dnf qqlogin.exe应用程序错误 “0x05067508” 0x10008000指令引用的的...

23.62G 类型:角色扮演语言:英文时间:日
1.17G 类型:动作冒险语言:中文时间:日
周热门大作DNFQQLogin Microsoft 基础类应用程序停止工作 - Microsoft Community
5173 次浏览
DNFQQLogin Microsoft 基础类应用程序停止工作
每次要登录 游戏的时候都有,还有我升级IE9的时候一直出现 无法***KB2028551&
&&&& 还有到现在为止都没有***成功,顺序都是按照官网说的麻烦看下
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.062: Started:
(Y/M/D) 00:07:12.884 (local)
00:00.078: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.093: Command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe"&
00:00.125: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.156: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.171: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.187: INFO: & &...and
00:00.203: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.234: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.249: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.374: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.421: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.983: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:01.357: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:01.529: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:01.653: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:01.685: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.716: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.747: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.825: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.856: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:02.543: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
05:00.832: INFO: & &The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
05:00.879: INFO: & &No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
05:00.988: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x00182a98 returned 0x.
05:02.158: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
05:02.189: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
05:02.220: INFO: & &Installing with the downloaded package. C:\windows\TEMP\IE9AB20.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
05:02.954: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE9AB20.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
05:16.198: INFO: & &Process exit code 0x098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
05:16.261: ERROR: & Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x098)).
05:16.495: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE9AB20.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
05:18.523: INFO: & &Process 'C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE9AB20.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
05:18.554: ERROR: & Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
05:18.585: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
05:18.616: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
05:18.647: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
05:19.147: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
05:26.042: INFO: & &An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information. &Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
05:26.104: INFO: & &Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\windows\TEMP\IE9AB20.tmp
05:26.260: INFO: & &Unable to remove directory C:\windows\TEMP\IE9AB20.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
05:26.338: INFO: & &Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.062: Started:
(Y/M/D) 00:54:39.914 (local)
00:00.078: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.094: Command line: "D:\QMDownload\SoftMgr\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs_10.14.exe"&
00:00.109: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.125: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.140: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.172: INFO: & &...and
00:00.187: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.203: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.218: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.234: ERROR: & === FindResource (6006,"IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab") failed with 0x716
00:00.250: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.265: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.484: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.515: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.530: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:00.546: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:00.562: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.608: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.624: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.671: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.702: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.576: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:02.792: INFO: & &The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:02.824: INFO: & &No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:02.917: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:04.259: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:04.290: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:04.306: INFO: & &Installing with the downloaded package. C:\windows\TEMP\IE95E9.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:04.867: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE95E9.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:18.611: INFO: & &Process exit code 0x098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
00:18.720: ERROR: & Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x098)).
00:18.892: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE95E9.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:21.325: INFO: & &Process 'C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE95E9.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:21.357: ERROR: & Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:21.388: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:21.388: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.419: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:21.778: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
00:36.691: INFO: & &Link clicked, opening URL in new window:'/fwlink/?LinkID=200540'
00:37.924: INFO: & &Link clicked, opening URL in new window:'/fwlink/?LinkID=200540'
00:47.034: INFO: & &An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information. &Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:47.081: INFO: & &Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\windows\TEMP\IE95E9.tmp
00:47.159: INFO: & &Unable to remove directory C:\windows\TEMP\IE95E9.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
00:47.237: INFO: & &Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.047: Started:
(Y/M/D) 07:51:31.788 (local)
00:00.078: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.094: Command line: "C:\Program Files\360\360Safe\hotfix\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe" /quiet /norestart
00:00.109: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.156: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.172: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.187: INFO: & &...and
00:00.203: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.219: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.234: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.328: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.375: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.983: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.999: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:01.030: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:01.045: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:01.061: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.092: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.108: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.123: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.170: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.514: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
01:14.865: INFO: & &The neutral package failed to download. &Error: 0x)
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.094: Started:
(Y/M/D) 08:21:28.246 (local)
00:00.110: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.125: Command line: "C:\Program Files\360\360Safe\hotfix\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe" /quiet /norestart
00:00.141: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.156: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.172: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.203: INFO: & &...and
00:00.219: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.234: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.250: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.312: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.359: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.780: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.812: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.827: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:00.843: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:00.858: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.921: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.968: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.061: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.092: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:02.746: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:16.443: INFO: & &The neutral package failed to download. &Error: 0x800c0085)
00:16.459: INFO: & &The neutral pack was not successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the extracted package.
00:16.490: INFO: & &The no reboot policy and supplemental files failed to download correctly. Wait return value was 0x)
00:17.831: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x003c2950 returned 0x.
00:19.189: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:19.220: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:19.235: INFO: & &Installing with the extracted package. C:\windows\TEMP\IE96769.tmp\IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab
00:19.532: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE96769.tmp\IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab /quiet /norestart
00:42.667: INFO: & &Process exit code 0x098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
00:42.760: ERROR: & Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x098)).
00:43.150: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE96769.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:45.958: INFO: & &Process 'C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE96769.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:46.021: ERROR: & Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:46.083: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:46.177: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:46.302: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:46.426: ERROR: & Couldn't create setup troubleshooting shortcut on the desktop. HRESULT: 0x,
00:46.520: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
00:46.582: INFO: & &An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information. &Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:46.629: INFO: & &Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\windows\TEMP\IE96769.tmp
00:46.738: INFO: & &Unable to remove directory C:\windows\TEMP\IE96769.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
00:46.816: INFO: & &Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.062: Started:
(Y/M/D) 18:46:39.867 (local)
00:00.094: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.125: Command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe"&
00:00.156: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.203: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.250: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.281: INFO: & &...and
00:00.312: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.359: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.390: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:01.092: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:01.201: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:01.934: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:01.966: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:01.997: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:02.012: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:02.044: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:02.090: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:02.137: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:02.200: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:02.215: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:07.629: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:10.374: INFO: & &Link clicked, opening URL in new window:'/fwlink/?LinkID=190256'
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.046: Started:
(Y/M/D) 18:56:08.458 (local)
00:00.062: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.093: Command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe"&
00:00.124: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.140: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.171: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.187: INFO: & &...and
00:00.218: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.249: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.280: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:00.405: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:00.436: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:00.842: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:00.858: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:00.873: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:00.904: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:00.920: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.936: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.951: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.967: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:00.998: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:01.294: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
02:09.980: INFO: & &The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
02:10.011: INFO: & &No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
02:10.089: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x004c2980 returned 0x.
02:10.401: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
02:10.432: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
02:10.448: INFO: & &Installing with the downloaded package. C:\windows\TEMP\IE9F93C.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
02:10.791: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE9F93C.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
02:20.650: INFO: & &Process exit code 0x098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
02:20.697: ERROR: & Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x098)).
02:20.900: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE9F93C.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
02:23.708: INFO: & &Process 'C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE9F93C.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
02:23.739: ERROR: & Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
02:23.754: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
02:23.770: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
02:23.801: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
02:25.018: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
09:12.555: INFO: & &An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information. &Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
09:12.586: INFO: & &Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\windows\TEMP\IE9F93C.tmp
09:12.649: INFO: & &Unable to remove directory C:\windows\TEMP\IE9F93C.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
09:12.711: INFO: & &Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.063: Started:
(Y/M/D) 19:30:26.398 (local)
00:00.094: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.125: Command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\IE9-Windows7-x86-chs.exe"&
00:00.156: INFO: & &Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.
00:00.203: INFO: & &Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.
00:00.250: INFO: & &Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...
00:00.312: INFO: & &...and
00:00.344: INFO: & &Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.390: INFO: & &iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.453: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:02.949: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: ) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"
00:03.058: INFO: & &Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"
00:04.337: INFO: & &Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600
00:04.384: INFO: & &Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:04.415: INFO: & &Service pack major: 0
00:04.431: INFO: & &Service pack minor: 0
00:04.462: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:04.509: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:04.587: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:04.680: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:04.696: INFO: & &Version Check of C:\windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1. &= 6.1. (True)
00:05.913: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:37.534: INFO: & &The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:37.565: INFO: & &No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:37.612: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x004c2980 returned 0x.
00:38.111: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:38.127: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:38.143: INFO: & &Installing with the downloaded package. C:\windows\TEMP\IE96F74.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu
00:38.533: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE96F74.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB.cab /quiet /norestart
00:52.073: INFO: & &Process exit code 0x098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
00:52.136: ERROR: & Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x098)).
00:52.354: INFO: & &Launched package installation: C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE96F74.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:54.601: INFO: & &Process 'C:\windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\windows\TEMP\IE96F74.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart' exited with exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:54.632: ERROR: & Language package installation failed (exit code = 0x800f081e ()).
00:54.663: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x800f081e returned 0x.
00:54.694: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:54.757: INFO: & &No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x returned 0x.
00:55.115: INFO: & &PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
00:57.549: INFO: & &An unknown error occurred. Check the return value online as a Windows Error Value for more information. &Setup exit code 0x800F081E (-)
00:57.580: INFO: & &Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\windows\TEMP\IE96F74.tmp
00:57.658: INFO: & &Unable to remove directory C:\windows\TEMP\IE96F74.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
00:57.721: INFO: & &Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex
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