF and PCDU were evaluated before and after the pistachio diet. In addition, plasma total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglyceride were measured before and after dietary modifications from all subjects. Mean IIEF-15 score was 36±7.5 before the diet and 54.2±4.9 after the diet (P=0.001). Similarly, an increase in all five domains of IIEF was observed after the diet (P&0.05). Mean peak systolic velocity values before and after the pistachio diet were 35.5±15.2 and 43.3±12.4 cm s-1, respectively (P=0.018). After the pistachio diet, TC and LDL levels decreased significantly, whereas HDL level increased (P=0.008, 0.007 and 0.001, respectively). We demonstrated that a pistachio diet improved IIEF scores and PCDU parameters without any associated side effects in patients with ED. Furthermore, the lipid parameters showed statistically significant improvements after this diet.
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